
  • Common/All
  • Android/JVM

Receiver scope that permits explicit placement of a Placeable.

While a Placeable may be placed at any time, this explicit receiver scope is used to discourage placement outside of MeasureScope.layout positioning blocks. This permits Compose UI to perform additional layout optimizations allowing repositioning a Placeable without remeasuring its original Measurable if factors contributing to its potential measurement have not changed. The scope also allows automatic mirroring of children positions in RTL layout direction contexts using the placeRelative methods available in the scope. If the automatic mirroring is not desired, place should be used instead.


Public constructors


Public functions

open Float
Ruler.current(defaultValue: Float)

Returns the value for this Ruler or defaultValue if it wasn't provided.

Unit IntOffset, zIndex: Float)

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system.

Unit Int, y: Int, zIndex: Float)

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system.

Placeable.placeRelative(position: IntOffset, zIndex: Float)

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system.

Placeable.placeRelative(x: Int, y: Int, zIndex: Float)

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system.

    position: IntOffset,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    position: IntOffset,
    zIndex: Float,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    zIndex: Float,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    position: IntOffset,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    position: IntOffset,
    zIndex: Float,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.

    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    zIndex: Float,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer.


Placement done under block, will have their Placeable placed on the same frame of reference as the current layout.


Public properties

open LayoutCoordinates?

The LayoutCoordinates of this layout, if known or null if the layout hasn't been placed yet.


Protected properties

abstract LayoutDirection

Keeps the layout direction of the parent of the placeable that is being places using current PlacementScope.

abstract Int

Keeps the parent layout node's width to make the automatic mirroring of the position in RTL environment.


Public constructors



Public functions


open fun Ruler.current(defaultValue: Float): Float

Returns the value for this Ruler or defaultValue if it wasn't provided. Ruler values are unavailable while calculating AlignmentLines.

import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layout

    Modifier.layout { measurable, constraints ->
        if (!constraints.hasBoundedHeight || !constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
            // Can't use the ruler. We don't know our size
            val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)
            layout(placeable.width, placeable.height) {, 0) }
        } else {
            // Use the entire space available
            layout(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) {
                // Child is measured to fit above the IME
                val imePosition = SafeBottomRuler.current(-1f)
                val maxHeight: Int
                if (imePosition <= 0 || imePosition >= constraints.maxHeight) {
                    // IME ruler is outside the bounds of this layout
                    maxHeight = constraints.maxHeight
                } else {
                    maxHeight = imePosition.roundToInt()
                val minHeight = constraints.minHeight.coerceAtMost(maxHeight)
                val childConstraints =
                    constraints.copy(minHeight = minHeight, maxHeight = maxHeight)
                val placeable = measurable.measure(childConstraints)
      , 0)
    content = content


fun IntOffset, zIndex: Float = 0.0f): Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system. Unlike placeRelative, the given position will not implicitly react in RTL layout direction contexts.

position: IntOffset

position in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Int, y: Int, zIndex: Float = 0.0f): Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system. Unlike placeRelative, the given position will not implicitly react in RTL layout direction contexts.

x: Int

x coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

y: Int

y coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeRelative(position: IntOffset, zIndex: Float = 0.0f): Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system. If the layout direction is right-to-left, the given position will be horizontally mirrored so that the position of the Placeable implicitly reacts to RTL layout direction contexts. If this method is used outside the MeasureScope.layout positioning block, the automatic position mirroring will not happen and the Placeable will be placed at the given position, similar to the place method.

position: IntOffset

position in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeRelative(x: Int, y: Int, zIndex: Float = 0.0f): Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system. If the layout direction is right-to-left, the given position will be horizontally mirrored so that the position of the Placeable implicitly reacts to RTL layout direction contexts. If this method is used outside the MeasureScope.layout positioning block, the automatic position mirroring will not happen and the Placeable will be placed at the given position, similar to the place method.

x: Int

x coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

y: Int

y coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeRelativeWithLayer(
    position: IntOffset,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f
): Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. If the layout direction is right-to-left, the given position will be horizontally mirrored so that the position of the Placeable implicitly reacts to RTL layout direction contexts. If this method is used outside the MeasureScope.layout positioning block, the automatic position mirroring will not happen and the Placeable will be placed at the given position, similar to the place method.

position: IntOffset

position in the parent's coordinate system.

layer: GraphicsLayer

GraphicsLayer to place this placeable with. If the Placeable will be placed with a new position next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeRelativeWithLayer(
    position: IntOffset,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock
): Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. If the layout direction is right-to-left, the given position will be horizontally mirrored so that the position of the Placeable implicitly reacts to RTL layout direction contexts. If this method is used outside the MeasureScope.layout positioning block, the automatic position mirroring will not happen and the Placeable will be placed at the given position, similar to the place method.

position: IntOffset

position in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.

layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock

You can configure any layer property available on GraphicsLayerScope via this block. If the Placeable will be placed with a new position next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.


fun Placeable.placeRelativeWithLayer(
    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f
): Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. If the layout direction is right-to-left, the given position will be horizontally mirrored so that the position of the Placeable implicitly reacts to RTL layout direction contexts. If this method is used outside the MeasureScope.layout positioning block, the automatic position mirroring will not happen and the Placeable will be placed at the given position, similar to the place method.

x: Int

x coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

y: Int

y coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

layer: GraphicsLayer

GraphicsLayer to place this placeable with. If the Placeable will be placed with a new x or y next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeRelativeWithLayer(
    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock
): Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. If the layout direction is right-to-left, the given position will be horizontally mirrored so that the position of the Placeable implicitly reacts to RTL layout direction contexts. If this method is used outside the MeasureScope.layout positioning block, the automatic position mirroring will not happen and the Placeable will be placed at the given position, similar to the place method.

