
class SearchNode : FunctionNode

FunctionNode that represents the search function.

The search function is a convenience function that takes a query string and parses it according to the supported query language, and can optionally take a list of property paths to serve as property restricts. This means that the query `search("foo bar", createList("subject", body")` is equivalent to the query `(subject:foo OR body:foo) (subject:bar OR body:bar)`.


Public constructors

SearchNode(childNode: Node)

Create a SearchNode representing the query function `search(queryString)`.

SearchNode(childNode: Node, propertyPaths: (Mutable)List<PropertyPath!>)

Create a SearchNode representing the query function `search(queryString, createList(listOfProperties)`.

Public functions


Add a restrict to the end of the current list of restricts mPropertyPaths.

equals(o: Any!)

Returns the child query searched for in the function.


Returns the child Node of SearchNode as a list containing the only child Node.


Returns the name of the function represented by SearchNode.


Returns the list of property restricts applied to the query.

setChild(childNode: Node)

Sets the query searched for in the function.


Sets what property restricts will be applied to the query.


Get the query string representation of SearchNode.

Inherited Constants

const String!

Name of the query function represented by androidx.appsearch.ast.query.GetSearchStringParameterNode.

const String!

Name of the query function represented by androidx.appsearch.ast.query.HasPropertyNode.

const String!

Name of the query function represented by androidx.appsearch.ast.query.PropertyDefinedNode.

const String!

Name of the query function represented by androidx.appsearch.ast.query.SearchNode.

const String!

Name of the query function represented by androidx.appsearch.ast.query.SemanticSearchNode.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
SearchNode(childNode: Node)

Create a SearchNode representing the query function `search(queryString)`.

By default, the query function search will have an empty list of restricts. The search function will return all results from the query.

childNode: Node

The query to search for represented as a Node.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
SearchNode(childNode: Node, propertyPaths: (Mutable)List<PropertyPath!>)

Create a SearchNode representing the query function `search(queryString, createList(listOfProperties)`.

childNode: Node

The query to search for represented as a Node.

propertyPaths: (Mutable)List<PropertyPath!>

A list of property paths to restrict results from the query. If the list is empty, all results from the query will be returned.

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
fun addPropertyPath(propertyPath: PropertyPath): Unit

Add a restrict to the end of the current list of restricts mPropertyPaths.


fun equals(o: Any!): Boolean


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
fun getChild(): Node

Returns the child query searched for in the function.


fun getChildren(): (Mutable)List<Node!>

Returns the child Node of SearchNode as a list containing the only child Node.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
fun getFunctionName(): String

Returns the name of the function represented by SearchNode.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
fun getPropertyPaths(): (Mutable)List<PropertyPath!>

Returns the list of property restricts applied to the query. If the list is empty, there are no property restricts, which means that `search` will return all results from the query.


fun hashCode(): Int


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
fun setChild(childNode: Node): Unit

Sets the query searched for in the function.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
fun setPropertyPaths(properties: (Mutable)List<PropertyPath!>): Unit

Sets what property restricts will be applied to the query.


fun toString(): String

Get the query string representation of SearchNode.

If there are no property restricts, then the string representation is the function name followed by the string representation of the child subquery as a string literal, surrounded by parentheses. For example the node represented by

TextNode node = new TextNode("foo");
SearchNode searchNode = new SearchNode(node);
will be represented by the query string `search("(foo)")`.

If there are property restricts, i.e. getPropertyPaths is not empty, then in addition to the string representation of the child subquery, the property restricts will be represented as inputs to the createList function, which itself will be an input. So for the node represented by

List<PropertyPath> propertyPaths = List.of(new PropertyPath("example.path"),
                                           new PropertyPath("anotherPath"));
TextNode node = new TextNode("foo");
SearchNode searchNode = new SearchNode(node, propertyPaths);
the query string will be `search("(foo)", createList("example.path", "anotherPath"))`.

Operators in the query string are supported. As such additional escaping are applied to ensure that operators stay scoped to the search node. This applies recursively, so if we had three layers of search i.e. a search function that takes a query containing a nested search, we would apply three levels of escaping. So for the node represented by

TextNode node = new TextNode("foo");
SearchNode nestedSearchNode = new SearchNode(node);
SearchNode searchNode = new SearchNode(nestedSearchNode);
the query string of searchNode will be `search("search(\"(\\\"foo\\\")\")")`