Added in API level 22


abstract class CarrierMessagingService : Service
   ↳ android.content.Context
   ↳ android.content.ContextWrapper
   ↳ android.service.carrier.CarrierMessagingService

A service that receives calls from the system when new SMS and MMS are sent or received.

To extend this class, you must declare the service in your manifest file with the android.Manifest.permission#BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES permission and include an intent filter with the SERVICE_INTERFACE action. For example:

<service android:name=".MyMessagingService"
          <action android:name="android.service.carrier.CarrierMessagingService" />


Nested classes

A callback interface used to provide results asynchronously.

The result of sending an MMS.

The result of sending a multipart SMS.

The result of sending an SMS.

static Int

MMS downloading failed due to an unspecified issue.

static Int

The carrier-dependent configuration values could not be loaded.

static Int

Data is disabled for the MMS APN.

static Int

An error occurred during the HTTP client setup.

static Int

The subscription id for the download is inactive.

static Int

ApnException occurred during MMS network setup.

static Int

The subscription id for the download is invalid.

static Int

An I/O error occurred reading the PDU.

static Int

MMS is disabled by a carrier.

static Int

There is neither Wi-Fi nor mobile data network.

static Int

An error occurred while retrying downloading the MMS.

static Int

An error occurred during the MMS connection setup.

static Int

Unspecific MMS error occurred during download.

static Int

Successfully downloaded an MMS message.

static Int

MMS downloading failed.

static Int

The default bitmask value passed to the callback of onReceiveTextSms with all RECEIVE_OPTIONS_x flags cleared to indicate that the message should be kept and a new message notification should be shown.

static Int

Used to set the flag in the bitmask passed to the callback of onReceiveTextSms to indicate that the inbound SMS should be dropped.

static Int

Used to set the flag in the bitmask passed to the callback of onReceiveTextSms to indicate that a new message notification should not be shown to the user when the credential-encrypted storage of the device is not available before the user unlocks the phone.

static Int

Flag to request SMS delivery status report.

static Int

SMS/MMS sending failed due to an unspecified issue.

static Int

The carrier-dependent configuration values could not be loaded.

static Int

Data is disabled for the MMS APN.

static Int

An error occurred during the HTTP client setup.

static Int

The subscription id for the send is inactive.

static Int

ApnException occurred during MMS network setup.

static Int

The subscription id for the send is invalid.

static Int

An I/O error occurred reading the PDU.

static Int

MMS is disabled by a carrier.

static Int

There is neither Wi-Fi nor mobile data network.

static Int

An error occurred while retrying sending the MMS.

static Int

An error occurred during the MMS connection setup.

static Int

Unspecific MMS error occurred during send.

static Int

Indicates that an SMS or MMS message was successfully sent.

static Int

Failed because the operation was cancelled.

static Int

Failed because of an encoding error.

static Int

Failed because FDN is enabled.

static Int

Generic failure cause.

static Int

Failed because we reached the sending queue limit.

static Int

Failed because service is currently unavailable.

static Int

Failed because no pdu provided.

static Int

Failed because the user has denied this app ever send premium short codes.

static Int

Failed because user denied the sending of this short code.

static Int

Failed because of invalid arguments.

static Int

Failed because of an invalid smsc address

static Int

Failed because the sms format is not valid.

static Int

Failed because of an invalid state.

static Int

Failed because of a network error.

static Int

Failed because of network rejection.

static Int

Failed because the operation is not allowed.

static Int

Failed because the request is not supported.

static Int

Failed sending during an emergency call.

static Int

Failed to send an sms retry.

static Int

SMS/MMS sending failed.

static String

The android.content.Intent that must be declared as handled by the service.

