Added in API level 23


open class ImageWriter : AutoCloseable

The ImageWriter class allows an application to produce Image data into a android.view.Surface, and have it be consumed by another component like CameraDevice.

Several Android API classes can provide input Surface objects for ImageWriter to produce data into, including MediaCodec (encoder), CameraCaptureSession (reprocessing input), ImageReader, etc.

The input Image data is encapsulated in Image objects. To produce Image data into a destination Surface, the application can get an input Image via dequeueInputImage then write Image data into it. Multiple such Image objects can be dequeued at the same time and queued back in any order, up to the number specified by the maxImages constructor parameter.

If the application already has an Image from ImageReader, the application can directly queue this Image into the ImageWriter (via queueInputImage), potentially with zero buffer copies. This even works if the image format of the ImageWriter is PRIVATE, and prior to Android P is the only way to enqueue images into such an ImageWriter. Starting in Android P private images may also be accessed through their hardware buffers (when available) through the Image.getHardwareBuffer() method. Attempting to access the planes of a private image, will return an empty array.

Once new input Images are queued into an ImageWriter, it's up to the downstream components (e.g. ImageReader or android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice) to consume the Images. If the downstream components cannot consume the Images at least as fast as the ImageWriter production rate, the dequeueInputImage call will eventually block and the application will have to drop input frames.

If the consumer component that provided the input Surface abandons the Surface, queueing or dequeueing an Image will throw an IllegalStateException.


Nested classes

Builder class for ImageWriter objects.


ImageWriter callback interface, used to to asynchronously notify the application of various ImageWriter events.

Public methods
open Unit

Free up all the resources associated with this ImageWriter.

open Image!

Dequeue the next available input Image for the application to produce data into.

open Int

Get the ImageWriter dataspace.

open Int

Get the ImageWriter format.

open Int

Get the ImageWriter hardwareBuffer format.

open Int

The height of Images, in pixels.

open Int

Maximum number of Images that can be dequeued from the ImageWriter simultaneously (for example, with dequeueInputImage()).

open Long

Get the ImageWriter usage flag.

open Int

The width of Images, in pixels.

open static ImageWriter
newInstance(surface: Surface, maxImages: Int)

Create a new ImageWriter.

open static ImageWriter
newInstance(surface: Surface, maxImages: Int, format: Int)

Create a new ImageWriter with given number of max Images and format.

open Unit

Queue an input Image back to ImageWriter for the downstream consumer to access.

open Unit

Register a listener to be invoked when an input Image is returned to the ImageWriter.

Protected methods
open Unit

Public methods


Added in API level 23
open fun close(): Unit

Free up all the resources associated with this ImageWriter.

After calling this method, this ImageWriter cannot be used. Calling any methods on this ImageWriter and Images previously provided by dequeueInputImage() will result in an IllegalStateException, and attempting to write into ByteBuffers returned by an earlier Plane#getBuffer call will have undefined behavior.

java.lang.Exception if this resource cannot be closed


Added in API level 23
open fun dequeueInputImage(): Image!

Dequeue the next available input Image for the application to produce data into.

This method requests a new input Image from ImageWriter. The application owns this Image after this call. Once the application fills the Image data, it is expected to return this Image back to ImageWriter for downstream consumer components (e.g. android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice) to consume. The Image can be returned to ImageWriter via queueInputImage or Image.close().

This call will block if all available input images have been queued by the application and the downstream consumer has not yet consumed any. When an Image is consumed by the downstream consumer and released, an OnImageReleasedListener.onImageReleased callback will be fired, which indicates that there is one input Image available. For non- PRIVATE formats ( ImageWriter.getFormat() != ImageFormat.PRIVATE), it is recommended to dequeue the next Image only after this callback is fired, in the steady state.

If the format of ImageWriter is PRIVATE ( ImageWriter.getFormat() == ImageFormat.PRIVATE), the image buffer is accessible to the application only through the hardware buffer obtained through Image.getHardwareBuffer(). (On Android versions prior to P, dequeueing private buffers will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown). Alternatively, the application can acquire images from some other component (e.g. an ImageReader), and queue them directly to this ImageWriter via the queueInputImage() method.

Image! The next available input Image from this ImageWriter.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if maxImages Images are currently dequeued, or the input Surface has been abandoned by the consumer component that provided the Surface. Prior to Android P, throws if the ImageWriter format is PRIVATE.


Added in API level 23
open fun getFormat(): Int

Get the ImageWriter format.

This format may be different than the Image format returned by Image.getFormat(). However, if the ImageWriter format is PRIVATE, calling dequeueInputImage() will result in an IllegalStateException.

Int The ImageWriter format.


Added in API level 33
open fun getHeight(): Int

The height of Images, in pixels.

If Builder.setWidthAndHeight is not called, the default height of the Image depends on the Surface provided by customer end-point.

Int the expected height of an Image.


