• Common/All
  • Android/JVM

A class to control how back navigation should behave in a ThreePaneScaffoldNavigator.


Public companion properties


Pop the latest destination from the backstack.


Pop destinations from the backstack until there is a content change.


Pop destinations from the backstack until there is a change in the current destination pane.


Pop destinations from the backstack until there is a change in the scaffold value.


Public functions

open String

Public companion properties


val PopLatestBackNavigationBehavior

Pop the latest destination from the backstack.

Note: a multi-pane layout may create navigation backstacks that are not possible in a single-pane layout (e.g., navigating directly from one detail item to another). If the device size changes in the middle of the navigation, this BackNavigationBehavior may result in unintuitive behavior.


val PopUntilContentChangeBackNavigationBehavior

Pop destinations from the backstack until there is a content change.

A "content change" is defined as either a change in the contentKey of the current ThreePaneScaffoldDestinationItem, or a change in the scaffold value (similar to PopUntilScaffoldValueChange).

Note: a multi-pane layout may create navigation backstacks that are not possible in a single-pane layout (e.g., navigating directly from one detail item to another). If the device size changes in the middle of the navigation, this BackNavigationBehavior may result in unintuitive behavior.


val PopUntilCurrentDestinationChangeBackNavigationBehavior

Pop destinations from the backstack until there is a change in the current destination pane. In other words, back navigation forces a change in which pane is currently considered "active", as determined by the pane of the current ThreePaneScaffoldDestinationItem.


val PopUntilScaffoldValueChangeBackNavigationBehavior

Pop destinations from the backstack until there is a change in the scaffold value. In other words, back navigation forces a change in which pane(s) is/are shown.

For example, in a single-pane layout, this will skip entries until the current destination is a different ThreePaneScaffoldRole. In a multi-pane layout, this will skip entries until the PaneAdaptedValue of any pane changes.

Public functions


open fun toString(): String