public sealed class Renderer

Known direct subclasses

This class is deprecated. CanvasRenderer is deprecated


This class is deprecated. GlesRenderer is deprecated

Known indirect subclasses

ListenableFuture-based compatibility wrapper around Renderer.CanvasRenderer2's suspending methods.


This class is deprecated. Use ListenableCanvasRenderer2 instead


ListenableFuture-based compatibility wrapper around Renderer.GlesRenderer's suspending methods.


This class is deprecated. Use ListenableGlesRenderer2 instead


Watch faces that require Canvas rendering and are able to take advantage of SharedAssets to save memory (there can be more than once instance when editing), should extend their Renderer from this class.


Watch faces that require GLES20 rendering and are able to take advantage of SharedAssets to save memory (there can be more than once instance when editing), should extend their Renderer from this class.

The base class for CanvasRenderer, CanvasRenderer2, GlesRenderer, GlesRenderer2. Where possible it is recommended to use CanvasRenderer2 or GlesRenderer2 which allow memory to be saved during editing because there can be more than one watchface instance during editing.

Renderers are constructed on a background thread but all rendering is done on the UiThread. There is a memory barrier between construction and rendering so no special threading primitives are required.

It is recommended to set watchfaceColors with representative WatchFaceColors this is used by compatible systems to influence the system's color scheme.

Please note and similar classes which rely on do not animate properly out of the box unless you register an implementation with that calls invalidate. Even then these classes are not recommend because the ZonedDateTime passed to Renderer.CanvasRenderer.render or Renderer.GlesRenderer.render is not guaranteed to match the system time (e.g. for taking screenshots). In addition care is needed when implementing to ensure it does not animate in ambient mode which could lead to a significant power regression.


Nested types

public abstract class Renderer.CanvasRenderer extends Renderer

This class is deprecated. CanvasRenderer is deprecated

public abstract class Renderer.CanvasRenderer2<SharedAssetsT extends Renderer.SharedAssets> extends Renderer.CanvasRenderer

Watch faces that require Canvas rendering and are able to take advantage of SharedAssets to save memory (there can be more than once instance when editing), should extend their Renderer from this class.

public abstract class Renderer.GlesRenderer extends Renderer

This class is deprecated. GlesRenderer is deprecated

This class is deprecated. GlesRenderer is deprecated

public abstract class Renderer.GlesRenderer2<SharedAssetsT extends Renderer.SharedAssets> extends Renderer.GlesRenderer

Watch faces that require GLES20 rendering and are able to take advantage of SharedAssets to save memory (there can be more than once instance when editing), should extend their Renderer from this class.

public interface Renderer.SharedAssets

Multiple WatchFaceService instances and hence Renderers can exist concurrently (e.g. a headless instance and an interactive instance) and using SharedAssets allows memory to be saved by sharing immutable data (e.g. Bitmaps and shaders) between them.

Protected constructors

    @NonNull SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder,
    @NonNull CurrentUserStyleRepository currentUserStyleRepository,
    @NonNull WatchState watchState,
    @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) long interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis

Public methods

final @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Pair<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull ContentDescriptionLabel>>

Accessibility ContentDescriptionLabel for any rendered watch face elements other than the time and ComplicationSlots which are generated automatically.

final float

The center x coordinate of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.

final float

The center y coordinate of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.

final long

The interval in milliseconds between frames in interactive DrawModes.

@NonNull Rect

This method is used for accessibility support to describe the portion of the screen containing the main clock element.

final @NonNull RenderParameters

The current RenderParameters.

final @NonNull Rect

The bounds of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.

final @NonNull SurfaceHolder

The SurfaceHolder that renderInternal will draw into.

final WatchFaceColors

Representative WatchFaceColors which are made available to system clients via androidx.wear.watchface.client.InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceColorsListener.

final void

Schedules a call to either CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render to draw the next frame.


Called when the Renderer is destroyed.

abstract void

Called when adb shell dumpsys is invoked for the WatchFaceService, allowing the renderer to optionally record state for debugging purposes.

final void

Posts a message to schedule a call to either CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render to draw the next frame.

final void

Sends a request to the system asking it to update the preview image.

final void

Accessibility ContentDescriptionLabel for any rendered watch face elements other than the time and ComplicationSlots which are generated automatically.

final void
    long interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis
final void

Representative WatchFaceColors which are made available to system clients via androidx.wear.watchface.client.InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceColorsListener.


The system periodically (at least once per minute) calls onTimeTick() to trigger a display update.

Protected methods


Called when the RenderParameters has been updated.

final void

The SurfaceHolder that renderInternal will draw into.

Protected constructors


protected Renderer(
    @NonNull SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder,
    @NonNull CurrentUserStyleRepository currentUserStyleRepository,
    @NonNull WatchState watchState,
    @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) long interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis
@NonNull SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder

The SurfaceHolder that renderInternal will draw into.

@NonNull CurrentUserStyleRepository currentUserStyleRepository

The associated CurrentUserStyleRepository.

@NonNull WatchState watchState

The associated WatchState.

@IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) long interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis

The interval in milliseconds between frames in interactive DrawModes. To render at 60hz set to 16. Note when battery is low, the frame rate will be clamped to 10fps. Watch faces are recommended to use lower frame rates if possible for better battery life. Variable frame rates can also help preserve battery life, e.g. if a watch face has a short animation once per second it can adjust the frame rate inorder to sleep when not animating. In ambient mode the watch face will be rendered once per minute.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Pair<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull ContentDescriptionLabel>> getAdditionalContentDescriptionLabels()

Accessibility ContentDescriptionLabel for any rendered watch face elements other than the time and ComplicationSlots which are generated automatically.

