
class HttpDataSource.CleartextNotPermittedException : HttpDataSource.HttpDataSourceException

Thrown when cleartext HTTP traffic is not permitted. For more information including how to enable cleartext traffic, see the corresponding troubleshooting topic.


Public constructors

Inherited Constants

const Int

This property is deprecated.


const Int

The error occurred in closing a HttpDataSource.

const Int

The error occurred reading data from a HttpDataSource.

const Int

The error occurred in opening a HttpDataSource.

Inherited functions

java-static Boolean

Returns whether the given IOException was caused by a DataSourceException whose reason is ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE in its cause stack.

java-static HttpDataSource.HttpDataSourceException!

Returns a HttpDataSourceException whose error code is assigned according to the cause and type.

Public constructors


CleartextNotPermittedException(cause: IOException!, dataSpec: DataSpec!)