
  • Android/JVM



A ComposeTestRule that allows you to set content without the necessity to provide a host for the content.


A TestRule that allows you to test and control composables, either in isolation or in applications.




This class is deprecated. Do not instantiate this Statement, use AndroidComposeTestRule instead


Helps to test the state restoration for your Composable component.


Top-level functions summary

inline AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activity class type A.

AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activityClass.

inline AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activity class type A.

AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>
<A : ComponentActivity> createAndroidComposeRule(
    activityClass: Class<A>,
    effectContext: CoroutineContext

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activityClass.


Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeContentTestRule.


Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeContentTestRule.


Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeTestRule that doesn't create a compose host for you in which you can set content.


Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeTestRule that doesn't create a compose host for you in which you can set content.


Top-level functions


inline fun <A : ComponentActivity> createAndroidComposeRule(): AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activity class type A.

This method is useful for tests that require a custom Activity. This is usually the case for tests where the compose content is set by that Activity, instead of via the test rule's setContent. Make sure that you add the provided activity into your app's manifest file (usually in main/AndroidManifest.xml).

This creates a test rule that is using ActivityScenarioRule as the activity launcher. If you would like to use a different one you can create AndroidComposeTestRule directly and supply it with your own launcher.

If your test doesn't require a specific Activity, use createComposeRule instead.


fun <A : ComponentActivity> createAndroidComposeRule(activityClass: Class<A>): AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activityClass.

This method is useful for tests that require a custom Activity. This is usually the case for tests where the compose content is set by that Activity, instead of via the test rule's setContent. Make sure that you add the provided activity into your app's manifest file (usually in main/AndroidManifest.xml).

This creates a test rule that is using ActivityScenarioRule as the activity launcher. If you would like to use a different one you can create AndroidComposeTestRule directly and supply it with your own launcher.

If your test doesn't require a specific Activity, use createComposeRule instead.


inline fun <A : ComponentActivity> createAndroidComposeRule(
    effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activity class type A.

This method is useful for tests that require a custom Activity. This is usually the case for tests where the compose content is set by that Activity, instead of via the test rule's setContent. Make sure that you add the provided activity into your app's manifest file (usually in main/AndroidManifest.xml).

This creates a test rule that is using ActivityScenarioRule as the activity launcher. If you would like to use a different one you can create AndroidComposeTestRule directly and supply it with your own launcher.

If your test doesn't require a specific Activity, use createComposeRule instead.

effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext

The CoroutineContext used to run the composition. The context for LaunchedEffects and rememberCoroutineScope will be derived from this context. If this context contains a TestDispatcher or TestCoroutineScheduler (in that order), it will be used for composition and the MainTestClock.


fun <A : ComponentActivity> createAndroidComposeRule(
    activityClass: Class<A>,
    effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): AndroidComposeTestRule<ActivityScenarioRule<A>, A>

Factory method to provide android specific implementation of createComposeRule, for a given activityClass.

This method is useful for tests that require a custom Activity. This is usually the case for tests where the compose content is set by that Activity, instead of via the test rule's setContent. Make sure that you add the provided activity into your app's manifest file (usually in main/AndroidManifest.xml).

This creates a test rule that is using ActivityScenarioRule as the activity launcher. If you would like to use a different one you can create AndroidComposeTestRule directly and supply it with your own launcher.

If your test doesn't require a specific Activity, use createComposeRule instead.

activityClass: Class<A>

The activity type to use in the activity scenario

effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext

The CoroutineContext used to run the composition. The context for LaunchedEffects and rememberCoroutineScope will be derived from this context. If this context contains a TestDispatcher or TestCoroutineScheduler (in that order), it will be used for composition and the MainTestClock.


fun createComposeRule(): ComposeContentTestRule

Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeContentTestRule.

This method is useful for tests in compose libraries where it is irrelevant where the compose content is hosted (e.g. an Activity on Android). Such tests typically set compose content themselves via setContent and only instrument and assert that content.

For Android this will use the default Activity ( You need to add a reference to this activity into the manifest file of the corresponding tests (usually in androidTest/AndroidManifest.xml). If your Android test requires a specific Activity to be launched, see createAndroidComposeRule.


fun createComposeRule(effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): ComposeContentTestRule

Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeContentTestRule.

This method is useful for tests in compose libraries where it is irrelevant where the compose content is hosted (e.g. an Activity on Android). Such tests typically set compose content themselves via setContent and only instrument and assert that content.

For Android this will use the default Activity ( You need to add a reference to this activity into the manifest file of the corresponding tests (usually in androidTest/AndroidManifest.xml). If your Android test requires a specific Activity to be launched, see createAndroidComposeRule.

effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext

The CoroutineContext used to run the composition. The context for LaunchedEffects and rememberCoroutineScope will be derived from this context. If this context contains a TestDispatcher or TestCoroutineScheduler (in that order), it will be used for composition and the MainTestClock.


fun createEmptyComposeRule(): ComposeTestRule

Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeTestRule that doesn't create a compose host for you in which you can set content.

This method is useful for tests that need to create their own compose host during the test. The returned test rule will not create a host, and consequently does not provide a setContent method. To set content in tests using this rule, use the appropriate setContent methods from your compose host.

A typical use case on Android is when the test needs to launch an Activity (the compose host) after one or more dependencies have been injected.


fun createEmptyComposeRule(
    effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): ComposeTestRule

Factory method to provide an implementation of ComposeTestRule that doesn't create a compose host for you in which you can set content.

This method is useful for tests that need to create their own compose host during the test. The returned test rule will not create a host, and consequently does not provide a setContent method. To set content in tests using this rule, use the appropriate setContent methods from your compose host.

A typical use case on Android is when the test needs to launch an Activity (the compose host) after one or more dependencies have been injected.

effectContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext

The CoroutineContext used to run the composition. The context for LaunchedEffects and rememberCoroutineScope will be derived from this context. If this context contains a TestDispatcher or TestCoroutineScheduler (in that order), it will be used for composition and the MainTestClock.