
sealed interface LazyColumnItemScope

Receiver scope being used by the item content parameter of LazyColumn.


Public functions

    heightProvider: (originalHeight: Int, scrollProgress: LazyColumnItemScrollProgress) -> Int

Applies the new height of the item depending on its scroll progress and original height.

Public properties


Scroll progress of the item before height transformation is applied using Modifier.transformedHeight.


Scroll progress of the item before height transformation is applied using Modifier.transformedHeight.

Public functions

fun Modifier.transformedHeight(
    heightProvider: (originalHeight: Int, scrollProgress: LazyColumnItemScrollProgress) -> Int
): Modifier

Applies the new height of the item depending on its scroll progress and original height.

heightProvider: (originalHeight: Int, scrollProgress: LazyColumnItemScrollProgress) -> Int

The transformation to be applied. The first parameter is the original height of the item. The second parameter is the scroll progress of the item.

Public properties

val GraphicsLayerScope.scrollProgressLazyColumnItemScrollProgress?

Scroll progress of the item before height transformation is applied using Modifier.transformedHeight. Is null for the item that is off screen.

val DrawScope.scrollProgressLazyColumnItemScrollProgress?

Scroll progress of the item before height transformation is applied using Modifier.transformedHeight. Is null for the item that is off screen.