Added in API level 17


open class DreamService : Service, Window.Callback
   ↳ android.content.Context
   ↳ android.content.ContextWrapper
   ↳ android.service.dreams.DreamService

Extend this class to implement a custom dream (available to the user as a "Daydream").

Dreams are interactive screensavers launched when a charging device is idle, or docked in a desk dock. Dreams provide another modality for apps to express themselves, tailored for an exhibition/lean-back experience.

The DreamService lifecycle is as follows:

  1. onAttachedToWindow

    Use this for initial setup, such as calling #setContentView.

  2. onDreamingStarted

    Your dream has started, so you should begin animations or other behaviors here.

  3. onDreamingStopped

    Use this to stop the things you started in onDreamingStarted.

  4. onDetachedFromWindow

    Use this to dismantle resources (for example, detach from handlers and listeners).

In addition, onCreate and onDestroy (from the Service interface) will also be called, but initialization and teardown should be done by overriding the hooks above.

To be available to the system, your DreamService should be declared in the manifest as follows:

      android:label="@string/my_dream_label" >
          <action android:name="android.service.dreams.DreamService" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
      <!-- Point to additional information for this dream (optional) -->
          android:resource="@xml/my_dream" />

If specified with the <meta-data> element, additional information for the dream is defined using the <dream> element in a separate XML file. Currently, the only additional information you can provide is for a settings activity that allows the user to configure the dream behavior. For example:


<dream xmlns:android=""
      android:settingsActivity="" />

This makes a Settings button available alongside your dream's listing in the system settings, which when pressed opens the specified activity.

To specify your dream layout, call #setContentView, typically during the onAttachedToWindow callback. For example:

public class MyDream extends DreamService {
      public void onAttachedToWindow() {
          // Exit dream upon user touch
          // Hide system UI
          // Set the dream layout

When targeting api level 21 and above, you must declare the service in your manifest file with the android.Manifest.permission#BIND_DREAM_SERVICE permission. For example:

      <action android:name=”android.service.dreams.DreamService” />
      <category android:name=”android.intent.category.DEFAULT” />


static String

Name under which a Dream publishes information about itself.

static String

The Intent that must be declared as handled by the service.

Inherited constants
Public constructors

Public methods
open Unit

Adds a view to the Dream's window, leaving other content views in place.

open Boolean

Called to process generic motion events.

open Boolean

Called to process key events.

open Boolean

Called to process a key shortcut event.

open Boolean

Called to process population of AccessibilityEvents.

open Boolean

Called to process touch screen events.

open Boolean

Called to process trackball events.

open T

Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that was processed in onCreate.


Stops the dream and detaches from the window.

open Window!

Retrieves the current android.view.Window for the dream.

open WindowManager!

Retrieves the current android.view.WindowManager for the dream.

open Boolean

Returns whether this dream is in fullscreen mode.

open Boolean

Returns whether this dream is interactive.

open Boolean

Returns whether this dream keeps the screen bright while dreaming.

open Unit

Called when an action mode has been finished.

open Unit

Called when an action mode has been started.

open Unit

Called when the window has been attached to the window manager.

onBind(intent: Intent!)

Return the communication channel to the service.

open Unit

This hook is called whenever the content view of the screen changes (due to a call to Window.setContentView or Window.addContentView).

open Unit

Called when this Dream is constructed.

open Boolean
onCreatePanelMenu(featureId: Int, menu: Menu)

Initialize the contents of the menu for panel 'featureId'.

open View?
onCreatePanelView(featureId: Int)

Instantiate the view to display in the panel for 'featureId'.

open Unit

Called by the system to notify a Service that it is no longer used and is being removed.

open Unit

Called when the window has been detached from the window manager.

open Unit

Called when the dream's window has been created and is visible and animation may now begin.

open Unit

Called when this Dream is stopped, either by external request or by calling finish(), before the window has been removed.

