
public interface ExerciseClient

Client which provides a way to subscribe to the health data of a device during an exercise.


Public methods

default @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Adds a DebouncedGoal for an active exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Adds an ExerciseGoal for an active exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Clears the callback set using setUpdateCallback.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Ends the current exercise, if it has been started.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Flushes the sensors for the active exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull ExerciseCapabilities>

Returns the ExerciseCapabilities of this client for the device.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull ExerciseInfo>

Returns the current ExerciseInfo.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Ends the current lap, calls ExerciseUpdateCallback.onLapSummaryReceived with data spanning the marked lap and starts a new lap.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Enables or disables auto pause/resume for the current exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Sets the batching mode for the current exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Pauses the current exercise, if it is currently started.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Prepares for a new exercise.

default @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Removes a debounced goal from an active exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Removes an exercise goal for an active exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Resumes the current exercise, if it is currently paused.

abstract void

Sets the callback for the current ExerciseUpdate.

abstract void
    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

Calls to the callback will be executed using the specified Executor.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Starts a new exercise.

abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

Updates the configurable exercise type attributes for the current exercise.

Extension functions

default final @NonNull Void

Adds a DebouncedGoal for an active exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Adds an ExerciseGoal for an active exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Clears the callback set using ExerciseClient.setUpdateCallback.

default final @NonNull Void

Ends the current exercise, if it has been started.

default final @NonNull Void

Flushes the sensors for the active exercise.

default final @NonNull ExerciseCapabilities

Returns the ExerciseCapabilities of this client for the device.

default final @NonNull ExerciseInfo

Returns the current ExerciseInfo.

default final @NonNull Void

Ends the current lap, calls ExerciseUpdateCallback.onLapSummaryReceived with data spanning the marked lap and starts a new lap.

default final @NonNull Void

Enables or disables auto pause/resume for the current exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Sets the batching mode for the current exercise synchronously.

default final @NonNull Void

Pauses the current exercise, if it is currently started.

default final void

Prepares for a new exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Removes a debounced goal from an active exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Removes an exercise goal for an active exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Resumes the current exercise, if it is currently paused.

default final void

Starts a new exercise.

default final @NonNull Void

Updates the configurable exercise type attributes for the current exercise.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
default @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidaddDebouncedGoalToActiveExerciseAsync(
    @NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

Adds a DebouncedGoal for an active exercise.

DebouncedGoals apply to only sample data types (e.g. HeartRate, Speed) for active exercises owned by the client, and will be invalidated once the exercise is complete. Note: To add goals for Cumulative DataTypes (i.e. steps, distance...) please see addGoalToActiveExerciseAsync.

Before adding, DebouncedGoal should be checked for support against ExerciseTypeCapabilities.supportedDebouncedGoals. Only one DebouncedGoal is allowed per DataType+ComparisonType combination.

@NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

the DebouncedGoal to add to this exercise

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes when WHS received the request to add the DebouncedGoal. This ListenableFuture fails if any of the following occur: 1. the calling app does not own the active exercise 2. the debouncedGoal is not supported for the given ExerciseType


if there is an existing ExerciseClient that has not implemented this method. Developers should use HealthServices.getClient(context).exerciseClient, which is guaranteed to have this method implemented.

See also



Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidaddGoalToActiveExerciseAsync(
    @NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

Adds an ExerciseGoal for an active exercise.

Goals apply to only active exercises owned by the client, and will be invalidated once the exercise is complete.

@NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

the ExerciseGoal to add to this exercise

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the exercise goal has been added. This returned ListenableFuture fails if the calling app does not own the active exercise.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidclearUpdateCallbackAsync(@NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback)

Clears the callback set using setUpdateCallback.

If this callback is not already registered then this will be a no-op.

@NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

the ExerciseUpdateCallback to clear

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the callback has been cleared (or verified not to be set).


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidendExerciseAsync()

Ends the current exercise, if it has been started.

Health Services will flush and then shut down the active sensors and return an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.USER_END to the ExerciseUpdateCallback. If the exercise has ended then this future will fail.

