
  • Common/All

Receiver scope for LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid and LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid


Public functions

    key: Any?,
    contentType: Any?,
    span: StaggeredGridItemSpan?,
    content: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.() -> Unit

Add a single item to the staggered grid.

    count: Int,
    key: ((index: Int) -> Any)?,
    contentType: (index: Int) -> Any?,
    span: ((index: Int) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)?,
    itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int) -> Unit

Add a count of items to the staggered grid.


Extension functions

inline Unit
<T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.items(
    items: Array<T>,
    noinline key: ((item) -> Any)?,
    crossinline contentType: (item) -> Any?,
    noinline span: ((item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)?,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(item) -> Unit

Add an array of items to the staggered grid.

inline Unit
<T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.items(
    items: List<T>,
    noinline key: ((item) -> Any)?,
    crossinline contentType: (item) -> Any?,
    noinline span: ((item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)?,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(item) -> Unit

Add a list of items to the staggered grid.

inline Unit
<T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.itemsIndexed(
    items: Array<T>,
    noinline key: ((index: Int, item) -> Any)?,
    crossinline contentType: (index: Int, item) -> Any?,
    noinline span: ((index: Int, item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)?,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int, item) -> Unit

Add an array of items with index-aware content to the staggered grid.

inline Unit
<T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.itemsIndexed(
    items: List<T>,
    noinline key: ((index: Int, item) -> Any)?,
    crossinline contentType: (index: Int, item) -> Any?,
    noinline span: ((index: Int, item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)?,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int, item) -> Unit

Add a list of items with index-aware content to the staggered grid.


Public functions


fun item(
    key: Any? = null,
    contentType: Any? = null,
    span: StaggeredGridItemSpan? = null,
    content: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.() -> Unit
): Unit

Add a single item to the staggered grid.

key: Any? = null

a stable and unique key representing the item. The key MUST be saveable via Bundle on Android. If set to null (by default), the position of the item will be used as a key instead. Using the same key for multiple items in the staggered grid is not allowed. This can be overridden by calling LazyStaggeredGridState.requestScrollToItem.

When you specify the key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first visible one.

contentType: Any? = null

a content type representing the item. Content for item of the same type can be reused more efficiently. null is a valid type as well and items of such type will be considered compatible.

span: StaggeredGridItemSpan? = null

a custom span for this item. Spans configure how many lanes defined by StaggeredGridCells the item will occupy. By default each item will take one lane.

content: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.() -> Unit

composable content displayed by current item


fun items(
    count: Int,
    key: ((index: Int) -> Any)? = null,
    contentType: (index: Int) -> Any? = { null },
    span: ((index: Int) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null,
    itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int) -> Unit
): Unit

Add a count of items to the staggered grid.

count: Int

number of items to add.

key: ((index: Int) -> Any)? = null

a factory of stable and unique keys representing the item. The key MUST be saveable via Bundle on Android. If set to null (by default), the position of the item will be used as a key instead. Using the same key for multiple items in the staggered grid is not allowed. This can be overridden by calling LazyStaggeredGridState.requestScrollToItem.

When you specify the key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first visible one.

contentType: (index: Int) -> Any? = { null }

a factory of content types representing the item. Content for item of the same type can be reused more efficiently. null is a valid type as well and items of such type will be considered compatible.

span: ((index: Int) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null

a factory of custom spans for this item. Spans configure how many lanes defined by StaggeredGridCells the item will occupy. By default each item will take one lane.

itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int) -> Unit

composable content displayed by item on provided position

Extension functions

inline fun <T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.items(
    items: Array<T>,
    noinline key: ((item) -> Any)? = null,
    crossinline contentType: (item) -> Any? = { null },
    noinline span: ((item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(item) -> Unit
): Unit

Add an array of items to the staggered grid.

items: Array<T>

a data array to present

noinline key: ((item) -> Any)? = null

a factory of stable and unique keys representing the item. The key MUST be saveable via Bundle on Android. If set to null (by default), the position of the item will be used as a key instead. Using the same key for multiple items in the staggered grid is not allowed. This can be overridden by calling LazyStaggeredGridState.requestScrollToItem.

