
interface InteractiveWatchFaceClient : AutoCloseable

Controls a stateful remote interactive watch face. Typically this will be used for the current active watch face.

Note clients should call close when finished.


Nested types

Callback that observes when the client disconnects.

Interface passed to addOnWatchFaceReadyListener which calls OnWatchFaceReadyListener.onWatchFaceReady when the watch face is ready to render.


const Int

Indicates that a previous TAP_TYPE_DOWN event has been canceled.

const Int

Indicates a "down" touch event on the watch face.

const Int

Indicates that an "up" event on the watch face has occurred that has not been consumed by another activity.

Public functions


Registers a ClientDisconnectListener.

open Unit

Registers a Consumer which gets called initially with the current Renderer.watchfaceColors if known or null if not, and subsequently whenever the watch face's Renderer.watchfaceColors change.


Registers a OnWatchFaceReadyListener which gets called when the watch face is ready to render.

open RemoteWatchFaceViewHost?
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    hostToken: IBinder,
    width: @Px Int,
    height: @Px Int

Constructs a RemoteWatchFaceViewHost whose RemoteWatchFaceViewHost.surfacePackage can be attached to a SurfaceView owned by the client with SurfaceView.setChildSurfacePackage.

open Int?

Returns the ID of the androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot at the given coordinates or null if there isn't one.

open UserStyleFlavors

Returns the watch face's UserStyleFlavors.

open Boolean

Whether or not the watch face supports ComplicationDisplayPolicy.


Returns true if the connection to the server side is alive.


Triggers watch face rendering into the surface when in ambient mode.


Removes a ClientDisconnectListener previously registered by addClientDisconnectListener.

open Unit

Stops listening for events registered by addOnWatchFaceColorsListener.


Stops listening for events registered by addOnWatchFaceReadyListener.

@RequiresApi(value = 27)
    renderParameters: RenderParameters,
    instant: Instant,
    userStyle: UserStyle?,
    idAndComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

Renders the watchface to a shared memory backed Bitmap with the given settings.

sendTouchEvent(xPosition: @Px Int, yPosition: @Px Int, tapType: Int)

Sends a tap event to the watch face for processing.


Updates the watch faces WatchUiState.

    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>

Sends new ComplicationData to the watch face.

updateWatchFaceInstance(newInstanceId: String, userStyle: UserStyle)

Renames this instance to newInstanceId (must be unique, usually this would be different from the old ID but that's not a requirement).

updateWatchFaceInstance(newInstanceId: String, userStyle: UserStyleData)

Renames this instance to newInstanceId (must be unique, usually this would be different from the old ID but that's not a requirement).

Public properties


Map of androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot ids to ComplicationSlotState for each ComplicationSlot registered with the watch face's ComplicationSlotsManager.


Returns the ContentDescriptionLabels describing the watch face, for the use by screen readers.


Returns the ID of this watch face instance.

open Boolean

Whether or not the watch face supports RemoteWatchFaceViewHost.

open OverlayStyle

This property is deprecated. OverlayStyle will be removed in a future release.


The UTC reference preview time for this watch face in milliseconds since the epoch.


The watch face's UserStyleSchema.

Inherited functions



Added in 1.0.0
const val TAP_TYPE_CANCELInt

Indicates that a previous TAP_TYPE_DOWN event has been canceled. This generally happens when the watch face is touched but then a move or long press occurs.


Added in 1.0.0
const val TAP_TYPE_DOWNInt

Indicates a "down" touch event on the watch face.


Added in 1.0.0
const val TAP_TYPE_UPInt

Indicates that an "up" event on the watch face has occurred that has not been consumed by another activity. A TAP_TYPE_DOWN always occur first. This event will not occur if a TAP_TYPE_CANCEL is sent.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun addClientDisconnectListener(
    listener: InteractiveWatchFaceClient.ClientDisconnectListener,
    executor: Executor
): Unit

Registers a ClientDisconnectListener.


Added in 1.2.0
open fun addOnWatchFaceColorsListener(
    executor: Executor,
    listener: Consumer<WatchFaceColors?>
): Unit

Registers a Consumer which gets called initially with the current Renderer.watchfaceColors if known or null if not, and subsequently whenever the watch face's Renderer.watchfaceColors change.

executor: Executor

The Executor on which to run listener.

listener: Consumer<WatchFaceColors?>

The Consumer to run whenever the watch face's Renderer.watchfaceColors change.


Added in 1.0.0
fun addOnWatchFaceReadyListener(
    executor: Executor,
    listener: InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceReadyListener
): Unit

Registers a OnWatchFaceReadyListener which gets called when the watch face is ready to render.

Note in the event of the watch face disconnecting (e.g. due to a crash) the listener will never get called. Use ClientDisconnectListener to observe disconnects.

executor: Executor

The Executor on which to run OnWatchFaceReadyListener.

listener: InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceReadyListener

The OnWatchFaceReadyListener to run when the watchface is ready to render.


Added in 1.2.0
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
open fun createRemoteWatchFaceViewHost(
    hostToken: IBinder,
    width: @Px Int,
    height: @Px Int
): RemoteWatchFaceViewHost?

Constructs a RemoteWatchFaceViewHost whose RemoteWatchFaceViewHost.surfacePackage can be attached to a SurfaceView owned by the client with SurfaceView.setChildSurfacePackage. The watch face will render into this view upon demand (see RemoteWatchFaceViewHost.renderWatchFace).

This is more efficient than calling renderWatchFaceToBitmap multiple times, although there is some overhead (memory and cpu) to setting up a RemoteWatchFaceViewHost.

