


A part of the composition layout that can be measured.


Defines the measure and layout behavior of a layout.


Interface holding the size and alignment lines of the measured layout, as well as the children positioning logic.


The receiver scope of a layout's measure lambda.


Marker interface for types allowed to be adjusted by a ParentLayoutParamsModifier.


Interface for classes involved in setting layout params.


An interface to calculate the position of a sized box inside of an available 3D space.


An interface to calculate the position of a box of a certain depth inside an available depth.


An interface to calculate the position of a box of a certain width inside an available width.


An interface to calculate the position of a box of a certain height inside an available height.


A holder of the measured bounds.


An ordered, immutable collection of subspace modifier elements that decorate or add behavior to Subspace Compose elements.



A node in a SubspaceModifier chain.


A Placeable corresponds to a child layout that can be positioned by its parent layout.


Receiver scope that permits explicit placement of a Placeable.


Creates a weighted alignment that specifies a horizontal, vertical, and depth bias.


Creates a weighted alignment that specifies a depth bias.


Creates a weighted alignment that specifies a horizontal bias.


Creates a weighted alignment that specifies a vertical bias.


A shape describing a rectangle with rounded corners in 3D space.


Base Spatial shape.


The longer-lived object that is created for each SubspaceModifierElement applied to a SubspaceLayout




The companion object SubspaceModifier is the empty, default, or starter SubspaceModifier that contains no SubspaceModifierElements.

Top-level functions summary

    modifier: SubspaceModifier,
    name: String,
    measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy

SubspaceLayout is the main core component for layout for "leaf" nodes.

    content: @Composable @SubspaceComposable () -> Unit,
    modifier: SubspaceModifier,
    name: String,
    measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy

SubspaceLayout is the main core component for layout.


Extension functions summary

SubspaceModifier.alpha(alpha: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float)

Sets the opacity of this element (and its children) to a value between 0..1.


Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly depth dp along the z dimension.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxDepth of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum depth and the maximum depth to be equal to the maximum depth multiplied by fraction.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum height and the maximum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxWidth, VolumeConstraints.maxHeight, and VolumeConstraints.maxDepth of the incoming measurement constraints.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxWidth of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum width and the maximum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction.


Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly height dp along the y dimension.

    enabled: Boolean,
    stickyPose: Boolean,
    scaleWithDistance: Boolean,
    onPoseChange: (PoseChangeEvent) -> Boolean

Moves a subspace element (i.e. currently only affects Jetpack XR Entity Panels/Volumes) in space.

SubspaceModifier.offset(x: Dp, y: Dp, z: Dp)

Offset the content by (x dp, y dp, z dp).


Invoke onGloballyPositioned with the SubspaceLayoutCoordinates of the element when the global position of the content may have changed.


Apply all dp of additional space along each edge of the content, left, top, right, bottom, front, and back.

SubspaceModifier.padding(horizontal: Dp, vertical: Dp, depth: Dp)

Apply horizontal dp space along the left and right edges of the content, vertical dp space along the top and bottom edges, and depth dp space along front and back edged.

    left: Dp,
    top: Dp,
    right: Dp,
    bottom: Dp,
    front: Dp,
    back: Dp

Apply additional space along each edge of the content in Dp: left, top, right, bottom, front and back.


Declare the size of the content to be exactly depth dp along the z dimension.


Declare the size of the content to be exactly height dp along the y dimension.


Declare the size of the content to be exactly a size dp cube.


Declare the size of the content to be exactly size in each of the three dimensions.


Declare the size of the content to be exactly width dp along the x dimension.

    enabled: Boolean,
    minimumSize: DpVolumeSize,
    maximumSize: DpVolumeSize,
    maintainAspectRatio: Boolean,
    onSizeChange: (IntVolumeSize) -> Boolean

Resize a subspace element (i.e. currently only affects Jetpack XR Entity Panels/Volumes) in space.


Rotate a subspace element (i.e. Panel) in space.

SubspaceModifier.rotate(axisAngle: Vector3, rotation: Float)

Rotate a subspace element (i.e. Panel) in space.

SubspaceModifier.rotate(pitch: Float, yaw: Float, roll: Float)

Rotate a subspace element (i.e. Panel) in space.


Scale the contents of the composable by the scale factor along horizontal, vertical, and depth axes.


Add semantics key/value pairs to the layout node, for use in testing, accessibility, etc.


Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly a size dp cube.


Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly size in each of the three dimensions.


Applies a tag to allow modified element to be found in tests.


Returns information on pose, position and size.


Generates a lazy sequence that walks up the node tree to the root.


Generates a lazy sequence that walks down the node tree.


Generates a sequence with self and elements up the node tree to the root.


Generates a sequence with self and elements down the node tree.


Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly width dp along the x dimension.

Top-level functions


fun SubspaceLayout(
    modifier: SubspaceModifier = SubspaceModifier,
    name: String = defaultSubspaceLayoutName(),
    measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy
): Unit

SubspaceLayout is the main core component for layout for "leaf" nodes. It can be used to measure and position zero children.

The measurement, layout and intrinsic measurement behaviours of this layout will be defined by the measurePolicy instance. See MeasurePolicy for more details.

modifier: SubspaceModifier = SubspaceModifier

SubspaceModifier to apply during layout.

name: String = defaultSubspaceLayoutName()

a name for the ComposeSubspaceNode. This can be useful for debugging.

measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy

a policy defining the measurement and positioning of the layout.


fun SubspaceLayout(
    content: @Composable @SubspaceComposable () -> Unit,
    modifier: SubspaceModifier = SubspaceModifier,
    name: String = defaultSubspaceLayoutName(),
    measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy
): Unit

SubspaceLayout is the main core component for layout. It can be used to measure and position zero or more layout children.

The measurement, layout and intrinsic measurement behaviours of this layout will be defined by the measurePolicy instance. See MeasurePolicy for more details.

content: @Composable @SubspaceComposable () -> Unit

the children composable to be laid out.

modifier: SubspaceModifier = SubspaceModifier

SubspaceModifier to apply during layout

name: String = defaultSubspaceLayoutName()

a name for the ComposeSubspaceNode. This can be useful for debugging.

measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy

a policy defining the measurement and positioning of the layout.


fun defaultSubspaceLayoutName(): String

Extension functions

fun SubspaceModifier.alpha(alpha: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float): SubspaceModifier

Sets the opacity of this element (and its children) to a value between 0..1. An alpha value of 0.0f means fully transparent while a value of 1.0f is completely opaque. Elements with semi-transparent alpha values (> 0.0 but < 1.0f) will be rendered using alpha-blending.

alpha: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float
  • Opacity of this element (and its children). Must be between 0 and 1, inclusive. Values <0 or 1 will be clamped.

fun SubspaceModifier.depth(depth: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly depth dp along the z dimension. Panels have 0 depth and ignore this modifier.


fun SubspaceModifier.fillMaxDepth(
    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f
): SubspaceModifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxDepth of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum depth and the maximum depth to be equal to the maximum depth multiplied by fraction. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available depth. If the incoming maximum depth is VolumeConstraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect.

fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f

The fraction of the maximum height to use, between 0 and 1, inclusive.


fun SubspaceModifier.fillMaxHeight(
    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f
): SubspaceModifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum height and the maximum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available height. If the incoming maximum height is VolumeConstraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect.

fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f

The fraction of the maximum height to use, between 0 and 1, inclusive.


fun SubspaceModifier.fillMaxSize(
    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f
): SubspaceModifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxWidth, VolumeConstraints.maxHeight, and VolumeConstraints.maxDepth of the incoming measurement constraints. See SubspaceModifier.fillMaxWidth, SubspaceModifier.fillMaxHeight, and SubspaceModifier.fillMaxDepth for details. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available space. If the incoming maximum width or height or depth is VolumeConstraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect in that dimension.

fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f

The fraction of the maximum size to use, between 0 and 1, inclusive.


fun SubspaceModifier.fillMaxWidth(
    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f
): SubspaceModifier

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the VolumeConstraints.maxWidth of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum width and the maximum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction. Note that, by default, the fraction is 1, so the modifier will make the content fill the whole available width. If the incoming maximum width is VolumeConstraints.Infinity this modifier will have no effect.

fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float = 1.0f

The fraction of the maximum width to use, between 0 and 1, inclusive.

fun SubspaceModifier.height(height: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly height dp along the y dimension.

fun SubspaceModifier.movable(
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    stickyPose: Boolean = false,
    scaleWithDistance: Boolean = true,
    onPoseChange: (PoseChangeEvent) -> Boolean = { false }
): SubspaceModifier