No additional metrics will be produced for the exercise and any on device persisted data about the exercise will be deleted after the summary has been sent back.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the exercise has been ended or fails if the calling application does not own the active exercise.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidflushAsync()

Flushes the sensors for the active exercise. This call should be used sparingly and will be subject to throttling by Health Services.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the flush has been completed or fails if the calling application does not own the active exercise.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull ExerciseCapabilitiesgetCapabilitiesAsync()

Returns the ExerciseCapabilities of this client for the device.

This can be used to determine what ExerciseTypes and DataTypes this device supports. Clients should use the capabilities to inform their requests since Health Services will typically reject requests made for DataTypes or features (such as auto-pause) which are not enabled for the rejected ExerciseType.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull ExerciseInfogetCurrentExerciseInfoAsync()

Returns the current ExerciseInfo.

This can be used by clients to determine if they or another app already owns an active exercise being tracked by Health Services. For example, if an app is killed and it learns it owns the active exercise it can register a new ExerciseUpdateCallback and pick tracking up from where it left off.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull ExerciseInfo>

a ListenableFuture that contains information about the current exercise or fails if the calling application does not own the active exercise


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidmarkLapAsync()

Ends the current lap, calls ExerciseUpdateCallback.onLapSummaryReceived with data spanning the marked lap and starts a new lap. If the exercise supports laps this method can be called at any point after an exercise has been started and before it has been ended regardless of the exercise status.

The metrics in the lap summary will start from either the start time of the exercise or the last time a lap was marked to the time this method is being called.

If there's no exercise being tracked or if the exercise does not support laps then this future will fail.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the lap has been marked successfully or fails if the calling application does not own the active exercise


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidoverrideAutoPauseAndResumeForActiveExerciseAsync(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables auto pause/resume for the current exercise.

boolean enabled

a boolean to indicate if should be enabled or disabled

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the override has completed. This returned ListenableFuture fails if an exercise is not active for this app.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidoverrideBatchingModesForActiveExerciseAsync(
    @NonNull Set<@NonNull BatchingMode> batchingModes

Sets the batching mode for the current exercise.

@NonNull Set<@NonNull BatchingMode> batchingModes

BatchingMode overrides for exercise updates. Passing an empty set will clear all existing overrides.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the override has completed. This returned ListenableFuture fails if an exercise is not active for this app.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidpauseExerciseAsync()

Pauses the current exercise, if it is currently started.

Before transitioning to ExerciseState.USER_PAUSED, Health Services will flush and return the sensor data. While the exercise is paused, active time and cumulative metrics such as distance will not accumulate. Instantaneous measurements such as speed and heart rate will continue to update if requested in the ExerciseConfig.

Note that GPS and other sensors may be stopped when the exercise is paused in order to conserve battery. This may happen immediately, or after some time. (The exact behavior is hardware dependent.) Should this happen, access will automatically resume when the exercise is resumed.

If the exercise is already paused then this method has no effect. If the exercise has ended then the returned future will fail.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the exercise has been paused or fails if the calling application does not own the active exercise.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidprepareExerciseAsync(@NonNull WarmUpConfig configuration)

Prepares for a new exercise.

Once called, Health Services will warmup the sensors based on the ExerciseType and requested DataTypes

If the calling app already has an active exercise in progress or if it does not have the required permissions, then this call returns a failed future. If another app owns the active exercise then this call will succeed.

Sensors available for warmup are GPS DataType.LOCATION and HeartRate DataType.HEART_RATE_BPM. Other DataTypes requested for warmup based on exercise capabilities will be a no-op for the prepare stage.

The DataType availability can be obtained through the ExerciseUpdateCallback.onAvailabilityChanged callback. ExerciseUpdates with the supported DataType DataPoint will also be returned in the ExerciseState.PREPARING state, though no aggregation will occur until the exercise is started.

If an app is actively preparing and another app starts tracking an active exercise then the preparing app should expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.AUTO_END_SUPERSEDED to the ExerciseUpdateCallback indicating that their session has been superseded and ended. At that point no additional updates to availability or data will be sent until the app calls prepareExercise again.

@NonNull WarmUpConfig configuration

the WarmUpConfig containing the desired exercise and data types

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once Health Services starts preparing the sensors or fails due to missing permissions or the app owning another active exercise.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
default @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidremoveDebouncedGoalFromActiveExerciseAsync(
    @NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

Removes a debounced goal from an active exercise.

@NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

the DebouncedGoal to remove from this exercise

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the debounced goal has been removed. This returned ListenableFuture fails if the exercise is not active, and will be a no-op if debouncedGoal has not been added in the past.


if there is an existing ExerciseClient that has not implemented this method. Developers should use HealthServices.getClient(context).exerciseClient, which is guaranteed to have this method implemented.

See also



Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidremoveGoalFromActiveExerciseAsync(
    @NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

Removes an exercise goal for an active exercise.

Takes into account equivalent milestones (i.e. milestones which are not equal but are different representation of a common milestone. e.g. milestone A for every 2kms, currently at threshold of 10kms, and milestone B for every 2kms, currently at threshold of 8kms).

@NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

the ExerciseGoal to remove from this exercise

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the exercise goal has been removed. This returned ListenableFuture fails if the exercise is not active, and will be a no-op if exerciseGoal has not been added in the past.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidresumeExerciseAsync()

Resumes the current exercise, if it is currently paused.

Once resumed active time and cumulative metrics such as distance will resume accumulating.

If the exercise has been started but is not currently paused this method has no effect. If the exercise has ended then the returned future will fail.

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the exercise has been resumed or fails if the calling application does not own the active exercise.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract void setUpdateCallback(@NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback)

Sets the callback for the current ExerciseUpdate.

This callback won't be called until the calling application prepares or starts an exercise. It will only receive updates from exercises tracked by this app.

If an exercise is in progress, the ExerciseUpdateCallback is immediately called with the associated ExerciseUpdate, and subsequently whenever the state is updated or an event is triggered. Health Services will cache ExerciseUpdates of an active exercise that are generated while a callback is not active (for example, due to the app getting killed) and deliver them as soon as the callback is registered again. If the client fails to maintain a live ExerciseUpdateCallback for at least five minutes during the duration of the exercise Health Services can decide to terminate the exercise automatically. If this occurs, clients can expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.AUTO_END_MISSING_LISTENER to the ExerciseUpdateCallback indicating that their exercise has been automatically ended due to the lack of callback.

Calls to the callback will be executed on the main application thread. To control where to execute the callback, see the overload taking an Executor. To remove the callback use clearUpdateCallbackAsync.

@NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

the ExerciseUpdateCallback that will receive updates from Health Services


Added in 1.0.0
abstract void setUpdateCallback(
    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

Calls to the callback will be executed using the specified Executor. To execute the callback on the main application thread use the overload without the Executor.

@NonNull Executor executor

the Executor on which callback will be invoked

@NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

the ExerciseUpdateCallback that will receive updates from Health Services


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidstartExerciseAsync(@NonNull ExerciseConfig configuration)

Starts a new exercise.

Once started, Health Services will begin collecting data associated with the exercise.

Since Health Services only allows a single active exercise at a time, this will terminate any active exercise currently in progress before starting the new one. If this occurs, clients can expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.AUTO_END_SUPERSEDED to the ExerciseUpdateCallback indicating that their exercise has been superseded and that no additional updates will be sent. Clients can use getCurrentExerciseInfoAsync (described below) to check if they or another app has an active exercise in-progress.

The exercise will be terminated and clients can expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.AUTO_END_MISSING_LISTENER (indicating that their exercise has been automatically ended due to the lack of callback) if there is ever a five minute period where no ExerciseUpdateCallback is registered. A notable example is if the process with the registered ExerciseUpdateCallback dies and does not re-register the ExerciseUpdateCallback within five minutes.

Clients should only request ExerciseTypes, DataTypes, goals, and auto-pause enabled that matches the ExerciseCapabilities returned by getCapabilitiesAsync since Health Services will reject requests asking for unsupported configurations.

@NonNull ExerciseConfig configuration

the ExerciseConfig describing this exercise

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes once the exercise has been started or fails due to the application missing the required permissions or requesting metrics which are not supported for the given ExerciseType.


Added in 1.0.0
abstract @NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull VoidupdateExerciseTypeConfigAsync(
    @NonNull ExerciseTypeConfig exerciseTypeConfig

Updates the configurable exercise type attributes for the current exercise.

This can be used to update the configurable attributes for the ongoing exercise, as defined in ExerciseTypeConfig. Minimum Exercise API version for this function is 3.