Inherited constants
Public constructors

Public methods
open IBinder?
onBind(intent: Intent)

Return the communication channel to the service.

open Unit
onDownloadMms(contentUri: Uri, subId: Int, location: Uri, callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Int!>)

Override this method to download MMSs received.

open Unit
onFilterSms(pdu: MessagePdu, format: String, destPort: Int, subId: Int, callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Boolean!>)

Override this method to filter inbound SMS messages.

open Unit
onReceiveTextSms(pdu: MessagePdu, format: String, destPort: Int, subId: Int, callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Int!>)

Override this method to filter inbound SMS messages.

open Unit

Override this method to intercept binary SMSs sent from the device.

open Unit
onSendDataSms(data: ByteArray, subId: Int, destAddress: String, destPort: Int, sendSmsFlag: Int, callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>)

Override this method to intercept binary SMSs sent from the device.

open Unit

Override this method to intercept MMSs sent from the device.

open Unit

Override this method to intercept long SMSs sent from the device.

open Unit

Override this method to intercept long SMSs sent from the device.

open Unit

Override this method to intercept text SMSs sent from the device.

open Unit

Override this method to intercept text SMSs sent from the device.

Inherited functions



Added in API level 22

MMS downloading failed due to an unspecified issue. Downloading will not be retried via the carrier network.


Value: 2


Added in API level 36

The carrier-dependent configuration values could not be loaded.

Value: 606

See Also


    Added in API level 36

    Data is disabled for the MMS APN.

    Value: 610

    See Also


      Added in API level 36

      An error occurred during the HTTP client setup.

      Value: 603

      See Also


        Added in API level 36

        The subscription id for the download is inactive.

        Value: 609

        See Also


          Added in API level 36

          ApnException occurred during MMS network setup.

          Value: 601

          See Also


            Added in API level 36

            The subscription id for the download is invalid.

            Value: 608

            See Also


              Added in API level 36
              static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_IO_ERROR: Int

              An I/O error occurred reading the PDU.

              Value: 604

              See Also


                Added in API level 36

                MMS is disabled by a carrier.

                Value: 611

                See Also


                  Added in API level 36
                  static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_NO_DATA_NETWORK: Int

                  There is neither Wi-Fi nor mobile data network.

                  Value: 607

                  See Also


                    Added in API level 36
                    static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_RETRY: Int

                    An error occurred while retrying downloading the MMS.

                    Value: 605

                    See Also


                      Added in API level 36
                      static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_UNABLE_CONNECT_MMS: Int

                      An error occurred during the MMS connection setup.

                      Value: 602

                      See Also


                        Added in API level 36
                        static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: Int

                        Unspecific MMS error occurred during download.

                        Value: 600

                        See Also


                          Added in API level 22
                          static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_OK: Int

                          Successfully downloaded an MMS message.

                          Value: 0


                          Added in API level 22
                          static val DOWNLOAD_STATUS_RETRY_ON_CARRIER_NETWORK: Int

                          MMS downloading failed. We should retry via the carrier network.

                          Value: 1


                          Added in API level 24
                          static val RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DEFAULT: Int

                          The default bitmask value passed to the callback of onReceiveTextSms with all RECEIVE_OPTIONS_x flags cleared to indicate that the message should be kept and a new message notification should be shown.

                          Value: 0


                          Added in API level 24
                          static val RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP: Int

                          Used to set the flag in the bitmask passed to the callback of onReceiveTextSms to indicate that the inbound SMS should be dropped.

                          Value: 1


                          Added in API level 24

                          Used to set the flag in the bitmask passed to the callback of onReceiveTextSms to indicate that a new message notification should not be shown to the user when the credential-encrypted storage of the device is not available before the user unlocks the phone. It is only applicable to devices that support file-based encryption.

                          Value: 2


                          Added in API level 23
                          static val SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS: Int

                          Flag to request SMS delivery status report.

                          Value: 1


                          Added in API level 22
                          static val SEND_STATUS_ERROR: Int

                          SMS/MMS sending failed due to an unspecified issue. Sending will not be retried via the carrier network.

                          Maps to SmsManager.RESULT_RIL_GENERIC_FAILURE for SMS and SmsManager.MMS_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED for MMS.