Moves a subspace element (i.e. currently only affects Jetpack XR Entity Panels/Volumes) in space. The order of the SubspaceModifiers is important. Please take note of this when using movable. If you have the following modifier chain: SubspaceModifier.offset().size().movable(), the modifiers will work as expected. If instead you have this modifier chain: SubspaceModifier.size().offset().movable(), you will experience unexpected placement behavior when using the movable modifier. In general, the offset modifier should be specified before the size modifier, and the movable modifier should be specified last.

enabled: Boolean = true
  • true if this composable should be movable.

stickyPose: Boolean = false
  • if enabled, the user specified position will be retained when the modifier is disabled or removed.

scaleWithDistance: Boolean = true
  • true if this composable should scale in size when moved in depth. When this scaleWithDistance is enabled, the subspace element moved will grow or shrink. It will also maintain any explicit scale that it had before movement.

onPoseChange: (PoseChangeEvent) -> Boolean = { false }
  • a callback to process the pose change during movement, with translation in pixels. This will only be called if enabled is true. If the callback returns false the default behavior of moving this composable's subspace hierarchy will be executed. If it returns true, it is the responsibility of the callback to process the event. PoseChangeEvent.pose represents the new pose of the composable in the subspace with respect to its parent, with its translation being expressed in pixels.PoseChangeEvent.scale is how large the panel should be scaled as a result of its motion. This value will change with the panel's depth when 'scaleWithDistance' is set, otherwise it will be locked in at 1.0 or at the value specified by the scale modifier. PoseChangeEvent.size is the IntVolumeSize value that will include the width, height and depth of the composable; that factors in shrinking or stretching due to PoseChangeEvent.scale

fun SubspaceModifier.offset(x: Dp = 0.dp, y: Dp = 0.dp, z: Dp = 0.dp): SubspaceModifier

Offset the content by (x dp, y dp, z dp). The offsets can be positive as well as non-positive.


fun SubspaceModifier.onGloballyPositioned(
    onGloballyPositioned: (SubspaceLayoutCoordinates) -> Unit
): SubspaceModifier

Invoke onGloballyPositioned with the SubspaceLayoutCoordinates of the element when the global position of the content may have changed. Note that it will be called after a composition when the coordinates are finalized.

This callback will be invoked at least once when the SubspaceLayoutCoordinates are available, and every time the element's position changes within the window. However, it is not guaranteed to be invoked every time the position relative to the screen of the modified element changes. For example, the system may move the contents inside a window around without firing a callback. If you are using the SubspaceLayoutCoordinates to calculate position on the screen, and not just inside the window, you may not receive a callback.

fun SubspaceModifier.padding(all: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Apply all dp of additional space along each edge of the content, left, top, right, bottom, front, and back. Padding is applied before content measurement and takes precedence; content may only be as large as the remaining space.

Negative padding is not permitted — it will cause IllegalArgumentException. See padding

fun SubspaceModifier.padding(
    horizontal: Dp = 0.dp,
    vertical: Dp = 0.dp,
    depth: Dp = 0.dp
): SubspaceModifier

Apply horizontal dp space along the left and right edges of the content, vertical dp space along the top and bottom edges, and depth dp space along front and back edged. Padding is applied before content measurement and takes precedence; content may only be as large as the remaining space.

Negative padding is not permitted — it will cause IllegalArgumentException. See padding

fun SubspaceModifier.padding(
    left: Dp = 0.dp,
    top: Dp = 0.dp,
    right: Dp = 0.dp,
    bottom: Dp = 0.dp,
    front: Dp = 0.dp,
    back: Dp = 0.dp
): SubspaceModifier

Apply additional space along each edge of the content in Dp: left, top, right, bottom, front and back. Padding is applied before content measurement and takes precedence; content may only be as large as the remaining space.