open Boolean
onMenuItemSelected(featureId: Int, item: MenuItem)

Called when a panel's menu item has been selected by the user.

open Boolean
onMenuOpened(featureId: Int, menu: Menu)

Called when a panel's menu is opened by the user.

open Unit
onPanelClosed(featureId: Int, menu: Menu)

Called when a panel is being closed.

open Boolean
onPreparePanel(featureId: Int, view: View?, menu: Menu)

Prepare a panel to be displayed.

open Boolean

Called when the user signals the desire to start a search.

open Boolean

Called when the user signals the desire to start a search.

open Boolean
onUnbind(intent: Intent!)

open Unit

Called when the dream is being asked to stop itself and wake.

open Unit

This is called whenever the current window attributes change.

open Unit

This hook is called whenever the window focus changes.

open ActionMode?

Called when an action mode is being started for this window.

open ActionMode?

Called when an action mode is being started for this window.


Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that was processed in onCreate, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the ID is invalid or there is no matching view in the hierarchy.

open Unit
setContentView(layoutResID: Int)

Inflates a layout resource and set it to be the content view for this Dream.

open Unit

Sets a view to be the content view for this Dream.

open Unit

Sets a view to be the content view for this Dream.

open Unit
setFullscreen(fullscreen: Boolean)

Controls android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN on the dream's window.

open Unit
setInteractive(interactive: Boolean)

Marks this dream as interactive to receive input events.

open Unit
setScreenBright(screenBright: Boolean)

Marks this dream as keeping the screen bright while dreaming.


Wakes the dream up gently.

Protected methods
open Unit
dump(fd: FileDescriptor!, pw: PrintWriter!, args: Array<String!>!)

Inherited functions



Added in API level 17
static val DREAM_META_DATA: String

Name under which a Dream publishes information about itself. This meta-data must reference an XML resource containing a <dream> tag.

Value: "android.service.dream"


Added in API level 17
static val SERVICE_INTERFACE: String

The Intent that must be declared as handled by the service.

Value: "android.service.dreams.DreamService"

Public constructors


Added in API level 17

Public methods


Added in API level 17
open fun addContentView(
    view: View!,
    params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams!
): Unit

Adds a view to the Dream's window, leaving other content views in place.

Note: Requires a window, do not call before onAttachedToWindow()

view View!: The desired content to display.
params ViewGroup.LayoutParams!: Layout parameters for the view.


Added in API level 17
open fun dispatchGenericMotionEvent(event: MotionEvent!): Boolean

Called to process generic motion events. At the very least your implementation must call android.view.Window#superDispatchGenericMotionEvent to do the standard processing.

event MotionEvent!: The generic motion event.
Boolean boolean Return true if this event was consumed.


Added in API level 17
open fun dispatchKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent!): Boolean

Called to process key events. At the very least your implementation must call android.view.Window#superDispatchKeyEvent to do the standard key processing.

event KeyEvent!: The key event.
Boolean boolean Return true if this event was consumed.


Added in API level 17
open fun dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(event: KeyEvent!): Boolean

Called to process a key shortcut event. At the very least your implementation must call android.view.Window#superDispatchKeyShortcutEvent to do the standard key shortcut processing.

event KeyEvent!: The key shortcut event.
Boolean True if this event was consumed.


Added in API level 17
open fun dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event: AccessibilityEvent!): Boolean

Called to process population of AccessibilityEvents.

event AccessibilityEvent!: The event.
Boolean boolean Return true if event population was completed.


Added in API level 17
open fun dispatchTouchEvent(event: MotionEvent!): Boolean

Called to process touch screen events. At the very least your implementation must call android.view.Window#superDispatchTouchEvent to do the standard touch screen processing.

event MotionEvent!: The touch screen event.
Boolean boolean Return true if this event was consumed.


