
class BeginGetPasswordOption : BeginGetCredentialOption

A request to a password provider to begin the flow of retrieving the user's saved passwords.

Providers must use the parameters in this option to retrieve the corresponding credentials' metadata, and then return them in the form of a list of PasswordCredentialEntry set on the BeginGetCredentialResponse.

Note : Credential providers are not expected to utilize the constructor in this class for any production flow. This constructor must only be used for testing purposes.


Public constructors

    allowedUserIds: Set<String>,
    candidateQueryData: Bundle,
    id: String

Public properties


a optional set of user ids with which the credentials associated are requested; left as empty if the caller app wants to request all the available user credentials

Inherited properties


the parameters needed to retrieve the credentials, in the form of the raw Bundle - can typically be ignored by the credential provider as the required properties are already parse into the structured subclasses


unique id representing this particular option, to be used while constructing the CredentialEntry to be set on BeginGetCredentialResponse


the type of the credential to be retrieved against this option, e.g. a BeginGetPasswordOption will have type PasswordCredential.TYPE_PASSWORD_CREDENTIAL

Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0
    allowedUserIds: Set<String>,
    candidateQueryData: Bundle,
    id: String

Public properties


Added in 1.2.0
val allowedUserIdsSet<String>

a optional set of user ids with which the credentials associated are requested; left as empty if the caller app wants to request all the available user credentials