@NonNull ExerciseTypeConfig exerciseTypeConfig

a configuration containing the new values for the configurable attributes

@NonNull ListenableFuture<@NonNull Void>

a ListenableFuture that completes when the configuration has been updated.

Extension functions


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.addDebouncedGoalToActiveExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

Adds a DebouncedGoal for an active exercise.

DebouncedGoals apply to only sample data types (e.g. HeartRate, Speed) for active exercises owned by the client, and will be invalidated once the exercise is complete. Note: To add goals for Cumulative DataTypes (i.e. steps, distance...) please see addGoalToActiveExerciseAsync.

Before adding, DebouncedGoal should be checked for support against ExerciseTypeCapabilities.supportedDebouncedGoals. Only one DebouncedGoal is allowed per DataType+ComparisonType pair.

@NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

the DebouncedGoal to add to this exercise


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.addGoalToActiveExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

Adds an ExerciseGoal for an active exercise.

Goals apply to only active exercises owned by the client, and will be invalidated once the exercise is complete.

@NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

the ExerciseGoal to add to this exercise


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.clearUpdateCallback(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

Clears the callback set using ExerciseClient.setUpdateCallback.

If this callback is not already registered then this will be a no-op.

@NonNull ExerciseUpdateCallback callback

the ExerciseUpdateCallback to clear


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.endExercise(@NonNull ExerciseClient receiver)

Ends the current exercise, if it has been started.

Health Services will flush and then shut down the active sensors and return an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.USER_END to the ExerciseUpdateCallback. If the exercise has already ended then this call fails with a HealthServicesException.

No additional metrics will be produced for the exercise and any on device persisted data about the exercise will be deleted after the summary has been sent back.


if exercise has already ended or if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.flush(@NonNull ExerciseClient receiver)

Flushes the sensors for the active exercise. This call should be used sparingly and will be subject to throttling by Health Services.


if the Health Service fails to process the request


default final @NonNull ExerciseCapabilities ExerciseClientExtensionKt.getCapabilities(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver

Returns the ExerciseCapabilities of this client for the device.

This can be used to determine what ExerciseTypes and DataTypes this device supports. Clients should use the capabilities to inform their requests since Health Services will typically reject requests made for DataTypes or features (such as auto-pause) which are not enabled for the rejected ExerciseType.

@NonNull ExerciseCapabilities

a the ExerciseCapabilities for this device


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull ExerciseInfo ExerciseClientExtensionKt.getCurrentExerciseInfo(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver

Returns the current ExerciseInfo.

This can be used by clients to determine if they or another app already owns an active exercise being tracked by Health Services. For example, if an app is killed and it learns it owns the active exercise it can register a new ExerciseUpdateCallback and pick tracking up from where it left off.

@NonNull ExerciseInfo

a ExerciseInfo that contains information about the current exercise


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.markLap(@NonNull ExerciseClient receiver)

Ends the current lap, calls ExerciseUpdateCallback.onLapSummaryReceived with data spanning the marked lap and starts a new lap. If the exercise supports laps this method can be called at any point after an exercise has been started and before it has been ended regardless of the exercise status.

The metrics in the lap summary will start from either the start time of the exercise or the last time a lap was marked to the time this method is being called.


If there's no exercise being tracked or if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.overrideAutoPauseAndResumeForActiveExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    boolean enabled

Enables or disables auto pause/resume for the current exercise.

boolean enabled

a boolean to indicate if should be enabled or disabled


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.overrideBatchingModesForActiveExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull Set<@NonNull BatchingMode> batchingModes

Sets the batching mode for the current exercise synchronously.

@NonNull Set<@NonNull BatchingMode> batchingModes

BatchingMode overrides for exercise updates. Passing an empty set will clear all existing overrides.


if an exercise is not active for this app or Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.pauseExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver

Pauses the current exercise, if it is currently started.

Before transitioning to ExerciseState.USER_PAUSED, Health Services will flush and return the sensor data. While the exercise is paused, active time and cumulative metrics such as distance will not accumulate. Instantaneous measurements such as speed and heart rate will continue to update if requested in the ExerciseConfig.

