
  • Common/All

Builder used to construct a Vector graphic tree. This is useful for caching the result of expensive operations used to construct a vector graphic for compose. For example, the vector graphic could be serialized and downloaded from a server and represented internally in a ImageVector before it is composed through rememberVectorPainter The generated ImageVector is recommended to be memoized across composition calls to avoid doing redundant work


Public constructors

    name: String,
    defaultWidth: Dp,
    defaultHeight: Dp,
    viewportWidth: Float,
    viewportHeight: Float,
    tintColor: Color,
    tintBlendMode: BlendMode,
    autoMirror: Boolean

Public functions

    name: String,
    rotate: Float,
    pivotX: Float,
    pivotY: Float,
    scaleX: Float,
    scaleY: Float,
    translationX: Float,
    translationY: Float,
    clipPathData: List<PathNode>

Create a new group and push it to the front of the stack of ImageVector nodes

    pathData: List<PathNode>,
    pathFillType: PathFillType,
    name: String,
    fill: Brush?,
    fillAlpha: Float,
    stroke: Brush?,
    strokeAlpha: Float,
    strokeLineWidth: Float,
    strokeLineCap: StrokeCap,
    strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin,
    strokeLineMiter: Float,
    trimPathStart: Float,
    trimPathEnd: Float,
    trimPathOffset: Float

Add a path to the ImageVector graphic.


Construct a ImageVector.


Pops the topmost VectorGroup from this ImageVector.Builder.


Extension functions

inline ImageVector.Builder
    fillAlpha: Float,
    strokeAlpha: Float,
    pathFillType: PathFillType,
    pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit

Adds a vector path to this icon with Material defaults.

inline ImageVector.Builder
    name: String,
    rotate: Float,
    pivotX: Float,
    pivotY: Float,
    scaleX: Float,
    scaleY: Float,
    translationX: Float,
    translationY: Float,
    clipPathData: List<PathNode>,
    block: ImageVector.Builder.() -> Unit

DSL extension for adding a VectorGroup to this.

inline ImageVector.Builder
    name: String,
    fill: Brush?,
    fillAlpha: Float,
    stroke: Brush?,
    strokeAlpha: Float,
    strokeLineWidth: Float,
    strokeLineCap: StrokeCap,
    strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin,
    strokeLineMiter: Float,
    pathFillType: PathFillType,
    pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit

DSL extension for adding a VectorPath to this.


Public constructors


    name: String = DefaultGroupName,
    defaultWidth: Dp,
    defaultHeight: Dp,
    viewportWidth: Float,
    viewportHeight: Float,
    tintColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    tintBlendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.SrcIn,
    autoMirror: Boolean = false

Public functions


fun addGroup(
    name: String = DefaultGroupName,
    rotate: Float = DefaultRotation,
    pivotX: Float = DefaultPivotX,
    pivotY: Float = DefaultPivotY,
    scaleX: Float = DefaultScaleX,
    scaleY: Float = DefaultScaleY,
    translationX: Float = DefaultTranslationX,
    translationY: Float = DefaultTranslationY,
    clipPathData: List<PathNode> = EmptyPath
): ImageVector.Builder

Create a new group and push it to the front of the stack of ImageVector nodes

name: String = DefaultGroupName

the name of the group

rotate: Float = DefaultRotation

the rotation of the group in degrees

pivotX: Float = DefaultPivotX

the x coordinate of the pivot point to rotate or scale the group

pivotY: Float = DefaultPivotY

the y coordinate of the pivot point to rotate or scale the group

scaleX: Float = DefaultScaleX

the scale factor in the X-axis to apply to the group

scaleY: Float = DefaultScaleY

the scale factor in the Y-axis to apply to the group

translationX: Float = DefaultTranslationX

the translation in virtual pixels to apply along the x-axis

translationY: Float = DefaultTranslationY

the translation in virtual pixels to apply along the y-axis

clipPathData: List<PathNode> = EmptyPath

the path information used to clip the content within the group


This ImageVector.Builder instance as a convenience for chaining calls


fun addPath(
    pathData: List<PathNode>,
    pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType,
    name: String = DefaultPathName,
    fill: Brush? = null,
    fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f,
    stroke: Brush? = null,
    strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f,
    strokeLineWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeLineWidth,
    strokeLineCap: StrokeCap = DefaultStrokeLineCap,
    strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin = DefaultStrokeLineJoin,
    strokeLineMiter: Float = DefaultStrokeLineMiter,
    trimPathStart: Float = DefaultTrimPathStart,
    trimPathEnd: Float = DefaultTrimPathEnd,
    trimPathOffset: Float = DefaultTrimPathOffset
): ImageVector.Builder

