@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.BINARY)
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation Preview

Preview can be applied to either of the following:

  • @Composable methods with no parameters to show them in the Android Studio preview.

  • Annotation classes, that could then be used to annotate @Composable methods or other annotation classes, which will then be considered as indirectly annotated with that Preview.

The annotation contains a number of parameters that allow to define the way the @Composable will be rendered within the preview.

The passed parameters are only read by Studio when rendering the preview.


Public constructors

    name: String,
    group: String,
    apiLevel: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    widthDp: Int,
    heightDp: Int,
    locale: String,
    fontScale: @FloatRange(from = 0.01) Float,
    showSystemUi: Boolean,
    showBackground: Boolean,
    backgroundColor: Long,
    uiMode: Int,
    device: String,
    wallpaper: Int

Public properties


API level to be used when rendering the annotated @Composable


The 32-bit ARGB color int for the background or 0 if not set


Device string indicating the device to use in the preview.


User preference for the scaling factor for fonts, relative to the base density scaling.


Group name for this @Preview.


Max height in DP the annotated @Composable will be rendered in.


Current user preference for the locale, corresponding to locale resource qualifier.


Display name of this preview allowing to identify it in the panel.


If true, the @Composable will use a default background color.


If true, the status bar and action bar of the device will be displayed.


Bit mask of the ui mode as per android.content.res.Configuration.uiMode


Integer defining which wallpaper from those available in Android Studio to use for dynamic theming.


Max width in DP the annotated @Composable will be rendered in.

Public constructors


    name: String = "",
    group: String = "",
    apiLevel: @IntRange(from = 1) Int = -1,
    widthDp: Int = -1,
    heightDp: Int = -1,
    locale: String = "",
    fontScale: @FloatRange(from = 0.01) Float = 1.0f,
    showSystemUi: Boolean = false,
    showBackground: Boolean = false,
    backgroundColor: Long = 0,
    uiMode: Int = 0,
    device: String = Devices.DEFAULT,
    wallpaper: Int = Wallpapers.NONE
name: String = ""

Display name of this preview allowing to identify it in the panel.

group: String = ""

Group name for this @Preview. This allows grouping them in the UI and display only one or more of them.

apiLevel: @IntRange(from = 1) Int = -1

API level to be used when rendering the annotated @Composable

widthDp: Int = -1

Max width in DP the annotated @Composable will be rendered in. Use this to restrict the size of the rendering viewport.

heightDp: Int = -1

Max height in DP the annotated @Composable will be rendered in. Use this to restrict the size of the rendering viewport.

locale: String = ""

Current user preference for the locale, corresponding to locale resource qualifier. By default, the default folder will be used. To preview an RTL layout use a locale that uses right to left script, such as ar (or the ar-rXB pseudo locale).

fontScale: @FloatRange(from = 0.01) Float = 1.0f

User preference for the scaling factor for fonts, relative to the base density scaling.

showSystemUi: Boolean = false

If true, the status bar and action bar of the device will be displayed. The @Composable will be render in the context of a full activity.

showBackground: Boolean = false

If true, the @Composable will use a default background color.

backgroundColor: Long = 0

The 32-bit ARGB color int for the background or 0 if not set

uiMode: Int = 0

Bit mask of the ui mode as per android.content.res.Configuration.uiMode

device: String = Devices.DEFAULT

Device string indicating the device to use in the preview. See the available devices in Devices.

wallpaper: Int = Wallpapers.NONE

Integer defining which wallpaper from those available in Android Studio to use for dynamic theming.

Public properties


val apiLevelInt

API level to be used when rendering the annotated @Composable


val backgroundColorLong

The 32-bit ARGB color int for the background or 0 if not set


val deviceString

Device string indicating the device to use in the preview. See the available devices in Devices.


val fontScaleFloat

User preference for the scaling factor for fonts, relative to the base density scaling.


val groupString

Group name for this @Preview. This allows grouping them in the UI and display only one or more of them.


val heightDpInt

Max height in DP the annotated @Composable will be rendered in. Use this to restrict the size of the rendering viewport.


val localeString

Current user preference for the locale, corresponding to locale resource qualifier. By default, the default folder will be used. To preview an RTL layout use a locale that uses right to left script, such as ar (or the ar-rXB pseudo locale).


val nameString

Display name of this preview allowing to identify it in the panel.


val showBackgroundBoolean

If true, the @Composable will use a default background color.


val showSystemUiBoolean

If true, the status bar and action bar of the device will be displayed. The @Composable will be render in the context of a full activity.


val uiModeInt

Bit mask of the ui mode as per android.content.res.Configuration.uiMode


val wallpaperInt

Integer defining which wallpaper from those available in Android Studio to use for dynamic theming.


val widthDpInt

Max width in DP the annotated @Composable will be rendered in. Use this to restrict the size of the rendering viewport.