


Interface for providing custom 'up' behavior beyond what is provided by androidx.navigation.NavController.navigateUp.



Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and


The Builder class for constructing new AppBarConfiguration instances.



Class which hooks up elements typically in the 'chrome' of your application such as global navigation patterns like a navigation drawer or bottom nav bar with your NavController.


Top-level functions summary

inline AppBarConfiguration
    navGraph: NavGraph,
    drawerLayout: Openable?,
    noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean

Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and

inline AppBarConfiguration
    topLevelDestinationIds: Set<Int>,
    drawerLayout: Openable?,
    noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean

Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and

inline AppBarConfiguration
    topLevelMenu: Menu,
    drawerLayout: Openable?,
    noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean

Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and

Extension functions summary


Handles the Up button by delegating its behavior to the given NavController.


Handles the Up button by delegating its behavior to the given NavController.


Attempt to navigate to the NavDestination associated with this MenuItem.


Sets up the ActionBar returned by AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar for use with a NavController.

    navController: NavController,
    drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?

Sets up the ActionBar returned by AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar for use with a NavController.


Sets up a NavigationBarView for use with a NavController.


Sets up a NavigationView for use with a NavController.

    navController: NavController,
    configuration: AppBarConfiguration

Sets up a Toolbar for use with a NavController.

    navController: NavController,
    drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?

Sets up a Toolbar for use with a NavController.

    toolbar: Toolbar,
    navController: NavController,
    configuration: AppBarConfiguration

Sets up a CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar for use with a NavController.

    toolbar: Toolbar,
    navController: NavController,
    drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?

Sets up a CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar for use with a NavController.

Top-level functions


inline fun AppBarConfiguration(
    navGraph: NavGraph,
    drawerLayout: Openable? = null,
    noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean = { false }
): AppBarConfiguration

Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and

navGraph: NavGraph

The NavGraph whose start destination should be considered the only top level destination. The Up button will not be displayed when on the start destination of the graph.

drawerLayout: Openable? = null

The Openable layout that should be toggled from the Navigation button. The the Navigation button will show a drawer symbol when it is not being shown as an Up button.

noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean = { false }

Lambda that will be invoked if androidx.navigation.NavController.navigateUp returns false


inline fun AppBarConfiguration(
    topLevelDestinationIds: Set<Int>,
    drawerLayout: Openable? = null,
    noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean = { false }
): AppBarConfiguration

Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and

topLevelDestinationIds: Set<Int>

The set of destinations by id considered at the top level of your information hierarchy. The Up button will not be displayed when on these destinations.

drawerLayout: Openable? = null

The Openable layout that should be toggled from the Navigation button. The the Navigation button will show a drawer symbol when it is not being shown as an Up button.

noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean = { false }

Lambda that will be invoked if androidx.navigation.NavController.navigateUp returns false


inline fun AppBarConfiguration(
    topLevelMenu: Menu,
    drawerLayout: Openable? = null,
    noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean = { false }
): AppBarConfiguration

Configuration options for NavigationUI methods that interact with implementations of the app bar pattern such as androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar,, and

topLevelMenu: Menu

A Menu containing MenuItems corresponding with the destinations considered at the top level of your information hierarchy. The Up button will not be displayed when on these destinations.

drawerLayout: Openable? = null

The Openable layout that should be toggled from the Navigation button. The the Navigation button will show a drawer symbol when it is not being shown as an Up button.

noinline fallbackOnNavigateUpListener: () -> Boolean = { false }

Lambda that will be invoked if androidx.navigation.NavController.navigateUp returns false

Extension functions


fun NavController.navigateUp(appBarConfiguration: AppBarConfiguration): Boolean

Handles the Up button by delegating its behavior to the given NavController.


True if the NavController was able to navigate up.


fun NavController.navigateUp(drawerLayout: Openable?): Boolean

Handles the Up button by delegating its behavior to the given NavController.

This is equivalent to calling NavController.navigateUp if the Openable layout is null.


True if the NavController was able to navigate up.


fun MenuItem.onNavDestinationSelected(navController: NavController): Boolean

Attempt to navigate to the NavDestination associated with this MenuItem.

Importantly, it assumes the getItemId matches a valid androidx.navigation.NavDestination.getAction or to be navigated to.

By default, the back stack will be popped back to the navigation graph's start destination. Menu items that have android:menuCategory="secondary" will not pop the back stack.


True if the NavController was able to navigate to the destination.


fun AppCompatActivity.setupActionBarWithNavController(
    navController: NavController,
    configuration: AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)
): Unit

Sets up the ActionBar returned by AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar for use with a NavController.

