


The Navigator that enables navigating to destinations within dynamic feature modules.


Destination for dynamic feature navigator.


DSL for constructing a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination


The NavHostFragment for dynamic features.

Extension functions summary

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicFragmentDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicFragmentDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
    id: @IdRes Int,
    fragmentClassName: String,
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your DynamicFragmentDestination instead

inline Unit
    route: String,
    fragmentClassName: String,
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

Extension functions

inline fun <F : Fragment> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(id: @IdRes Int): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

Destination id.

inline fun <F : Fragment> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(route: String): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

Destination route.

inline fun <F : Fragment, T : Any> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    typeMap: Map<KType<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>> = emptyMap()
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KType<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

inline fun <F : Fragment> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    id: @IdRes Int,
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

Destination id.

inline fun <F : Fragment> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    route: String,
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

Destination route.

builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : Fragment, T : Any> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    typeMap: Map<KType<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KType<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <T : Any> DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    fragmentClassName: String,
    typeMap: Map<KType<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

fragmentClassName: String

Fully qualified class name of destination Fragment.

typeMap: Map<KType<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    id: @IdRes Int,
    fragmentClassName: String,
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

Destination id.

fragmentClassName: String

Fully qualified class name of destination Fragment.

inline fun DynamicNavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    route: String,
    fragmentClassName: String,
    builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DynamicFragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

Destination route.

fragmentClassName: String

Fully qualified class name of destination Fragment.

builder: DynamicFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination