Added in API level 21


abstract class Callback

Callbacks for package changes to this and related managed profiles.


Public constructors

Public methods
abstract Unit
onPackageAdded(packageName: String!, user: UserHandle!)

Indicates that a package was added to the specified profile.

abstract Unit
onPackageChanged(packageName: String!, user: UserHandle!)

Indicates that a package was modified in the specified profile.

open Unit
onPackageLoadingProgressChanged(packageName: String, user: UserHandle, progress: Float)

Indicates that the loading progress of an installed package has changed.

abstract Unit
onPackageRemoved(packageName: String!, user: UserHandle!)

Indicates that a package was removed from the specified profile.

abstract Unit
onPackagesAvailable(packageNames: Array<String!>!, user: UserHandle!, replacing: Boolean)

Indicates that one or more packages have become available.

open Unit
onPackagesSuspended(packageNames: Array<String!>!, user: UserHandle!)

Indicates that one or more packages have been suspended.

open Unit
onPackagesSuspended(packageNames: Array<String!>!, user: UserHandle!, launcherExtras: Bundle?)

Indicates that one or more packages have been suspended.

abstract Unit
onPackagesUnavailable(packageNames: Array<String!>!, user: UserHandle!, replacing: Boolean)

Indicates that one or more packages have become unavailable.

open Unit
onPackagesUnsuspended(packageNames: Array<String!>!, user: UserHandle!)

Indicates that one or more packages have been unsuspended.

open Unit
onShortcutsChanged(packageName: String, shortcuts: MutableList<ShortcutInfo!>, user: UserHandle)

Indicates that one or more shortcuts of any kind (dynamic, pinned, or manifest) have been added, updated or removed.

open Unit

Indicates LauncherUserInfo configs for a user have changed.

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 21
abstract fun onPackageAdded(
    packageName: String!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit

Indicates that a package was added to the specified profile. If a package is added while being updated then onPackageChanged will be called instead.

packageName String!: The name of the package that was added.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.


Added in API level 21
abstract fun onPackageChanged(
    packageName: String!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit

Indicates that a package was modified in the specified profile. This can happen, for example, when the package is updated or when one or more components are enabled or disabled.

packageName String!: The name of the package that has changed.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.


Added in API level 31
open fun onPackageLoadingProgressChanged(
    packageName: String,
    user: UserHandle,
    progress: Float
): Unit

Indicates that the loading progress of an installed package has changed.

packageName String: The name of the package that has changed. This value cannot be null.
user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change. This value cannot be null.
progress Float: The new progress value, between [0, 1].


Added in API level 21
abstract fun onPackageRemoved(
    packageName: String!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit

Indicates that a package was removed from the specified profile. If a package is removed while being updated onPackageChanged will be called instead.

packageName String!: The name of the package that was removed.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.


Added in API level 21
abstract fun onPackagesAvailable(
    packageNames: Array<String!>!,
    user: UserHandle!,
    replacing: Boolean
): Unit

Indicates that one or more packages have become available. For example, this can happen when a removable storage card has reappeared.

packageNames Array<String!>!: The names of the packages that have become available.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.
replacing Boolean: Indicates whether these packages are replacing existing ones.


Added in API level 24
open fun onPackagesSuspended(
    packageNames: Array<String!>!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit

Indicates that one or more packages have been suspended. For example, this can happen when a Device Administrator suspends an applicaton.

Note: On devices running Android P or higher, any apps that override onPackagesSuspended(java.lang.String[],android.os.UserHandle,android.os.Bundle) will not receive this callback.

packageNames Array<String!>!: The names of the packages that have just been suspended.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.


Added in API level 28
Deprecated in API level 30
open fun onPackagesSuspended(
    packageNames: Array<String!>!,
    user: UserHandle!,
    launcherExtras: Bundle?
): Unit

Deprecated: launcherExtras should be obtained by using getSuspendedPackageLauncherExtras(java.lang.String,android.os.UserHandle). For all other cases, onPackagesSuspended(java.lang.String[],android.os.UserHandle) should be used.

Indicates that one or more packages have been suspended. A device administrator or an app with android.permission.SUSPEND_APPS can do this.

A suspending app with the permission android.permission.SUSPEND_APPS can optionally provide a Bundle of extra information that it deems helpful for the launcher to handle the suspended state of these packages. The contents of this Bundle are supposed to be a contract between the suspending app and the launcher.

packageNames Array<String!>!: The names of the packages that have just been suspended.
user UserHandle!: the user for which the given packages were suspended.
launcherExtras Bundle?: A Bundle of extras for the launcher, if provided to the system, null otherwise.


Added in API level 21
abstract fun onPackagesUnavailable(
    packageNames: Array<String!>!,
    user: UserHandle!,
    replacing: Boolean
): Unit

Indicates that one or more packages have become unavailable. For example, this can happen when a removable storage card has been removed.

packageNames Array<String!>!: The names of the packages that have become unavailable.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.
replacing Boolean: Indicates whether the packages are about to be replaced with new versions.


Added in API level 24
open fun onPackagesUnsuspended(
    packageNames: Array<String!>!,
    user: UserHandle!
): Unit

Indicates that one or more packages have been unsuspended. For example, this can happen when a Device Administrator unsuspends an applicaton.

packageNames Array<String!>!: The names of the packages that have just been unsuspended.
user UserHandle!: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change.


Added in API level 25
open fun onShortcutsChanged(
    packageName: String,
    shortcuts: MutableList<ShortcutInfo!>,
    user: UserHandle
): Unit

Indicates that one or more shortcuts of any kind (dynamic, pinned, or manifest) have been added, updated or removed.

Only the applications that are allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission(), will receive it.

packageName String: The name of the package that has the shortcuts. This value cannot be null.
shortcuts MutableList<ShortcutInfo!>: All shortcuts from the package (dynamic, manifest and/or pinned). Only "key" information will be provided, as defined in ShortcutInfo.hasKeyFieldsOnly(). This value cannot be null.
user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile that generated the change. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
open fun onUserConfigChanged(launcherUserInfo: LauncherUserInfo): Unit

Indicates LauncherUserInfo configs for a user have changed. The new LauncherUserInfo is given as a parameter. LauncherUserInfo.getUserConfig to get the updated user configs.

launcherUserInfo LauncherUserInfo: The LauncherUserInfo of the user/profile whose configs have changed. This value cannot be null.