                          Value: 2


                          Added in API level 36
                          static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_CONFIGURATION_ERROR: Int

                          The carrier-dependent configuration values could not be loaded.

                          Value: 406

                          See Also


                            Added in API level 36
                            static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_DATA_DISABLED: Int

                            Data is disabled for the MMS APN.

                            Value: 410

                            See Also


                              Added in API level 36
                              static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_HTTP_FAILURE: Int

                              An error occurred during the HTTP client setup.

                              Value: 403

                              See Also


                                Added in API level 36
                                static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_INACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION: Int

                                The subscription id for the send is inactive.

                                Value: 409

                                See Also


                                  Added in API level 36
                                  static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_INVALID_APN: Int

                                  ApnException occurred during MMS network setup.

                                  Value: 401

                                  See Also


                                    Added in API level 36
                                    static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Int

                                    The subscription id for the send is invalid.

                                    Value: 408

                                    See Also


                                      Added in API level 36
                                      static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_IO_ERROR: Int

                                      An I/O error occurred reading the PDU.

                                      Value: 404

                                      See Also


                                        Added in API level 36
                                        static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_MMS_DISABLED_BY_CARRIER: Int

                                        MMS is disabled by a carrier.

                                        Value: 411

                                        See Also


                                          Added in API level 36
                                          static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_NO_DATA_NETWORK: Int

                                          There is neither Wi-Fi nor mobile data network.

                                          Value: 407

                                          See Also


                                            Added in API level 36
                                            static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_RETRY: Int

                                            An error occurred while retrying sending the MMS.

                                            Value: 405

                                            See Also


                                              Added in API level 36
                                              static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_UNABLE_CONNECT_MMS: Int

                                              An error occurred during the MMS connection setup.

                                              Value: 402

                                              See Also


                                                Added in API level 36
                                                static val SEND_STATUS_MMS_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: Int

                                                Unspecific MMS error occurred during send.

                                                Value: 400

                                                See Also


                                                  Added in API level 22
                                                  static val SEND_STATUS_OK: Int

                                                  Indicates that an SMS or MMS message was successfully sent.

                                                  Value: 0


                                                  Added in API level 36
                                                  static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_CANCELLED: Int

                                                  Failed because the operation was cancelled.

                                                  Value: 215

                                                  See Also


                                                    Added in API level 36
                                                    static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ENCODING_ERROR: Int

                                                    Failed because of an encoding error.

                                                    Value: 212

                                                    See Also


                                                      Added in API level 36
                                                      static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_FDN_CHECK_FAILURE: Int

                                                      Failed because FDN is enabled.

                                                      Value: 204

                                                      See Also


                                                        Added in API level 36
                                                        static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE: Int

                                                        Generic failure cause.

                                                        Value: 200

                                                        See Also


                                                          Added in API level 36
                                                          static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Int

                                                          Failed because we reached the sending queue limit.

                                                          Value: 203

                                                          See Also


                                                            Added in API level 36
                                                            static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_NO_SERVICE: Int

                                                            Failed because service is currently unavailable.

                                                            Value: 202

                                                            See Also


                                                              Added in API level 36
                                                              static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU: Int

                                                              Failed because no pdu provided.

                                                              Value: 201

                                                              See Also


                                                                Added in API level 36
                                                                static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_SHORT_CODE_NEVER_ALLOWED: Int

                                                                Failed because the user has denied this app ever send premium short codes.

                                                                Value: 206

                                                                See Also


                                                                  Added in API level 36
                                                                  static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_ERROR_SHORT_CODE_NOT_ALLOWED: Int

                                                                  Failed because user denied the sending of this short code.

                                                                  Value: 205

                                                                  See Also


                                                                    Added in API level 36
                                                                    static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENTS: Int

                                                                    Failed because of invalid arguments.

                                                                    Value: 208

                                                                    See Also


                                                                      Added in API level 36
                                                                      static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_INVALID_SMSC_ADDRESS: Int

                                                                      Failed because of an invalid smsc address

                                                                      Value: 213

                                                                      See Also


                                                                        Added in API level 36
                                                                        static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_INVALID_SMS_FORMAT: Int

                                                                        Failed because the sms format is not valid.

                                                                        Value: 210

                                                                        See Also


                                                                          Added in API level 36
                                                                          static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_INVALID_STATE: Int

                                                                          Failed because of an invalid state.

                                                                          Value: 209

                                                                          See Also


                                                                            Added in API level 36
                                                                            static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_NETWORK_ERROR: Int

                                                                            Failed because of a network error.

                                                                            Value: 211

                                                                            See Also


                                                                              Added in API level 36
                                                                              static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_NETWORK_REJECT: Int

                                                                              Failed because of network rejection.

                                                                              Value: 207

                                                                              See Also


                                                                                Added in API level 36
                                                                                static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED: Int

                                                                                Failed because the operation is not allowed.

                                                                                Value: 214

                                                                                See Also


                                                                                  Added in API level 36
                                                                                  static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED: Int

                                                                                  Failed because the request is not supported.

                                                                                  Value: 216

                                                                                  See Also


                                                                                    Added in API level 36
                                                                                    static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_SMS_BLOCKED_DURING_EMERGENCY: Int

                                                                                    Failed sending during an emergency call.

                                                                                    Value: 217

                                                                                    See Also


                                                                                      Added in API level 36
                                                                                      static val SEND_STATUS_RESULT_SMS_SEND_RETRY_FAILED: Int

                                                                                      Failed to send an sms retry.

                                                                                      Value: 218

                                                                                      See Also


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        static val SEND_STATUS_RETRY_ON_CARRIER_NETWORK: Int

                                                                                        SMS/MMS sending failed. We should retry via the carrier network.

                                                                                        Value: 1


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        static val SERVICE_INTERFACE: String

                                                                                        The android.content.Intent that must be declared as handled by the service.

                                                                                        Value: "android.service.carrier.CarrierMessagingService"

                                                                                        Public constructors



                                                                                        Public methods


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        open fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder?

                                                                                        Return the communication channel to the service. May return null if clients can not bind to the service. The returned android.os.IBinder is usually for a complex interface that has been described using aidl.

                                                                                        Note that unlike other application components, calls on to the IBinder interface returned here may not happen on the main thread of the process. More information about the main thread can be found in Processes and Threads.

                                                                                        intent Intent: This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        IBinder? This value may be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        open fun onDownloadMms(
                                                                                            contentUri: Uri,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            location: Uri,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Int!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Override this method to download MMSs received.

                                                                                        contentUri Uri: the content provider URI of the PDU to be downloaded. This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        location Uri: the URI of the message to be downloaded. This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Int!>: result callback. Call with a status code which is one of DOWNLOAD_STATUS_OK, DOWNLOAD_STATUS_RETRY_ON_CARRIER_NETWORK, or DOWNLOAD_STATUS_ERROR. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        Deprecated in API level 24
                                                                                        open fun onFilterSms(
                                                                                            pdu: MessagePdu,
                                                                                            format: String,
                                                                                            destPort: Int,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Boolean!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Deprecated: Use onReceiveTextSms instead.

                                                                                        Override this method to filter inbound SMS messages.

                                                                                        pdu MessagePdu: the PDUs of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        format String: the format of the PDUs, typically "3gpp" or "3gpp2" This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        destPort Int: the destination port of a binary SMS, this will be -1 for text SMS
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Boolean!>: result callback. Call with true to keep an inbound SMS message and deliver to SMS apps, and false to drop the message. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 24
                                                                                        open fun onReceiveTextSms(
                                                                                            pdu: MessagePdu,
                                                                                            format: String,
                                                                                            destPort: Int,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Int!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Override this method to filter inbound SMS messages.

