public final class LayoutElementMatcher

Wrapper for element matcher lambdas that allows to build string explaining to the developer what conditions are being tested.


Public constructors

Public methods

final @NonNull LayoutElementMatcher

Returns whether the given element is matched by both this and the other mather.

final @NonNull LayoutElementMatcher

Returns whether the given element does not match the matcher.

final @NonNull LayoutElementMatcher

Returns whether the given element is matched by this or the other mather.

Public constructors


Added in 1.3.0-alpha08
public LayoutElementMatcher(
    @NonNull String description,
    @NonNull Function1<@NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement, @NonNull Boolean> matcher
@NonNull String description

a string explaining to the developer what conditions were being tested.

@NonNull Function1<@NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement, @NonNull Boolean> matcher

a lambda performing the actual logic of matching on the layout element.

Public methods


Added in 1.3.0-alpha08
public final @NonNull LayoutElementMatcher and(@NonNull LayoutElementMatcher other)

Returns whether the given element is matched by both this and the other mather.

@NonNull LayoutElementMatcher other

mather that should also match in addition to current matcher.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha08
public final @NonNull LayoutElementMatcher not()

Returns whether the given element does not match the matcher.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha08
public final @NonNull LayoutElementMatcher or(@NonNull LayoutElementMatcher other)

Returns whether the given element is matched by this or the other mather.

@NonNull LayoutElementMatcher other

mather that can be tested to match if the current matcher does not.