x: Int

x coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

y: Int

y coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.

layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock

You can configure any layer property available on GraphicsLayerScope via this block. If the Placeable will be placed with a new x or y next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.


fun Placeable.placeWithLayer(
    position: IntOffset,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f
): Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. Unlike placeRelative, the given position will not implicitly react in RTL layout direction contexts.

position: IntOffset

position in the parent's coordinate system.

layer: GraphicsLayer

GraphicsLayer to place this placeable with. If the Placeable will be placed with a new position next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeWithLayer(
    position: IntOffset,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock
): Unit

Place a Placeable at position in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. Unlike placeRelative, the given position will not implicitly react in RTL layout direction contexts.

position: IntOffset

position in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.

layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock

You can configure any layer property available on GraphicsLayerScope via this block. If the Placeable will be placed with a new position next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.


fun Placeable.placeWithLayer(
    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    layer: GraphicsLayer,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f
): Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. Unlike placeRelative, the given position will not implicitly react in RTL layout direction contexts.

x: Int

x coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

y: Int

y coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

layer: GraphicsLayer

GraphicsLayer to place this placeable with. If the Placeable will be placed with a new x or y next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.


fun Placeable.placeWithLayer(
    x: Int,
    y: Int,
    zIndex: Float = 0.0f,
    layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock
): Unit

Place a Placeable at x, y in its parent's coordinate system with an introduced graphic layer. Unlike placeRelative, the given position will not implicitly react in RTL layout direction contexts.

x: Int

x coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

y: Int

y coordinate in the parent's coordinate system.

zIndex: Float = 0.0f

controls the drawing order for the Placeable. A Placeable with larger zIndex will be drawn on top of all the children with smaller zIndex. When children have the same zIndex the order in which the items were placed is used.

layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = DefaultLayerBlock

You can configure any layer property available on GraphicsLayerScope via this block. If the Placeable will be placed with a new x or y next time only the graphic layer will be moved without requiring to redrawn the Placeable content.


fun withMotionFrameOfReferencePlacement(block: Placeable.PlacementScope.() -> Unit): Unit

Placement done under block, will have their Placeable placed on the same frame of reference as the current layout.

In LayoutCoordinates, this means that the offset introduced under block may be excluded when calculating positions by passing includeMotionFrameOfReference = false in LayoutCoordinates.localPositionOf.

Excluding the position set by certain layouts can be helpful to trigger lookahead based animation when intended. The typical case are layouts that change frequently due to a provided value, like scroll.

Public properties


open val coordinatesLayoutCoordinates?

The LayoutCoordinates of this layout, if known or null if the layout hasn't been placed yet. coordinates will be null when determining alignment lines, preventing alignment lines from depending on absolute coordinates.

When coordinates is null, there will always be a follow-up placement call in which coordinates is not-null.

If you read a position from the coordinates during the placement block the block will be automatically re-executed when the parent layout changes a position. If you don't read it the placement block execution can be skipped as an optimization.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Layout
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalView
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.round

// Layout so that the first item consumes to half of the width of the screen, if possible.
// The remainder of the layouts are positioned horizontally in the remaining space.
fun FirstItemHalf(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    val view = LocalView.current

        content = content,
        modifier = modifier,
        measurePolicy = { measurables, constraints ->
            var width = constraints.minWidth
            var height = constraints.minHeight
            // If this doesn't have a fixed size, just layout horizontally
            var placeables: List<Placeable>? = null
            if (measurables.isNotEmpty()) {
                if (constraints.hasBoundedWidth && constraints.hasBoundedHeight) {
                    width = constraints.maxWidth
                    height = constraints.maxHeight
                } else {
                    placeables = { it.measure(constraints) }
                    width = placeables.sumOf { it.width }
                    height = placeables.maxOf { it.height }
            layout(width, height) {
                if (placeables != null) {
                    var x = 0
                    placeables.forEach {
                        it.placeRelative(x, 0)
                        x += it.width
                } else if (measurables.isNotEmpty() && coordinates != null) {
                    val coordinates = coordinates!!
                    val positionInWindow = IntArray(2)
                    val topLeft =
                        coordinates.localToRoot(Offset.Zero).round() +
                            IntOffset(positionInWindow[0], positionInWindow[1])
                    val displayWidth = view.resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels
                    val halfWay = displayWidth / 2

                    val c0 =
                        if (topLeft.x < halfWay) {
                            // The first measurable should fit to half way across
                            Constraints.fixed(halfWay - topLeft.x, height)
                        } else {
                            // The first is already past the half way, so just divide it evenly
                            val measureWidth = width / measurables.size
                            Constraints.fixed(measureWidth, height)
                    val p0 = measurables[0].measure(c0)
          , 0)

                    // The rest just fit in the remainder of the space
                    var x = p0.width
                    for (i in 1..measurables.lastIndex) {
                        val measureWidth = (width - x) / (measurables.size - i)
                        val p = measurables[i].measure(Constraints.fixed(measureWidth, height))
              , 0)
                        x += p.width

Protected properties


protected abstract val parentLayoutDirectionLayoutDirection

Keeps the layout direction of the parent of the placeable that is being places using current PlacementScope. Used to support automatic position mirroring for convenient RTL support in custom layouts.


protected abstract val parentWidthInt

Keeps the parent layout node's width to make the automatic mirroring of the position in RTL environment. If the value is zero, than the Placeable will be be placed to the original position (position will not be mirrored).