When you specify the key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first visible one.

crossinline contentType: (item) -> Any? = { null }

a factory of content types representing the item. Content for item of the same type can be reused more efficiently. null is a valid type as well and items of such type will be considered compatible.

noinline span: ((item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null

a factory of custom spans for this item. Spans configure how many lanes defined by StaggeredGridCells the item will occupy. By default each item will take one lane.

crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(item) -> Unit

composable content displayed by the provided item

inline fun <T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.items(
    items: List<T>,
    noinline key: ((item) -> Any)? = null,
    crossinline contentType: (item) -> Any? = { null },
    noinline span: ((item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(item) -> Unit
): Unit

Add a list of items to the staggered grid.

items: List<T>

a data list to present

noinline key: ((item) -> Any)? = null

a factory of stable and unique keys representing the item. The key MUST be saveable via Bundle on Android. If set to null (by default), the position of the item will be used as a key instead. Using the same key for multiple items in the staggered grid is not allowed. This can be overridden by calling LazyStaggeredGridState.requestScrollToItem.

When you specify the key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first visible one.

crossinline contentType: (item) -> Any? = { null }

a factory of content types representing the item. Content for item of the same type can be reused more efficiently. null is a valid type as well and items of such type will be considered compatible.

noinline span: ((item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null

a factory of custom spans for this item. Spans configure how many lanes defined by StaggeredGridCells the item will occupy. By default each item will take one lane.

crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(item) -> Unit

composable content displayed by the provided item

inline fun <T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.itemsIndexed(
    items: Array<T>,
    noinline key: ((index: Int, item) -> Any)? = null,
    crossinline contentType: (index: Int, item) -> Any? = { _, _ -> null },
    noinline span: ((index: Int, item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int, item) -> Unit
): Unit

Add an array of items with index-aware content to the staggered grid.

items: Array<T>

a data array to present

noinline key: ((index: Int, item) -> Any)? = null

a factory of stable and unique keys representing the item. The key MUST be saveable via Bundle on Android. If set to null (by default), the position of the item will be used as a key instead. Using the same key for multiple items in the staggered grid is not allowed. This can be overridden by calling LazyStaggeredGridState.requestScrollToItem.

When you specify the key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first visible one.

crossinline contentType: (index: Int, item) -> Any? = { _, _ -> null }

a factory of content types representing the item. Content for item of the same type can be reused more efficiently. null is a valid type as well and items of such type will be considered compatible.

noinline span: ((index: Int, item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null

a factory of custom spans for this item. Spans configure how many lanes defined by StaggeredGridCells the item will occupy. By default each item will take one lane.

crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int, item) -> Unit

composable content displayed given item and index

inline fun <T : Any?> LazyStaggeredGridScope.itemsIndexed(
    items: List<T>,
    noinline key: ((index: Int, item) -> Any)? = null,
    crossinline contentType: (index: Int, item) -> Any? = { _, _ -> null },
    noinline span: ((index: Int, item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null,
    crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int, item) -> Unit
): Unit

Add a list of items with index-aware content to the staggered grid.

items: List<T>

a data list to present

noinline key: ((index: Int, item) -> Any)? = null

a factory of stable and unique keys representing the item. The key MUST be saveable via Bundle on Android. If set to null (by default), the position of the item will be used as a key instead. Using the same key for multiple items in the staggered grid is not allowed. This can be overridden by calling LazyStaggeredGridState.requestScrollToItem.

When you specify the key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first visible one.

crossinline contentType: (index: Int, item) -> Any? = { _, _ -> null }

a factory of content types representing the item. Content for item of the same type can be reused more efficiently. null is a valid type as well and items of such type will be considered compatible.

noinline span: ((index: Int, item) -> StaggeredGridItemSpan)? = null

a factory of custom spans for this item. Spans configure how many lanes defined by StaggeredGridCells the item will occupy. By default each item will take one lane.

crossinline itemContent: @Composable LazyStaggeredGridItemScope.(index: Int, item) -> Unit

composable content displayed given item and index