Added in API level 23
open fun getMaxImages(): Int

Maximum number of Images that can be dequeued from the ImageWriter simultaneously (for example, with dequeueInputImage()).

An Image is considered dequeued after it's returned by dequeueInputImage() from ImageWriter, and until the Image is sent back to ImageWriter via queueInputImage, or Image.close().

Attempting to dequeue more than maxImages concurrently will result in the dequeueInputImage() function throwing an IllegalStateException.

Int Maximum number of Images that can be dequeued from this ImageWriter.


Added in API level 33
open fun getWidth(): Int

The width of Images, in pixels.

If Builder.setWidthAndHeight is not called, the default width of the Image depends on the Surface provided by customer end-point.

Int the expected actual width of an Image.


Added in API level 23
open static fun newInstance(
    surface: Surface,
    maxImages: Int
): ImageWriter

Create a new ImageWriter.

The maxImages parameter determines the maximum number of Image objects that can be be dequeued from the ImageWriter simultaneously. Requesting more buffers will use up more memory, so it is important to use only the minimum number necessary.

The input Image size and format depend on the Surface that is provided by the downstream consumer end-point.

surface Surface: The destination Surface this writer produces Image data into. This value cannot be null.
maxImages Int: The maximum number of Images the user will want to access simultaneously for producing Image data. This should be as small as possible to limit memory use. Once maxImages Images are dequeued by the user, one of them has to be queued back before a new Image can be dequeued for access via dequeueInputImage(). Value is 1 or greater
ImageWriter a new ImageWriter instance. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
open static fun newInstance(
    surface: Surface,
    maxImages: Int,
    format: Int
): ImageWriter

Create a new ImageWriter with given number of max Images and format.

The maxImages parameter determines the maximum number of Image objects that can be be dequeued from the ImageWriter simultaneously. Requesting more buffers will use up more memory, so it is important to use only the minimum number necessary.

The format specifies the image format of this ImageWriter. The format from the surface will be overridden with this format. For example, if the surface is obtained from a, the default format may be PixelFormat.RGBA_8888. If the application creates an ImageWriter with this surface and ImageFormat.PRIVATE, this ImageWriter will be able to operate with ImageFormat.PRIVATE Images.

Note that the consumer end-point may or may not be able to support Images with different format, for such case, the application should only use this method if the consumer is able to consume such images.

The input Image size depends on the Surface that is provided by the downstream consumer end-point.

surface Surface: The destination Surface this writer produces Image data into. This value cannot be null.
maxImages Int: The maximum number of Images the user will want to access simultaneously for producing Image data. This should be as small as possible to limit memory use. Once maxImages Images are dequeued by the user, one of them has to be queued back before a new Image can be dequeued for access via dequeueInputImage(). Value is 1 or greater
format Int: The format of this ImageWriter. It can be any valid format specified by ImageFormat or PixelFormat. Value is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or
ImageWriter a new ImageWriter instance. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
open fun queueInputImage(image: Image!): Unit

Queue an input Image back to ImageWriter for the downstream consumer to access.

The input Image could be from ImageReader (acquired via ImageReader.acquireNextImage or ImageReader.acquireLatestImage), or from this ImageWriter (acquired via dequeueInputImage). In the former case, the Image data will be moved to this ImageWriter. Note that the Image properties (size, format, strides, etc.) must be the same as the properties of the images dequeued from this ImageWriter. In the latter case, the application has filled the input image with data. This method then passes the filled buffer to the downstream consumer. In both cases, it's up to the caller to ensure that the Image timestamp (in nanoseconds) is correctly set, as the downstream component may want to use it to indicate the Image data capture time.

After this method is called and the downstream consumer consumes and releases the Image, an OnImageReleasedListener.onImageReleased callback will fire. The application can use this callback to avoid sending Images faster than the downstream consumer processing rate in steady state.

Passing in an Image from some other component (e.g. an ImageReader) requires a free input Image from this ImageWriter as the destination. In this case, this call will block, as dequeueInputImage does, if there are no free Images available. To avoid blocking, the application should ensure that there is at least one free Image available in this ImageWriter before calling this method.

After this call, the input Image is no longer valid for further access, as if the Image is closed. Attempting to access the ByteBuffers returned by an earlier Plane#getBuffer call will result in an IllegalStateException.

image Image!: The Image to be queued back to ImageWriter for future consumption.
java.lang.IllegalStateException if the image was already queued previously, or the image was aborted previously, or the input Surface has been abandoned by the consumer component that provided the Surface.


Added in API level 23
open fun setOnImageReleasedListener(
    listener: ImageWriter.OnImageReleasedListener!,
    handler: Handler!
): Unit

Register a listener to be invoked when an input Image is returned to the ImageWriter.

listener ImageWriter.OnImageReleasedListener!: The listener that will be run.
handler Handler!: The handler on which the listener should be invoked, or null if the listener should be invoked on the calling thread's looper.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If no handler specified and the calling thread has no looper.

Protected methods


Added in API level 23
protected open fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method