                                                                                        This method will be called once for every incoming text SMS. You can invoke the callback with a bitmask to tell the platform how to handle the SMS. For a SMS received on a file-based encryption capable device while the credential-encrypted storage is not available, this method will be called for the second time when the credential-encrypted storage becomes available after the user unlocks the phone, if the bit RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP is not set when invoking the callback.

                                                                                        pdu MessagePdu: the PDUs of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        format String: the format of the PDUs, typically "3gpp" or "3gpp2" This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        destPort Int: the destination port of a binary SMS, this will be -1 for text SMS
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<Int!>: result callback. Call with a bitmask integer to indicate how the incoming text SMS should be handled by the platform. Use RECEIVE_OPTIONS_DROP and RECEIVE_OPTIONS_SKIP_NOTIFY_WHEN_CREDENTIAL_PROTECTED_STORAGE_UNAVAILABLE to set the flags in the bitmask. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        Deprecated in API level 23
                                                                                        open fun onSendDataSms(
                                                                                            data: ByteArray,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            destAddress: String,
                                                                                            destPort: Int,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Deprecated: Override #onSendDataSms below instead.

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept binary SMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        data ByteArray: the binary content This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        destAddress String: phone number of the recipient of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        destPort Int: the destination port
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendSmsResult. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 23
                                                                                        open fun onSendDataSms(
                                                                                            data: ByteArray,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            destAddress: String,
                                                                                            destPort: Int,
                                                                                            sendSmsFlag: Int,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept binary SMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        data ByteArray: the binary content This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        destAddress String: phone number of the recipient of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        destPort Int: the destination port
                                                                                        sendSmsFlag Int: Flag for sending SMS. Acceptable values are 0 and SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendSmsResult. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        open fun onSendMms(
                                                                                            pduUri: Uri,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            location: Uri?,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendMmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept MMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        pduUri Uri: the content provider URI of the PDU to send This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        location Uri?: the optional URI to send this MMS PDU. If this is {code null}, the PDU should be sent to the default MMSC URL.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendMmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendMmsResult. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        Deprecated in API level 23
                                                                                        open fun onSendMultipartTextSms(
                                                                                            parts: MutableList<String!>,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            destAddress: String,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendMultipartSmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Deprecated: Override #onSendMultipartTextSms below instead.

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept long SMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        parts MutableList<String!>: a List of the message parts This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        destAddress String: phone number of the recipient of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendMultipartSmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendMultipartSmsResult. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 23
                                                                                        open fun onSendMultipartTextSms(
                                                                                            parts: MutableList<String!>,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            destAddress: String,
                                                                                            sendSmsFlag: Int,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendMultipartSmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept long SMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        parts MutableList<String!>: a List of the message parts This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        destAddress String: phone number of the recipient of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        sendSmsFlag Int: Flag for sending SMS. Acceptable values are 0 and SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendMultipartSmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendMultipartSmsResult. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 22
                                                                                        Deprecated in API level 23
                                                                                        open fun onSendTextSms(
                                                                                            text: String,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            destAddress: String,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Deprecated: Override #onSendTextSms below instead.

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept text SMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        text String: the text to send This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        destAddress String: phone number of the recipient of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendSmsResult. This value cannot be null.


                                                                                        Added in API level 23
                                                                                        open fun onSendTextSms(
                                                                                            text: String,
                                                                                            subId: Int,
                                                                                            destAddress: String,
                                                                                            sendSmsFlag: Int,
                                                                                            callback: CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>
                                                                                        ): Unit

                                                                                        Override this method to intercept text SMSs sent from the device.

                                                                                        text String: the text to send This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        subId Int: SMS subscription ID of the SIM
                                                                                        destAddress String: phone number of the recipient of the message This value cannot be null.
                                                                                        sendSmsFlag Int: Flag for sending SMS. Acceptable values are 0 and SEND_FLAG_REQUEST_DELIVERY_STATUS.
                                                                                        callback CarrierMessagingService.ResultCallback<CarrierMessagingService.SendSmsResult!>: result callback. Call with a SendSmsResult. This value cannot be null.