
  • Common/All
  • Android/JVM

Contains the default values used by Switch


Public functions

    checkedThumbColor: Color,
    checkedTrackColor: Color,
    checkedTrackAlpha: Float,
    uncheckedThumbColor: Color,
    uncheckedTrackColor: Color,
    uncheckedTrackAlpha: Float,
    disabledCheckedThumbColor: Color,
    disabledCheckedTrackColor: Color,
    disabledUncheckedThumbColor: Color,
    disabledUncheckedTrackColor: Color

Creates a SwitchColors that represents the different colors used in a Switch in different states.


Public functions


fun colors(
    checkedThumbColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondaryVariant,
    checkedTrackColor: Color = checkedThumbColor,
    checkedTrackAlpha: Float = 0.54f,
    uncheckedThumbColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
    uncheckedTrackColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface,
    uncheckedTrackAlpha: Float = 0.38f,
    disabledCheckedThumbColor: Color = checkedThumbColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface),
    disabledCheckedTrackColor: Color = checkedTrackColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface),
    disabledUncheckedThumbColor: Color = uncheckedThumbColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface),
    disabledUncheckedTrackColor: Color = uncheckedTrackColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface)
): SwitchColors

Creates a SwitchColors that represents the different colors used in a Switch in different states.

checkedThumbColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondaryVariant

the color used for the thumb when enabled and checked

checkedTrackColor: Color = checkedThumbColor

the color used for the track when enabled and checked

checkedTrackAlpha: Float = 0.54f

the alpha applied to checkedTrackColor and disabledCheckedTrackColor

uncheckedThumbColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface

the color used for the thumb when enabled and unchecked

uncheckedTrackColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface

the color used for the track when enabled and unchecked

uncheckedTrackAlpha: Float = 0.38f

the alpha applied to uncheckedTrackColor and disabledUncheckedTrackColor

disabledCheckedThumbColor: Color = checkedThumbColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface)

the color used for the thumb when disabled and checked

disabledCheckedTrackColor: Color = checkedTrackColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface)

the color used for the track when disabled and checked

disabledUncheckedThumbColor: Color = uncheckedThumbColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface)

the color used for the thumb when disabled and unchecked

disabledUncheckedTrackColor: Color = uncheckedTrackColor .copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.surface)

the color used for the track when disabled and unchecked