By calling this method, the title in the action bar will automatically be updated when the destination changes (assuming there is a valid label).

The AppBarConfiguration you provide controls how the Navigation button is displayed.

You are responsible for calling NavController.navigateUp to handle the Navigation button. Typically this is done in AppCompatActivity.onSupportNavigateUp.

navController: NavController

The NavController whose navigation actions will be reflected in the title of the action bar.

configuration: AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)

Additional configuration options for customizing the behavior of the ActionBar


fun AppCompatActivity.setupActionBarWithNavController(
    navController: NavController,
    drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?
): Unit

Sets up the ActionBar returned by AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar for use with a NavController.

By calling this method, the title in the action bar will automatically be updated when the destination changes (assuming there is a valid label).

The start destination of your navigation graph is considered the only top level destination. On the start destination of your navigation graph, the ActionBar will show the drawer icon if the given drawerLayout is non null. On all other destinations, the ActionBar will show the Up button.

You are responsible for calling NavController.navigateUp to handle the Navigation button. Typically this is done in AppCompatActivity.onSupportNavigateUp.

navController: NavController

The NavController whose navigation actions will be reflected in the title of the action bar.

drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?

The DrawerLayout that should be toggled from the Navigation button


fun NavigationBarView.setupWithNavController(navController: NavController): Unit

Sets up a NavigationBarView for use with a NavController. This will call android.view.MenuItem.onNavDestinationSelected when a menu item is selected.

The selected item in the NavigationView will automatically be updated when the destination changes.


fun NavigationView.setupWithNavController(navController: NavController): Unit

Sets up a NavigationView for use with a NavController. This will call android.view.MenuItem.onNavDestinationSelected when a menu item is selected.

The selected item in the NavigationView will automatically be updated when the destination changes.


fun Toolbar.setupWithNavController(
    navController: NavController,
    configuration: AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)
): Unit

Sets up a Toolbar for use with a NavController.

By calling this method, the title in the Toolbar will automatically be updated when the destination changes (assuming there is a valid label).

The AppBarConfiguration you provide controls how the Navigation button is displayed and what action is triggered when the Navigation button is tapped.

This method will call NavController.navigateUp when the navigation icon is clicked.

navController: NavController

The NavController whose navigation actions will be reflected in the title of the Toolbar.

configuration: AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)

Additional configuration options for customizing the behavior of the Toolbar


fun Toolbar.setupWithNavController(
    navController: NavController,
    drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?
): Unit

Sets up a Toolbar for use with a NavController.

By calling this method, the title in the Toolbar will automatically be updated when the destination changes (assuming there is a valid label).

The start destination of your navigation graph is considered the only top level destination. On the start destination of your navigation graph, the Toolbar will show the drawer icon if the given drawerLayout is non null. On all other destinations, the Toolbar will show the Up button.

This method will call NavController.navigateUp when the navigation icon is clicked.

navController: NavController

The NavController whose navigation actions will be reflected in the title of the Toolbar.

drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?

The DrawerLayout that should be toggled from the Navigation button


fun CollapsingToolbarLayout.setupWithNavController(
    toolbar: Toolbar,
    navController: NavController,
    configuration: AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)
): Unit

Sets up a CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar for use with a NavController.

By calling this method, the title in the Toolbar will automatically be updated when the destination changes (assuming there is a valid label).

The AppBarConfiguration you provide controls how the Navigation button is displayed and what action is triggered when the Navigation button is tapped.

This method will call NavController.navigateUp when the navigation icon is clicked.

toolbar: Toolbar

The Toolbar that should be kept in sync with changes to the NavController.

navController: NavController

The NavController whose navigation actions will be reflected in the title of the Toolbar.

configuration: AppBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(navController.graph)

Additional configuration options for customizing the behavior of the Toolbar


fun CollapsingToolbarLayout.setupWithNavController(
    toolbar: Toolbar,
    navController: NavController,
    drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?
): Unit

Sets up a CollapsingToolbarLayout and Toolbar for use with a NavController.

By calling this method, the title in the Toolbar will automatically be updated when the destination changes (assuming there is a valid label).

The start destination of your navigation graph is considered the only top level destination. On the start destination of your navigation graph, the Toolbar will show the drawer icon if the given drawerLayout is non null. On all other destinations, the Toolbar will show the Up button.

This method will call NavController.navigateUp when the Navigation button is clicked.

toolbar: Toolbar

The Toolbar that should be kept in sync with changes to the NavController.

navController: NavController

The NavController whose navigation actions will be reflected in the title of the Toolbar.

drawerLayout: DrawerLayout?

The DrawerLayout that should be toggled from the Navigation button