Requires the watchface to be compiled with a compatible library, to check if that's the case use isRemoteWatchFaceViewHostSupported.

hostToken: IBinder

The return value of View.getHostToken()

width: @Px Int

The width of the view in pixels

height: @Px Int

The height of the view in pixels


The RemoteWatchFaceViewHost or null if the client has already been closed or if the watch face is not compatible.


Added in 1.0.0
open fun getComplicationIdAt(x: @Px Int, y: @Px Int): Int?

Returns the ID of the androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot at the given coordinates or null if there isn't one.

Note this currently doesn't support Edge complications.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha05
@RequiresApi(value = 34)
open fun getUserStyleFlavors(): UserStyleFlavors

Returns the watch face's UserStyleFlavors.


if the watch face threw an exception while trying to service the request or there was a communication problem with watch face process.


Added in 1.2.0
open fun isComplicationDisplayPolicySupported(): Boolean

Whether or not the watch face supports ComplicationDisplayPolicy. If it doesn't then the client is responsible for emulating it by observing the state of the keyguard and sending NoData complications when the device becomes locked and subsequently restoring them when it becomes unlocked for affected complications.


Added in 1.0.0
fun isConnectionAlive(): Boolean

Returns true if the connection to the server side is alive.


Added in 1.0.0
fun performAmbientTick(): Unit

Triggers watch face rendering into the surface when in ambient mode.


Added in 1.0.0
fun removeClientDisconnectListener(
    listener: InteractiveWatchFaceClient.ClientDisconnectListener
): Unit

Removes a ClientDisconnectListener previously registered by addClientDisconnectListener.


Added in 1.2.0
open fun removeOnWatchFaceColorsListener(listener: Consumer<WatchFaceColors?>): Unit

Stops listening for events registered by addOnWatchFaceColorsListener.


Added in 1.0.0
fun removeOnWatchFaceReadyListener(
    listener: InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceReadyListener
): Unit

Stops listening for events registered by addOnWatchFaceReadyListener.


@RequiresApi(value = 27)
fun renderWatchFaceToBitmap(
    renderParameters: RenderParameters,
    instant: Instant,
    userStyle: UserStyle?,
    idAndComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?
): Bitmap

Renders the watchface to a shared memory backed Bitmap with the given settings. Note this will be fairly slow since either software canvas or glReadPixels will be invoked.

renderParameters: RenderParameters

The RenderParameters to draw with.

instant: Instant

The Instant render with.

userStyle: UserStyle?

Optional UserStyle to render with, if null the current style is used.

idAndComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

Map of complication ids to ComplicationData to render with, or if null then the existing complication data if any is used.


A shared memory backed Bitmap containing a screenshot of the watch face with the given settings.


Added in 1.0.0
fun sendTouchEvent(xPosition: @Px Int, yPosition: @Px Int, tapType: Int): Unit

Sends a tap event to the watch face for processing.

xPosition: @Px Int

The x-coordinate of the tap in pixels

yPosition: @Px Int

The y-coordinate of the tap in pixels

tapType: Int

The TapTypeIntDef of the event


Added in 1.0.0
fun setWatchUiState(watchUiState: WatchUiState): Unit

Updates the watch faces WatchUiState. NB setWatchUiState and updateWatchFaceInstance can be called in any order.


fun updateComplicationData(
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>
): Unit

Sends new ComplicationData to the watch face. Note this doesn't have to be a full update, it's possible to update just one complication at a time, but doing so may result in a less visually clean transition.

slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>

The ComplicationData for each androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot.


Added in 1.0.0
fun updateWatchFaceInstance(newInstanceId: String, userStyle: UserStyle): Unit

Renames this instance to newInstanceId (must be unique, usually this would be different from the old ID but that's not a requirement). Sets the current UserStyle and clears any complication data. Setting the new UserStyle may have a side effect of enabling or disabling complicationSlots, which will be visible via ComplicationSlotState.isEnabled.

NB setWatchUiState and updateWatchFaceInstance can be called in any order.


Added in 1.0.0
fun updateWatchFaceInstance(newInstanceId: String, userStyle: UserStyleData): Unit

Renames this instance to newInstanceId (must be unique, usually this would be different from the old ID but that's not a requirement). Sets the current UserStyle represented as a [UserStyleData> and clears any complication data. Setting the new UserStyle may have a side effect of enabling or disabling complicationSlots, which will be visible via ComplicationSlotState.isEnabled.

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0
val complicationSlotsStateMap<IntComplicationSlotState>

Map of androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot ids to ComplicationSlotState for each ComplicationSlot registered with the watch face's ComplicationSlotsManager. The ComplicationSlotState is based on the initial state of each androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot plus any overrides from a ComplicationSlotsUserStyleSetting. As a consequence ComplicationSlotState may update based on style changes.


Added in 1.0.0
val contentDescriptionLabelsList<ContentDescriptionLabel>

Returns the ContentDescriptionLabels describing the watch face, for the use by screen readers.


Added in 1.0.0
val instanceIdString

Returns the ID of this watch face instance.


Added in 1.2.0
open val isRemoteWatchFaceViewHostSupportedBoolean

Whether or not the watch face supports RemoteWatchFaceViewHost.


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
open val overlayStyleOverlayStyle

The watchface's OverlayStyle which may be null.

Note while this plumbing got built, it was never used by the system ui on any platform and it will be removed.


Added in 1.0.0
val previewReferenceInstantInstant

The UTC reference preview time for this watch face in milliseconds since the epoch.


Added in 1.0.0
val userStyleSchemaUserStyleSchema

The watch face's UserStyleSchema.