
  • Common/All
  • Android/JVM
  • Native/C/iOS


Public functions

<T : Any?> create(
    storage: Storage<T>,
    corruptionHandler: ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler<T>?,
    migrations: List<DataMigration<T>>,
    scope: CoroutineScope

Create an instance of MultiProcessDataStore, which provides cross-process eventual consistency.

<T : Any?> create(
    serializer: Serializer<T>,
    corruptionHandler: ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler<T>?,
    migrations: List<DataMigration<T>>,
    scope: CoroutineScope,
    produceFile: () -> File

Create an instance of MultiProcessDataStore, which provides cross-process eventual consistency.


Public functions


fun <T : Any?> create(
    storage: Storage<T>,
    corruptionHandler: ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler<T>? = null,
    migrations: List<DataMigration<T>> = listOf(),
    scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob())
): DataStore<T>

Create an instance of MultiProcessDataStore, which provides cross-process eventual consistency. Never create more than one instance of DataStore for a given file in the same process; doing so can break all DataStore functionality. You should consider managing your DataStore instance for each file as a singleton. If there are multiple DataStores active for a given file in the same process, DataStore will throw IllegalStateException when reading or updating data. A DataStore is considered active as long as its scope is active. Having multiple instances, each for a different file, in the same process is OK.

T is the type DataStore acts on. The type T must be immutable. Mutating a type used in DataStore invalidates any guarantees that DataStore provides and will result in potentially serious, hard-to-catch bugs. We strongly recommend using protocol buffers: - which provides immutability guarantees, a simple API and efficient serialization.

storage: Storage<T>

Storage to handle file reads and writes used with DataStore. The type T must be immutable. The storage must operate on the same file as the one passed in {@link produceFile}.

corruptionHandler: ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler<T>? = null

The ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler is invoked if DataStore encounters a CorruptionException when attempting to read data. CorruptionExceptions are thrown by serializers when data can not be de-serialized.

migrations: List<DataMigration<T>> = listOf()

Migrations are run before any access to data can occur. Migrations must be idempotent.

scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob())

The scope in which IO operations and transform functions will execute.


a new DataStore instance with the provided configuration


fun <T : Any?> create(
    serializer: Serializer<T>,
    corruptionHandler: ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler<T>? = null,
    migrations: List<DataMigration<T>> = listOf(),
    scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob()),
    produceFile: () -> File
): DataStore<T>

Create an instance of MultiProcessDataStore, which provides cross-process eventual consistency. Never create more than one instance of DataStore for a given file in the same process; doing so can break all DataStore functionality. You should consider managing your DataStore instance for each file as a singleton. If there are multiple DataStores active for a given file in the same process, DataStore will throw IllegalStateException when reading or updating data. A DataStore is considered active as long as its scope is active. Having multiple instances, each for a different file, in the same process is OK.

T is the type DataStore acts on. The type T must be immutable. Mutating a type used in DataStore invalidates any guarantees that DataStore provides and will result in potentially serious, hard-to-catch bugs. We strongly recommend using protocol buffers: - which provides immutability guarantees, a simple API and efficient serialization.

serializer: Serializer<T>

Serializer for the type T used with DataStore. The type T must be immutable.

corruptionHandler: ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler<T>? = null

The {@link androidx.datastore.core.handlers.ReplaceFileCorruptionHandler} is invoked if DataStore encounters a CorruptionException when attempting to read data. CorruptionExceptions are thrown by serializers when data can not be de-serialized.

migrations: List<DataMigration<T>> = listOf()

Migrations are run before any access to data can occur. Migrations must be idempotent.

scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob())

The scope in which IO operations and transform functions will execute.

produceFile: () -> File

Function which returns the file that the new DataStore will act on. The function must return the same path every time. No two instances of DataStore should act on the same file at the same time in the same process.


a new DataStore instance with the provided configuration