Negative padding is not permitted — it will cause IllegalArgumentException.


fun SubspaceModifier.requiredDepth(depth: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly depth dp along the z dimension. Panels have 0 depth and ignore this modifier.


fun SubspaceModifier.requiredHeight(height: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly height dp along the y dimension.


fun SubspaceModifier.requiredSize(size: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly a size dp cube. When applied to a Panel, the size will be a size dp square instead.


fun SubspaceModifier.requiredSize(size: DpVolumeSize): SubspaceModifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly size in each of the three dimensions. Panels have 0 depth and ignore the z-component of this modifier.


fun SubspaceModifier.requiredWidth(width: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the size of the content to be exactly width dp along the x dimension.

fun SubspaceModifier.resizable(
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    minimumSize: DpVolumeSize = DpVolumeSize.Zero,
    maximumSize: DpVolumeSize = DpVolumeSize(Dp.Infinity, Dp.Infinity, Dp.Infinity),
    maintainAspectRatio: Boolean = false,
    onSizeChange: (IntVolumeSize) -> Boolean = { false }
): SubspaceModifier

Resize a subspace element (i.e. currently only affects Jetpack XR Entity Panels/Volumes) in space.

enabled: Boolean = true
  • true if this composable should be resizable.

minimumSize: DpVolumeSize = DpVolumeSize.Zero
  • the smallest allowed dimensions for this composable.

maximumSize: DpVolumeSize = DpVolumeSize(Dp.Infinity, Dp.Infinity, Dp.Infinity)
  • the largest allowed dimensions for this composable.

maintainAspectRatio: Boolean = false
  • true if the new size should maintain the same aspect ratio as the existing size.

onSizeChange: (IntVolumeSize) -> Boolean = { false }
  • a callback to process the size change during resizing. This will only be called if enabled is true. If the callback returns false the default behavior of resizing this composable will be executed. If it returns true, it is the responsibility of the callback to process the event.

fun SubspaceModifier.rotate(quaternion: Quaternion): SubspaceModifier

Rotate a subspace element (i.e. Panel) in space.

quaternion: Quaternion

Quaternion describing the rotation.

fun SubspaceModifier.rotate(axisAngle: Vector3, rotation: Float): SubspaceModifier

Rotate a subspace element (i.e. Panel) in space.

axisAngle: Vector3

Vector representing the axis of rotation.

rotation: Float

Degrees of rotation.

fun SubspaceModifier.rotate(pitch: Float, yaw: Float, roll: Float): SubspaceModifier

Rotate a subspace element (i.e. Panel) in space. Parameter rotation angles are specified in degrees. The rotations are applied with the order pitch, then yaw, then roll.

pitch: Float

Rotation around the x-axis. The x-axis is the axis width is measured on.

yaw: Float

Rotation around the y-axis. The y-axis is the axis height is measured on.

roll: Float

Rotation around the z-axis. The z-axis is the axis depth is measured on.

fun SubspaceModifier.scale(scale: Float): SubspaceModifier

Scale the contents of the composable by the scale factor along horizontal, vertical, and depth axes. Scaling does not change the measured size of the composable content during layout. Measured size of @SubspaceComposable elements can be controlled using Size Modifiers. Scale factor should be a positive number.

scale: Float
  • Multiplier to scale content along vertical, horizontal, depth axes.

fun SubspaceModifier.semantics(properties: SemanticsPropertyReceiver.() -> Unit): SubspaceModifier

Add semantics key/value pairs to the layout node, for use in testing, accessibility, etc.

Based on androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsModifier.

fun SubspaceModifier.size(size: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly a size dp cube. When applied to a Panel, the preferred size will be a size dp square instead.

fun SubspaceModifier.size(size: DpVolumeSize): SubspaceModifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly size in each of the three dimensions. Panels have 0 depth and ignore the z-component of this modifier.

fun SubspaceModifier.testTag(tag: String): SubspaceModifier

Applies a tag to allow modified element to be found in tests.

This is a convenience method for a semantics that sets SemanticsPropertyReceiver.testTag.


fun SubspaceLayoutCoordinates.toDebugString(): String

Returns information on pose, position and size.


fun SubspaceModifier.Node.traverseAncestors(): Sequence<SubspaceModifier.Node>

Generates a lazy sequence that walks up the node tree to the root.

If this node is the root, an empty sequence is returned.


fun SubspaceModifier.Node.traverseDescendants(): Sequence<SubspaceModifier.Node>

Generates a lazy sequence that walks down the node tree.

If this node is a leaf node, an empty sequence is returned.


fun SubspaceModifier.Node.traverseSelfThenAncestors(): Sequence<SubspaceModifier.Node>

Generates a sequence with self and elements up the node tree to the root.


fun SubspaceModifier.Node.traverseSelfThenDescendants(): Sequence<SubspaceModifier.Node>

Generates a sequence with self and elements down the node tree.

fun SubspaceModifier.width(width: Dp): SubspaceModifier

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly width dp along the x dimension.