
abstract class ClearCredentialException : Exception

Known direct subclasses

Represents a custom error thrown during a clear flow with CredentialManager.


During the clear credential flow, this is thrown when some interruption occurs that may warrant retrying or at least does not indicate a purposeful desire to close or tap away from credential manager.


During the clear credential flow, this is thrown when configurations are mismatched for the provider, typically indicating the provider dependency is missing in the manifest or some system service is not enabled.


This is thrown when the clear credential operation failed with no more detailed information.


During the clear credential flow, this is thrown when credential manager is unsupported, typically because the device has disabled it or did not ship with this feature enabled.

Represents an error thrown during a clear flow with Credential Manager. See CredentialManager for more details on how Exceptions work for Credential Manager flows.


Public companion functions


Helper method to convert the given ex to a parcelable Bundle, in case the instance needs to be sent across a process.

fromBundle(bundle: Bundle)

Helper method to convert a Bundle retrieved through asBundle, back to an instance of ClearCredentialException.

Inherited properties

From kotlin.Throwable

Public companion functions


Added in 1.5.0
fun asBundle(ex: ClearCredentialException): Bundle

Helper method to convert the given ex to a parcelable Bundle, in case the instance needs to be sent across a process. Consumers of this method should use fromBundle to reconstruct the class instance back from the bundle returned here.


Added in 1.5.0
fun fromBundle(bundle: Bundle): ClearCredentialException

Helper method to convert a Bundle retrieved through asBundle, back to an instance of ClearCredentialException.

Throws IllegalArgumentException if the conversion fails. This means that the given bundle does not contain a ClearCredentialException. The bundle should be constructed and retrieved from asBundle itself and never be created from scratch to avoid the failure.