Added in API level 17
open fun dispatchTrackballEvent(event: MotionEvent!): Boolean

Called to process trackball events. At the very least your implementation must call android.view.Window#superDispatchTrackballEvent to do the standard trackball processing.

event MotionEvent!: The trackball event.
Boolean boolean Return true if this event was consumed.


Added in API level 17
open fun <T : View!> findViewById(id: Int): T

Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that was processed in onCreate.

Note: Requires a window, do not call before onAttachedToWindow()

Note: In most cases -- depending on compiler support -- the resulting view is automatically cast to the target class type. If the target class type is unconstrained, an explicit cast may be necessary.

id Int: the ID to search for
T The view if found or null otherwise.


Added in API level 17
fun finish(): Unit

Stops the dream and detaches from the window.

When the dream ends, the system will be allowed to go to sleep fully unless there is a reason for it to be awake such as recent user activity or wake locks being held.


Added in API level 17
open fun getWindow(): Window!

Retrieves the current android.view.Window for the dream. Behaves similarly to

Window! The current window, or null if the dream is not started.


Added in API level 17
open fun getWindowManager(): WindowManager!

Retrieves the current android.view.WindowManager for the dream. Behaves similarly to

WindowManager! The current window manager, or null if the dream is not started.


Added in API level 17
open fun isFullscreen(): Boolean

Returns whether this dream is in fullscreen mode. Defaults to false.


Added in API level 17
open fun isInteractive(): Boolean

Returns whether this dream is interactive. Defaults to false.


Added in API level 17
open fun isScreenBright(): Boolean

Returns whether this dream keeps the screen bright while dreaming. Defaults to true, preventing the screen from dimming.


Added in API level 17
open fun onActionModeFinished(mode: ActionMode!): Unit

Called when an action mode has been finished. The appropriate mode callback method will have already been invoked.

mode ActionMode!: The mode that was just finished.


Added in API level 17
open fun onActionModeStarted(mode: ActionMode!): Unit

Called when an action mode has been started. The appropriate mode callback method will have already been invoked.

mode ActionMode!: The new mode that has just been started.


Added in API level 17
open fun onAttachedToWindow(): Unit

Called when the window has been attached to the window manager. See View.onAttachedToWindow() for more information.


Added in API level 17
fun onBind(intent: Intent!): IBinder?

Return the communication channel to the service. May return null if clients can not bind to the service. The returned android.os.IBinder is usually for a complex interface that has been described using aidl.

Note that unlike other application components, calls on to the IBinder interface returned here may not happen on the main thread of the process. More information about the main thread can be found in Processes and Threads.

intent Intent!: The Intent that was used to bind to this service, as given to android.content.Context#bindService. Note that any extras that were included with the Intent at that point will not be seen here.
IBinder? Return an IBinder through which clients can call on to the service.


Added in API level 17
open fun onContentChanged(): Unit

This hook is called whenever the content view of the screen changes (due to a call to Window.setContentView or Window.addContentView).


Added in API level 17
open fun onCreate(): Unit

Called when this Dream is constructed.


Added in API level 17
open fun onCreatePanelMenu(
    featureId: Int,
    menu: Menu
): Boolean

Initialize the contents of the menu for panel 'featureId'. This is called if onCreatePanelView() returns null, giving you a standard menu in which you can place your items. It is only called once for the panel, the first time it is shown.

You can safely hold on to menu (and any items created from it), making modifications to it as desired, until the next time onCreatePanelMenu() is called for this feature.

featureId Int: The panel being created.
menu Menu: The menu inside the panel. This value cannot be null.
Boolean boolean You must return true for the panel to be displayed; if you return false it will not be shown.


Added in API level 17
open fun onCreatePanelView(featureId: Int): View?

Instantiate the view to display in the panel for 'featureId'. You can return null, in which case the default content (typically a menu) will be created for you.

featureId Int: Which panel is being created.
View? view The top-level view to place in the panel.


