
public final class DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters extends TrackSelectionParameters

Extends Parameters by adding fields that are specific to DefaultTrackSelector.


Nested types

A builder for Parameters.


static final DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters

An instance with default values.

static final DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters

This field is deprecated.

Use DEFAULT instead.

Public fields

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections containing mixed channel counts.

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections with mixed levels of and .

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections containing mixed MIME types.

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections containing mixed sample rates.

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections where adaptation may not be completely seamless.

final boolean

Whether to allow to invalidate selections on renderer capabilities change.

final boolean

Whether multiple adaptive selections with more than one track are allowed.

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive video selections with mixed levels of and .

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive video selections containing mixed MIME types.

final boolean

Whether to allow adaptive video selections where adaptation may not be completely seamless.

final boolean

Whether to constrain audio track selection so that the selected track's channel count does not exceed the device's output capabilities.

final boolean

Whether to exceed the maxAudioChannelCount and maxAudioBitrate constraints when no selection can be made otherwise.

final boolean

Whether to exceed renderer capabilities when no selection can be made otherwise.

final boolean

Whether to exceed the maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight and maxVideoBitrate constraints when no selection can be made otherwise.

final boolean

Whether to enable tunneling if possible.

Public methods


Creates a new Parameters.Builder, copying the initial values from this instance.

static DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters

Restores a Parameters from a Bundle.

static DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters

This method is deprecated.

Use DEFAULT instead.

getRendererDisabled(int rendererIndex)

Returns whether the renderer is disabled.

@Nullable DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionOverride
getSelectionOverride(int rendererIndex, TrackGroupArray groups)

This method is deprecated.

Only works to retrieve the overrides set with the deprecated setSelectionOverride.

hasSelectionOverride(int rendererIndex, TrackGroupArray groups)

This method is deprecated.

Only works to retrieve the overrides set with the deprecated setSelectionOverride.


Inherited Constants

From androidx.media3.common.TrackSelectionParameters
static final TrackSelectionParameters

An instance with default parameters.

static final TrackSelectionParameters

This field is deprecated.

Use DEFAULT instead.

static final int

Defines a minimum field ID value for subclasses to use when implementing toBundle and delegating to Builder.

Inherited fields

From androidx.media3.common.TrackSelectionParameters
final TrackSelectionParameters.AudioOffloadPreferences

The preferred offload mode settings for audio playback.

final ImmutableSet<@C.TrackType Integer>

The track types that are disabled.

final boolean

Whether to force selection of the highest bitrate audio and video tracks that comply with all other constraints.

final boolean

Whether to force selection of the single lowest bitrate audio and video tracks that comply with all other constraints.

final int

Bitmask of selection flags that are ignored for text track selections.

final boolean

Whether an image track will be selected over a video track if both are available.

final boolean

Whether the viewport size should be assumed to the physical display size if no other specific viewport size constraint is specified.

final int

Maximum allowed audio bitrate in bits per second.

final int

Maximum allowed audio channel count.

final int

Maximum allowed video bitrate in bits per second.

final int

Maximum allowed video frame rate in hertz.

final int

Maximum allowed video height in pixels.

final int

Maximum allowed video width in pixels.

final int

Minimum allowed video bitrate in bits per second.

final int

Minimum allowed video frame rate in hertz.

final int

Minimum allowed video height in pixels.

final int

Minimum allowed video width in pixels.

final ImmutableMap<TrackGroupTrackSelectionOverride>

Overrides to force selection of specific tracks.

final ImmutableList<String>

The preferred languages for audio and forced text tracks as IETF BCP 47 conformant tags in order of preference.

final ImmutableList<String>

The preferred sample MIME types for audio tracks in order of preference, or an empty list for no preference.

final int

The preferred C.RoleFlags for audio tracks.

final ImmutableList<String>

The preferred languages for text tracks as IETF BCP 47 conformant tags in order of preference.

final int

The preferred C.RoleFlags for text tracks.

final ImmutableList<String>

The preferred languages for video tracks as IETF BCP 47 conformant tags in order of preference.

final ImmutableList<String>

The preferred sample MIME types for video tracks in order of preference, or an empty list for no preference.

final int

The preferred C.RoleFlags for video tracks.

final boolean

Whether a text track with undetermined language should be selected if no track with preferredTextLanguages is available, or if preferredTextLanguages is unset.

final boolean

Whether the preferred languages and the preferred role flags for text tracks should be set according the CaptioningManager preferences, if enabled in the system settings and no other explicit language or role flag preferences are specified.

final int

Viewport height in pixels.

final boolean

Whether the viewport orientation may change during playback.

final int

Viewport width in pixels.

