
class DynamicTypeEvaluator.Config

Configuration for creating DynamicTypeEvaluator.


Public functions


Gets the quota manager used for limiting the number of concurrently running animations, or null if animations are disabled, causing non-infinite animations to have to the end value immediately.


Returns the clock (Instant supplier) used for providing time data to bindings, or null which means on every reevaluation, platform time for dynamic values will be set to now.


Gets the quota manager used for limiting the total number of dynamic types in the pipeline, or null if there are no restriction on the number of dynamic types.

(Mutable)Map<PlatformDataKey<Any!>!, PlatformDataProvider!>

Returns any available mapping between source key and its data provider.


Gets the notifier used for updating the platform time data.


Gets the state store that will be used for dereferencing the state keys in the dynamic types, or null which is equivalent to an empty state store (state bindings will trigger onInvalidated).

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun getAnimationQuotaManager(): QuotaManager?

Gets the quota manager used for limiting the number of concurrently running animations, or null if animations are disabled, causing non-infinite animations to have to the end value immediately.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getClock(): Supplier<Instant!>?

Returns the clock (Instant supplier) used for providing time data to bindings, or null which means on every reevaluation, platform time for dynamic values will be set to now.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getDynamicTypesQuotaManager(): QuotaManager?

Gets the quota manager used for limiting the total number of dynamic types in the pipeline, or null if there are no restriction on the number of dynamic types. If present, the quota manager is used to prevent unreasonably expensive expressions.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getPlatformDataProviders(): (Mutable)Map<PlatformDataKey<Any!>!, PlatformDataProvider!>

Returns any available mapping between source key and its data provider.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getPlatformTimeUpdateNotifier(): PlatformTimeUpdateNotifier?

Gets the notifier used for updating the platform time data.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getStateStore(): StateStore?

Gets the state store that will be used for dereferencing the state keys in the dynamic types, or null which is equivalent to an empty state store (state bindings will trigger onInvalidated).