Added in API level 17
open fun onDestroy(): Unit

Called by the system to notify a Service that it is no longer used and is being removed. The service should clean up any resources it holds (threads, registered receivers, etc) at this point. Upon return, there will be no more calls in to this Service object and it is effectively dead. Do not call this method directly.


Added in API level 17
open fun onDetachedFromWindow(): Unit

Called when the window has been detached from the window manager. See View.onDetachedFromWindow() for more information.


Added in API level 17
open fun onDreamingStarted(): Unit

Called when the dream's window has been created and is visible and animation may now begin.


Added in API level 17
open fun onDreamingStopped(): Unit

Called when this Dream is stopped, either by external request or by calling finish(), before the window has been removed.


Added in API level 17
open fun onMenuItemSelected(
    featureId: Int,
    item: MenuItem
): Boolean

Called when a panel's menu item has been selected by the user.

featureId Int: The panel that the menu is in.
item MenuItem: The menu item that was selected. This value cannot be null.
Boolean boolean Return true to finish processing of selection, or false to perform the normal menu handling (calling its Runnable or sending a Message to its target Handler).


Added in API level 17
open fun onMenuOpened(
    featureId: Int,
    menu: Menu
): Boolean

Called when a panel's menu is opened by the user. This may also be called when the menu is changing from one type to another (for example, from the icon menu to the expanded menu).

featureId Int: The panel that the menu is in.
menu Menu: The menu that is opened. This value cannot be null.
Boolean Return true to allow the menu to open, or false to prevent the menu from opening.


Added in API level 17
open fun onPanelClosed(
    featureId: Int,
    menu: Menu
): Unit

Called when a panel is being closed. If another logical subsequent panel is being opened (and this panel is being closed to make room for the subsequent panel), this method will NOT be called.

featureId Int: The panel that is being displayed.
menu Menu: If onCreatePanelView() returned null, this is the Menu being displayed in the panel.


Added in API level 17
open fun onPreparePanel(
    featureId: Int,
    view: View?,
    menu: Menu
): Boolean

Prepare a panel to be displayed. This is called right before the panel window is shown, every time it is shown.

featureId Int: The panel that is being displayed.
view View?: The View that was returned by onCreatePanelView(). This value may be null.
menu Menu: If onCreatePanelView() returned null, this is the Menu being displayed in the panel.
Boolean boolean You must return true for the panel to be displayed; if you return false it will not be shown.


Added in API level 23
open fun onSearchRequested(event: SearchEvent!): Boolean

Called when the user signals the desire to start a search.

searchEvent A SearchEvent describing the signal to start a search.
Boolean true if search launched, false if activity refuses (blocks)


Added in API level 17
open fun onSearchRequested(): Boolean

Called when the user signals the desire to start a search.

Boolean true if search launched, false if activity refuses (blocks)


Added in API level 17
open fun onUnbind(intent: Intent!): Boolean
intent Intent!: The Intent that was used to bind to this service, as given to android.content.Context#bindService. Note that any extras that were included with the Intent at that point will not be seen here.
Boolean Return true if you would like to have the service's onRebind method later called when new clients bind to it.


Added in API level 21
open fun onWakeUp(): Unit

Called when the dream is being asked to stop itself and wake.

The default implementation simply calls finish which ends the dream immediately. Subclasses may override this function to perform a smooth exit transition then call finish afterwards.

Note that the dream will only be given a short period of time (currently about five seconds) to wake up. If the dream does not finish itself in a timely manner then the system will forcibly finish it once the time allowance is up.


Added in API level 17
open fun onWindowAttributesChanged(attrs: WindowManager.LayoutParams!): Unit

This is called whenever the current window attributes change.


Added in API level 17
open fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean): Unit

This hook is called whenever the window focus changes. See View.onWindowFocusChangedNotLocked(boolean) for more information.

hasFocus Boolean: Whether the window now has focus.