Add a path to the ImageVector graphic. This represents a leaf node in the ImageVector graphics tree structure

pathData: List<PathNode>

path information to render the shape of the path

pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType

rule to determine how the interior of the path is to be calculated

name: String = DefaultPathName

the name of the path

fill: Brush? = null

specifies the Brush used to fill the path

fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f

the alpha to fill the path

stroke: Brush? = null

specifies the Brush used to fill the stroke

strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f

the alpha to stroke the path

strokeLineWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeLineWidth

the width of the line to stroke the path

strokeLineCap: StrokeCap = DefaultStrokeLineCap

specifies the linecap for a stroked path

strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin = DefaultStrokeLineJoin

specifies the linejoin for a stroked path

strokeLineMiter: Float = DefaultStrokeLineMiter

specifies the miter limit for a stroked path

trimPathStart: Float = DefaultTrimPathStart

specifies the fraction of the path to trim from the start in the range from 0 to 1. Values outside the range will wrap around the length of the path. Default is 0.

trimPathEnd: Float = DefaultTrimPathEnd

specifies the fraction of the path to trim from the end in the range from 0 to 1. Values outside the range will wrap around the length of the path. Default is 1.

trimPathOffset: Float = DefaultTrimPathOffset

specifies the fraction to shift the path trim region in the range from 0 to 1. Values outside the range will wrap around the length of the path. Default is 0.


This ImageVector.Builder instance as a convenience for chaining calls


fun build(): ImageVector

Construct a ImageVector. This concludes the creation process of a ImageVector graphic This builder cannot be re-used to create additional ImageVector instances


The newly created ImageVector instance


fun clearGroup(): ImageVector.Builder

Pops the topmost VectorGroup from this ImageVector.Builder. This is used to indicate that no additional ImageVector nodes will be added to the current VectorGroup


This ImageVector.Builder instance as a convenience for chaining calls

Extension functions

inline fun ImageVector.Builder.materialPath(
    fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f,
    strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f,
    pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType,
    pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit
): ImageVector.Builder

Adds a vector path to this icon with Material defaults.

fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f

fill alpha for this path

strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f

stroke alpha for this path

pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType

PathFillType for this path

pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit

builder lambda to add commands to this path


inline fun
    name: String = DefaultGroupName,
    rotate: Float = DefaultRotation,
    pivotX: Float = DefaultPivotX,
    pivotY: Float = DefaultPivotY,
    scaleX: Float = DefaultScaleX,
    scaleY: Float = DefaultScaleY,
    translationX: Float = DefaultTranslationX,
    translationY: Float = DefaultTranslationY,
    clipPathData: List<PathNode> = EmptyPath,
    block: ImageVector.Builder.() -> Unit
): ImageVector.Builder

DSL extension for adding a VectorGroup to this.

See ImageVector.Builder.pushGroup for the corresponding builder function.

name: String = DefaultGroupName

the name of the group

rotate: Float = DefaultRotation

the rotation of the group in degrees

pivotX: Float = DefaultPivotX

the x coordinate of the pivot point to rotate or scale the group

pivotY: Float = DefaultPivotY

the y coordinate of the pivot point to rotate or scale the group

scaleX: Float = DefaultScaleX

the scale factor in the X-axis to apply to the group

scaleY: Float = DefaultScaleY

the scale factor in the Y-axis to apply to the group

translationX: Float = DefaultTranslationX

the translation in virtual pixels to apply along the x-axis

translationY: Float = DefaultTranslationY

the translation in virtual pixels to apply along the y-axis

clipPathData: List<PathNode> = EmptyPath

the path information used to clip the content within the group

block: ImageVector.Builder.() -> Unit

builder lambda to add children to this group


inline fun ImageVector.Builder.path(
    name: String = DefaultPathName,
    fill: Brush? = null,
    fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f,
    stroke: Brush? = null,
    strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f,
    strokeLineWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeLineWidth,
    strokeLineCap: StrokeCap = DefaultStrokeLineCap,
    strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin = DefaultStrokeLineJoin,
    strokeLineMiter: Float = DefaultStrokeLineMiter,
    pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType,
    pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit
): ImageVector.Builder

DSL extension for adding a VectorPath to this.

See ImageVector.Builder.addPath for the corresponding builder function.

name: String = DefaultPathName

the name for this path

fill: Brush? = null

specifies the Brush used to fill the path

fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f

the alpha to fill the path

stroke: Brush? = null

specifies the Brush used to fill the stroke

strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f

the alpha to stroke the path

strokeLineWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeLineWidth

the width of the line to stroke the path

strokeLineCap: StrokeCap = DefaultStrokeLineCap

specifies the linecap for a stroked path

strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin = DefaultStrokeLineJoin

specifies the linejoin for a stroked path

strokeLineMiter: Float = DefaultStrokeLineMiter

specifies the miter limit for a stroked path

pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType

specifies the winding rule that decides how the interior of a Path is calculated.

pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit

PathBuilder lambda for adding PathNodes to this path.