
@<Error class: unknown class>
class BottomSheetNavigator

Navigator that drives a ModalBottomSheetState for use of ModalBottomSheetLayouts with the navigation library. Every destination using this Navigator must set a valid Composable by setting it directly on an instantiated Destination or calling androidx.compose.material.navigation.bottomSheet.

The sheetContent will always host the latest entry of the back stack. When navigating from a BottomSheetNavigator.Destination to another BottomSheetNavigator.Destination, the content of the sheet will be replaced instead of a new bottom sheet being shown.

When the sheet is dismissed by the user, the state's NavigatorState.backStack will be popped.


Public constructors

Public constructors


Added in 1.7.0
BottomSheetNavigator(sheetState: ModalBottomSheetState)
sheetState: ModalBottomSheetState

The ModalBottomSheetState that the BottomSheetNavigator will use to drive the sheet state

Public functions


Added in 1.7.0
open fun createDestination(): BottomSheetNavigator.Destination
open fun navigate(
    entries: List<<Error class: unknown class>>,
    navOptions: <Error class: unknown class>?,
    navigatorExtras: <Error class: unknown class>?
): Unit
open fun onAttach(state: <Error class: unknown class>): Unit
open fun popBackStack(popUpTo: <Error class: unknown class>, savedState: Boolean): Unit

Public properties

Added in 1.7.0
val navigatorSheetStateBottomSheetNavigatorSheetState

Access properties of the ModalBottomSheetLayout's ModalBottomSheetState