Inherited methods

From androidx.media3.common.TrackSelectionParameters
static TrackSelectionParameters

Construct an instance from a Bundle produced by toBundle.

static TrackSelectionParameters

This method is deprecated.

Use DEFAULT instead.



public static final DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters DEFAULT

An instance with default values.


public static final DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters DEFAULT_WITHOUT_CONTEXT

Public fields


public final boolean allowAudioMixedChannelCountAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections containing mixed channel counts. Adaptations between different channel counts may not be completely seamless. The default value is false.


public final boolean allowAudioMixedDecoderSupportAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections with mixed levels of and .


public final boolean allowAudioMixedMimeTypeAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections containing mixed MIME types. Adaptations between different MIME types may not be completely seamless, in which case allowAudioNonSeamlessAdaptiveness also needs to be true for mixed MIME type selections to be made. The default value is false.


public final boolean allowAudioMixedSampleRateAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections containing mixed sample rates. Adaptations between different sample rates may not be completely seamless. The default value is false.


public final boolean allowAudioNonSeamlessAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive audio selections where adaptation may not be completely seamless. The default value is true.


public final boolean allowInvalidateSelectionsOnRendererCapabilitiesChange

Whether to allow to invalidate selections on renderer capabilities change. The default value is false.


public final boolean allowMultipleAdaptiveSelections

Whether multiple adaptive selections with more than one track are allowed. The default value is true.

Note that tracks are only eligible for adaptation if they define a bitrate, the renderers support the tracks and allow adaptation between them, and they are not excluded based on other track selection parameters.


public final boolean allowVideoMixedDecoderSupportAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive video selections with mixed levels of and .


public final boolean allowVideoMixedMimeTypeAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive video selections containing mixed MIME types. Adaptations between different MIME types may not be completely seamless, in which case allowVideoNonSeamlessAdaptiveness also needs to be true for mixed MIME type selections to be made. The default value is false.


public final boolean allowVideoNonSeamlessAdaptiveness

Whether to allow adaptive video selections where adaptation may not be completely seamless. The default value is true.


public final boolean constrainAudioChannelCountToDeviceCapabilities

Whether to constrain audio track selection so that the selected track's channel count does not exceed the device's output capabilities. The default value is true.


public final boolean exceedAudioConstraintsIfNecessary

Whether to exceed the maxAudioChannelCount and maxAudioBitrate constraints when no selection can be made otherwise. The default value is true.


public final boolean exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary

Whether to exceed renderer capabilities when no selection can be made otherwise.

This parameter applies when all of the tracks available for a renderer exceed the renderer's reported capabilities. If the parameter is true then the lowest quality track will still be selected. Playback may succeed if the renderer has under-reported its true capabilities. If false then no track will be selected. The default value is true.


public final boolean exceedVideoConstraintsIfNecessary

Whether to exceed the maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight and maxVideoBitrate constraints when no selection can be made otherwise. The default value is true.


public final boolean tunnelingEnabled

Whether to enable tunneling if possible.

Public methods


public DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters.Builder buildUpon()

Creates a new Parameters.Builder, copying the initial values from this instance.


public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj)


public static DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters fromBundle(Bundle bundle)

Restores a Parameters from a Bundle.


public static DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters getDefaults(Context context)


public boolean getRendererDisabled(int rendererIndex)

Returns whether the renderer is disabled.

int rendererIndex

The renderer index.


Whether the renderer is disabled.


public @Nullable DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionOverride getSelectionOverride(int rendererIndex, TrackGroupArray groups)

Returns the override for the specified renderer and TrackGroupArray.

int rendererIndex

The renderer index.

TrackGroupArray groups

The TrackGroupArray.

@Nullable DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionOverride

The override, or null if no override exists.


public boolean hasSelectionOverride(int rendererIndex, TrackGroupArray groups)

Returns whether there is an override for the specified renderer and TrackGroupArray.

int rendererIndex

The renderer index.

TrackGroupArray groups

The TrackGroupArray.


Whether there is an override.


public int hashCode()


public Bundle toBundle()