
public final class StrokeInput

A single input specifying position, time since the start of the stream, and optionally pressure, tiltRadians, and orientationRadians.

This data type is used as an input to StrokeInputBatch and InProgressStroke. If these are to be created as part of real-time input, it is recommended to use some sort of object pool so that new usages can make use of existing objects that have been recycled, rather than allocating new ones which could introduce unpredictable garbage collection related delays to the time-sensitive input path. This class has the update method for that purpose, rather than being immutable.



static final float
static final float
static final float
static final float

Public constructors

Public methods

static final @NonNull StrokeInput
    float x,
    float y,
    @IntRange(from = 0) long elapsedTimeMillis,
    @NonNull InputToolType toolType,
    float strokeUnitLengthCm,
    float pressure,
    float tiltRadians,
    float orientationRadians

Allocate and return a new StrokeInput.

equals(Object other)
final long

Time elapsed since the start of the stroke.

final float

The angle that indicates the direction in which the stylus is pointing in relation to the positive x axis.

final float

Pressure value in the normalized, unitless range of 0, 1 indicating the force exerted during input.

final float

The physical distance in centimeters that the pointer must travel in order to produce an input motion of one stroke unit.

final float

The angle between a stylus and the line perpendicular to the plane of the screen.

final @NonNull InputToolType

The input device used to generate this stroke input.

final float

The x-coordinate of the input position in stroke space.

final float

The y-coordinate of the input position in stroke space.

final boolean

Whether the orientationRadians field contains a valid orientation value.

final boolean

Whether the pressure field contains a valid pressure value.

final boolean

Whether the tiltRadians field contains a valid tilt value.

@NonNull String
final void
    float x,
    float y,
    @IntRange(from = 0) long elapsedTimeMillis,
    @NonNull InputToolType toolType,
    float strokeUnitLengthCm,
    float pressure,
    float tiltRadians,
    float orientationRadians

Set new values on this instance, clearing values corresponding to optional parameters that are not specified.



public static final float NO_ORIENTATION


public static final float NO_PRESSURE


public static final float NO_STROKE_UNIT_LENGTH = 0.0f


public static final float NO_TILT

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public StrokeInput()

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public static final @NonNull StrokeInput create(
    float x,
    float y,
    @IntRange(from = 0) long elapsedTimeMillis,
    @NonNull InputToolType toolType,
    float strokeUnitLengthCm,
    float pressure,
    float tiltRadians,
    float orientationRadians

Allocate and return a new StrokeInput. Only intended for test code - real code should use a recycling pattern to avoid allocating during latency-sensitive real-time input, using update on an instance allocated with the zero-argument constructor.


public boolean equals(Object other)


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final long getElapsedTimeMillis()

Time elapsed since the start of the stroke.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final float getOrientationRadians()

The angle that indicates the direction in which the stylus is pointing in relation to the positive x axis. The value should be normalized to fall between 0 and 2π in radians, where 0 means the ray from the stylus tip to the end is along positive x and values increase towards the positive y-axis.

When tiltRadians is equal to π/2, the value for orientationRadians is indeterminant.

NO_ORIENTATION indicates that orientation is not reported, which can be checked with hasOrientation. Note, that this is a separate condition from the orientation being indeterminant when tiltRadians is π/2.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final float getPressure()

Pressure value in the normalized, unitless range of 0, 1 indicating the force exerted during input.

A value of NO_PRESSURE indicates that pressure is not reported, which can be checked with hasPressure.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final float getStrokeUnitLengthCm()

The physical distance in centimeters that the pointer must travel in order to produce an input motion of one stroke unit. For stylus/touch, this is the real-world distance that the stylus/fingertip must move in physical space; for mouse, this is the visual distance that the mouse pointer must travel along the surface of the display.

A value of NO_STROKE_UNIT_LENGTH indicates that the relationship between stroke space and physical space is unknown or ill-defined.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final float getTiltRadians()

The angle between a stylus and the line perpendicular to the plane of the screen. The value should be normalized to fall between 0 and π/2 in radians, where 0 is perpendicular to the screen and π/2 is flat against the drawing surface.

NO_TILT indicates that tilt is not reported, which can be checked with hasTilt.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final @NonNull InputToolType getToolType()

The input device used to generate this stroke input.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final float getX()

The x-coordinate of the input position in stroke space.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final float getY()

The y-coordinate of the input position in stroke space.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final boolean hasOrientation()

Whether the orientationRadians field contains a valid orientation value.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final boolean hasPressure()

Whether the pressure field contains a valid pressure value.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final boolean hasTilt()

Whether the tiltRadians field contains a valid tilt value.


public int hashCode()


public @NonNull String toString()


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
public final void update(
    float x,
    float y,
    @IntRange(from = 0) long elapsedTimeMillis,
    @NonNull InputToolType toolType,
    float strokeUnitLengthCm,
    float pressure,
    float tiltRadians,
    float orientationRadians

Set new values on this instance, clearing values corresponding to optional parameters that are not specified.

float x

The x position coordinate of the input in the stroke's coordinate space.

float y

The y position coordinate of the input in the stroke's coordinate space.

@IntRange(from = 0) long elapsedTimeMillis

Marks the number of milliseconds since the stroke started. It is a non-negative timestamp in the android.os.SystemClock.elapsedRealtime time base.

@NonNull InputToolType toolType

The type of tool used to create this input data.

float strokeUnitLengthCm

The physical distance in centimeters that the pointer must travel in order to produce an input motion of one stroke unit. For stylus/touch, this is the real-world distance that the stylus/fingertip must move in physical space; for mouse, this is the visual distance that the mouse pointer must travel along the surface of the display. A value of NO_STROKE_UNIT_LENGTH indicates that the relationship between stroke space and physical space is unknown or ill-defined.

float pressure

Should be within 0, 1 but it's not enforced until added to a StrokeInputBatch object. Absence of pressure data is represented with NO_PRESSURE.

float tiltRadians

The angle in radians between a stylus and the line perpendicular to the plane of the screen. 0 is perpendicular to the screen and PI/2 is flat against the drawing surface. Absence of tiltRadians data is represented with NO_TILT.

float orientationRadians

Indicates the direction in which the stylus is pointing in relation to the positive x axis in radians. A value of 0 means the ray from the stylus tip to the end is along positive x and values increase towards the positive y-axis. Absence of orientationRadians data is represented with NO_ORIENTATION.