
abstract class RxPagingSource<Key : Any, Value : Any> : PagingSource

Rx-based compatibility wrapper around PagingSource's suspending APIs.

import androidx.paging.PagingState
import androidx.paging.rxjava2.RxPagingSource

 * Sample RxPagingSource which loads `Item`s from network requests via Retrofit to a backend
 * service, which uses String tokens to load pages (each response has a next/previous token).
class MyPagingSource(
    val myBackend: RxBackendService,
    val searchTerm: String
) : RxPagingSource<String, Item>() {
    override fun loadSingle(params: LoadParams<String>): Single<LoadResult<String, Item>> {
        return myBackend
            // Single-based network load
            .searchUsers(searchTerm, params.key)
            .map<LoadResult<String, Item>> { result ->
                    data = result.items,
                    prevKey = result.prev,
                    nextKey = result.next
            .onErrorReturn { e ->
                when (e) {
                    // Retrofit calls that return the body type throw either IOException for
                    // network failures, or HttpException for any non-2xx HTTP status codes.
                    // This code reports all errors to the UI, but you can inspect/wrap the
                    // exceptions to provide more context.
                    is IOException -> LoadResult.Error(e)
                    is HttpException -> LoadResult.Error(e)
                    else -> throw e

    override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<String, Item>): String? {
        return state.anchorPosition?.let { state.closestItemToPosition(it)?.id }


Public constructors

<Key : Any, Value : Any> RxPagingSource()

Public functions

final suspend PagingSource.LoadResult<Key, Value>
abstract Single<PagingSource.LoadResult<Key, Value>>

Loading API for PagingSource.

Inherited functions

abstract Key?
getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Key, Value>)
registerInvalidatedCallback(onInvalidatedCallback: () -> Unit)
unregisterInvalidatedCallback(onInvalidatedCallback: () -> Unit)

Public constructors


<Key : Any, Value : Any> RxPagingSource()

Public functions


final suspend fun load(params: PagingSource.LoadParams<Key>): PagingSource.LoadResult<Key, Value>


Added in 3.0.0
abstract fun loadSingle(params: PagingSource.LoadParams<Key>): Single<PagingSource.LoadResult<Key, Value>>

Loading API for PagingSource.

Implement this method to trigger your async load (e.g. from database or network).