Added in API level 17
open fun onWindowStartingActionMode(callback: ActionMode.Callback!): ActionMode?

Called when an action mode is being started for this window. Gives the callback an opportunity to handle the action mode in its own unique and beautiful way. If this method returns null the system can choose a way to present the mode or choose not to start the mode at all. This is equivalent to onWindowStartingActionMode(android.view.ActionMode.Callback,int) with type ActionMode#TYPE_PRIMARY.

callback ActionMode.Callback!: Callback to control the lifecycle of this action mode
ActionMode? The ActionMode that was started, or null if the system should present it


Added in API level 23
open fun onWindowStartingActionMode(
    callback: ActionMode.Callback!,
    type: Int
): ActionMode?

Called when an action mode is being started for this window. Gives the callback an opportunity to handle the action mode in its own unique and beautiful way. If this method returns null the system can choose a way to present the mode or choose not to start the mode at all.

callback ActionMode.Callback!: Callback to control the lifecycle of this action mode
type Int: One of ActionMode#TYPE_PRIMARY or ActionMode#TYPE_FLOATING.
ActionMode? The ActionMode that was started, or null if the system should present it


Added in API level 28
fun <T : View!> requireViewById(id: Int): T

Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that was processed in onCreate, or throws an IllegalArgumentException if the ID is invalid or there is no matching view in the hierarchy.

Note: Requires a window, do not call before onAttachedToWindow()

Note: In most cases -- depending on compiler support -- the resulting view is automatically cast to the target class type. If the target class type is unconstrained, an explicit cast may be necessary.

id Int: the ID to search for
T a view with given ID This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 17
open fun setContentView(layoutResID: Int): Unit

Inflates a layout resource and set it to be the content view for this Dream. Behaves similarly to

Note: Requires a window, do not call before onAttachedToWindow()

layoutResID Int: Resource ID to be inflated.


Added in API level 17
open fun setContentView(view: View!): Unit

Sets a view to be the content view for this Dream. Behaves similarly to in an activity, including using ViewGroup.LayoutParams#MATCH_PARENT as the layout height and width of the view.

Note: This requires a window, so you should usually call it during onAttachedToWindow() and never earlier (you cannot call it during onCreate).


Added in API level 17
open fun setContentView(
    view: View!,
    params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams!
): Unit

Sets a view to be the content view for this Dream. Behaves similarly to, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams) in an activity.

Note: This requires a window, so you should usually call it during onAttachedToWindow() and never earlier (you cannot call it during onCreate).

view View!: The desired content to display.
params ViewGroup.LayoutParams!: Layout parameters for the view.


Added in API level 17
open fun setFullscreen(fullscreen: Boolean): Unit

Controls android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_FULLSCREEN on the dream's window.

fullscreen Boolean: If true, the fullscreen flag will be set; else it will be cleared.


Added in API level 17
open fun setInteractive(interactive: Boolean): Unit

Marks this dream as interactive to receive input events.

Non-interactive dreams (default) will dismiss on the first input event.

Interactive dreams should call finish() to dismiss themselves.

interactive Boolean: True if this dream will handle input events.


Added in API level 17
open fun setScreenBright(screenBright: Boolean): Unit

Marks this dream as keeping the screen bright while dreaming. In preview mode, the screen is always allowed to dim and overrides the value specified here.

screenBright Boolean: True to keep the screen bright while dreaming.


Added in API level 21
fun wakeUp(): Unit

Wakes the dream up gently.

Calls onWakeUp to give the dream a chance to perform an exit transition. When the transition is over, the dream should call finish.

Protected methods


Added in API level 17
protected open fun dump(
    fd: FileDescriptor!,
    pw: PrintWriter!,
    args: Array<String!>!
): Unit
fd FileDescriptor!: The raw file descriptor that the dump is being sent to.
writer The PrintWriter to which you should dump your state. This will be closed for you after you return.
args Array<String!>!: additional arguments to the dump request.