Note that GPS and other sensors may be stopped when the exercise is paused in order to conserve battery. This may happen immediately, or after some time. (The exact behavior is hardware dependent.) Should this happen, access will automatically resume when the exercise is resumed.

If the exercise is already paused then this method has no effect. If the exercise has ended then HealthServicesException is thrown.


if the exercise has ended or if Health Service fails to process the call


default final void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.prepareExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull WarmUpConfig configuration

Prepares for a new exercise.

Once called, Health Services will warmup the sensors based on the ExerciseType and requested DataTypes.

If the calling app already has an active exercise in progress or if it does not have the required permissions, then this call throws HealthServicesException. If another app owns the active exercise then this call will succeed.

Sensors available for warmup are GPS DataType.LOCATION and HeartRate DataType.HEART_RATE_BPM. Other DataTypes requested for warmup based on exercise capabilities will be a no-op for the prepare stage.

The DataType availability can be obtained through the ExerciseUpdateCallback.onAvailabilityChanged callback. ExerciseUpdates with the supported DataType DataPoint will also be returned in the ExerciseState.PREPARING state, though no aggregation will occur until the exercise is started.

If an app is actively preparing and another app starts tracking an active exercise then the preparing app should expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.AUTO_END_SUPERSEDED to the ExerciseUpdateCallback indicating that their session has been superseded and ended. At that point no additional updates to availability or data will be sent until the app calls prepareExercise again.

@NonNull WarmUpConfig configuration

the WarmUpConfig containing the desired exercise and data types


if the calling app already has an active exercise in progress or if Health Service fails to process the call


if the calling app does not have the required permissions


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.removeDebouncedGoalFromActiveExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

Removes a debounced goal from an active exercise.

@NonNull DebouncedGoal<@NonNull ?> debouncedGoal

the DebouncedGoal to remove from this exercise


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.removeGoalFromActiveExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

Removes an exercise goal for an active exercise.

Takes into account equivalent milestones (i.e. milestones which are not equal but are different representation of a common milestone. e.g. milestone A for every 2kms, currently at threshold of 10kms, and milestone B for every 2kms, currently at threshold of 8kms).

@NonNull ExerciseGoal<@NonNull ?> exerciseGoal

the ExerciseGoal to remove from this exercise


if Health Service fails to process the call


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.resumeExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver

Resumes the current exercise, if it is currently paused.

Once resumed active time and cumulative metrics such as distance will resume accumulating.

If the exercise has been started but is not currently paused this method has no effect. If the exercise has ended then HealthServicesException is thrown.


if the exercise has ended or if Health Service fails to process the call


default final void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.startExercise(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull ExerciseConfig configuration

Starts a new exercise.

Once started, Health Services will begin collecting data associated with the exercise.

Since Health Services only allows a single active exercise at a time, this will terminate any active exercise currently in progress before starting the new one. If this occurs, clients can expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED, indicating that their exercise has been superseded and that no additional updates will be sent. Clients can use getCurrentExerciseInfo (described below) to check if they or another app has an active exercise in-progress.

The exercise will be terminated and clients can expect to receive an ExerciseUpdate with ExerciseState.ENDED along with the reason ExerciseEndReason.AUTO_END_MISSING_LISTENER (indicating that their exercise has been automatically ended due to the lack of callback) if there is ever a five minute period where no ExerciseUpdateCallback is registered. A notable example is if the process with the registered ExerciseUpdateCallback dies and does not re-register the ExerciseUpdateCallback within five minutes.

Clients should only request ExerciseTypes, DataTypes, goals, and auto-pause enabled that matches the ExerciseCapabilities returned by getCapabilities since Health Services will reject requests asking for unsupported configurations.

@NonNull ExerciseConfig configuration

the ExerciseConfig describing this exercise


if Health Service fails to process the call


if the calling app does not have the required permissions


default final @NonNull Void ExerciseClientExtensionKt.updateExerciseTypeConfig(
    @NonNull ExerciseClient receiver,
    @NonNull ExerciseTypeConfig exerciseTypeConfig

Updates the configurable exercise type attributes for the current exercise.

This can be used to update the configurable attributes for the ongoing exercise, as defined in ExerciseTypeConfig.

@NonNull ExerciseTypeConfig exerciseTypeConfig

configuration containing the new values for the configurable attributes


if Health Service fails to process the call