The Int in the Pair<Int, ContentDescriptionLabel> is used to sort the ContentDescriptionLabels. Note the time piece has an accessibility traversal index of -1 and each ComplicationSlot's index is defined by its ComplicationSlot.accessibilityTraversalIndex.


Added in 1.0.0
public final float getCenterX()

The center x coordinate of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.


Added in 1.0.0
public final float getCenterY()

The center y coordinate of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.


Added in 1.0.0
public final long getInteractiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis()

The interval in milliseconds between frames in interactive DrawModes. To render at 60hz set to 16. Note when battery is low, the frame rate will be clamped to 10fps. Watch faces are recommended to use lower frame rates if possible for better battery life. Variable frame rates can also help preserve battery life, e.g. if a watch face has a short animation once per second it can adjust the frame rate inorder to sleep when not animating. In ambient mode the watch face will be rendered once per minute.


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull Rect getMainClockElementBounds()

This method is used for accessibility support to describe the portion of the screen containing the main clock element. By default we assume this is contained in the central half of the watch face. Watch faces should override this to return the correct bounds for the main clock element.

@NonNull Rect

A Rect describing the bounds of the watch faces' main clock element


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull RenderParameters getRenderParameters()

The current RenderParameters. Updated before every onDraw call.


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull Rect getScreenBounds()

The bounds of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into. Depending on the shape of the device's screen not all of these pixels may be visible to the user (see Configuration.isScreenRound). Note also that API level 27+ devices draw indicators in the top and bottom 24dp of the screen, avoid rendering anything important there.


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull SurfaceHolder getSurfaceHolder()

The SurfaceHolder that renderInternal will draw into.


Added in 1.2.0
public final WatchFaceColors getWatchfaceColors()

Representative WatchFaceColors which are made available to system clients via androidx.wear.watchface.client.InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceColorsListener.

Initially this value is null signifying that the colors are unknown. When possible the watchFace should assign non null WatchFaceColors and keep this updated when the colors change (e.g. due to a style change).


Added in 1.0.0
public final void invalidate()

Schedules a call to either CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render to draw the next frame.


Added in 1.0.0
public void onDestroy()

Called when the Renderer is destroyed.


Added in 1.0.0
public abstract void onDump(@NonNull PrintWriter writer)

Called when adb shell dumpsys is invoked for the WatchFaceService, allowing the renderer to optionally record state for debugging purposes.


Added in 1.0.0
public final void postInvalidate()

Posts a message to schedule a call to either CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render to draw the next frame. Unlike invalidate, this method is thread-safe and may be called on any thread.


Added in 1.2.0
public final void sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest()

Sends a request to the system asking it to update the preview image. This is useful for watch faces with configuration outside of the UserStyleSchema E.g. a watchface with a selectable background.

The system may choose to rate limit this method for performance reasons and the system is free to schedule when the update occurs.

Requires a compatible system to work (if the system is incompatible this does nothing). This can be called from any thread.


Added in 1.0.0
public final void setAdditionalContentDescriptionLabels(
    @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Pair<@NonNull Integer, @NonNull ContentDescriptionLabel>> additionalContentDescriptionLabels

Accessibility ContentDescriptionLabel for any rendered watch face elements other than the time and ComplicationSlots which are generated automatically.

The Int in the Pair<Int, ContentDescriptionLabel> is used to sort the ContentDescriptionLabels. Note the time piece has an accessibility traversal index of -1 and each ComplicationSlot's index is defined by its ComplicationSlot.accessibilityTraversalIndex.


Added in 1.0.0
public final void setInteractiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis(
    long interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis
long interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis

The interval in milliseconds between frames in interactive DrawModes. To render at 60hz set to 16. Note when battery is low, the frame rate will be clamped to 10fps. Watch faces are recommended to use lower frame rates if possible for better battery life. Variable frame rates can also help preserve battery life, e.g. if a watch face has a short animation once per second it can adjust the frame rate inorder to sleep when not animating. In ambient mode the watch face will be rendered once per minute.


Added in 1.2.0
public final void setWatchfaceColors(
    @WatchFaceExperimental WatchFaceColors watchfaceColors

Representative WatchFaceColors which are made available to system clients via androidx.wear.watchface.client.InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceColorsListener.

Initially this value is null signifying that the colors are unknown. When possible the watchFace should assign non null WatchFaceColors and keep this updated when the colors change (e.g. due to a style change).


Added in 1.0.0
public boolean shouldAnimate()

The system periodically (at least once per minute) calls onTimeTick() to trigger a display update. If the watch face needs to animate with an interactive frame rate, calls to invalidate must be scheduled. This method controls whether or not we should do that and if shouldAnimate returns true we inhibit entering DrawMode.AMBIENT.

By default we remain at an interactive frame rate when the watch face is visible and we're not in ambient mode. Watch faces with animated transitions for entering ambient mode may need to override this to ensure they play smoothly.


Whether we should schedule an onDraw call to maintain an interactive frame rate

Protected methods


Added in 1.0.0
protected void onRenderParametersChanged(@NonNull RenderParameters renderParameters)

Called when the RenderParameters has been updated. Will always be called before the first call to CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render.


Added in 1.2.0
protected final void setSurfaceHolder(@NonNull SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder)

The SurfaceHolder that renderInternal will draw into.