class CardColors

Represents colors used in card components, such as titleCard or appCard.


Public constructors

    backgroundColor: LayoutColor,
    titleColor: LayoutColor,
    contentColor: LayoutColor,
    timeColor: LayoutColor,
    labelColor: LayoutColor,
    secondaryIconColor: LayoutColor,
    secondaryTextColor: LayoutColor,
    graphicProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors?,
    graphicIconColor: LayoutColor?

Public functions

    backgroundColor: LayoutColor,
    titleColor: LayoutColor,
    contentColor: LayoutColor,
    timeColor: LayoutColor,
    labelColor: LayoutColor,
    secondaryIconColor: LayoutColor,
    secondaryTextColor: LayoutColor,
    graphicProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors?,
    graphicIconColor: LayoutColor?

Returns a copy of this CardColors, optionally overriding some of the values.

Public properties


LayoutColor which is used to as the background color for the card.


the content color for the card.


the color used for the icon to be put at the center of the progress indicator to compose the graphic.


the color used for the progress indicator set as graphic of the card.


the color used for label for the card.


the color used for icon in the data card type.


the color used for secondary label for the data card type.


the color used for time for the card.


the color used for title for the card.

Public constructors


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
    backgroundColor: LayoutColor = Color.BLACK.argb,
    titleColor: LayoutColor = Color.BLACK.argb,
    contentColor: LayoutColor = Color.BLACK.argb,
    timeColor: LayoutColor = contentColor,
    labelColor: LayoutColor = titleColor,
    secondaryIconColor: LayoutColor = titleColor,
    secondaryTextColor: LayoutColor = timeColor,
    graphicProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors? = null,
    graphicIconColor: LayoutColor? = null
backgroundColor: LayoutColor = Color.BLACK.argb

LayoutColor which is used to as the background color for the card.

titleColor: LayoutColor = Color.BLACK.argb

the color used for title for the card.

contentColor: LayoutColor = Color.BLACK.argb

the content color for the card.

timeColor: LayoutColor = contentColor

the color used for time for the card.

labelColor: LayoutColor = titleColor

the color used for label for the card.

secondaryIconColor: LayoutColor = titleColor

the color used for icon in the data card type.

secondaryTextColor: LayoutColor = timeColor

the color used for secondary label for the data card type.

graphicProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors? = null

the color used for the progress indicator set as graphic of the card. If null, uses the default color defined in circularProgressIndicator and segmentedCircularProgressIndicator, which is filledProgressIndicatorColors.

graphicIconColor: LayoutColor? = null

the color used for the icon to be put at the center of the progress indicator to compose the graphic. If null, uses the default icon color, which is ColorScheme.primary.

Public functions


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
fun copy(
    backgroundColor: LayoutColor = this.backgroundColor,
    titleColor: LayoutColor = this.titleColor,
    contentColor: LayoutColor = this.contentColor,
    timeColor: LayoutColor = this.timeColor,
    labelColor: LayoutColor = this.labelColor,
    secondaryIconColor: LayoutColor = this.secondaryIconColor,
    secondaryTextColor: LayoutColor = this.secondaryTextColor,
    graphicProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors? = this.graphicProgressIndicatorColors,
    graphicIconColor: LayoutColor? = this.graphicIconColor
): CardColors

Returns a copy of this CardColors, optionally overriding some of the values.

backgroundColor: LayoutColor = this.backgroundColor

LayoutColor which is used to as the background color for the card.

titleColor: LayoutColor = this.titleColor

the color used for title for the card.

contentColor: LayoutColor = this.contentColor

the content color for the card.

timeColor: LayoutColor = this.timeColor

the color used for time for the card.

labelColor: LayoutColor = this.labelColor

the color used for label for the card.

secondaryIconColor: LayoutColor = this.secondaryIconColor

the color used for icon in the data card type.

secondaryTextColor: LayoutColor = this.secondaryTextColor

the color used for secondary label for the data card type.

graphicProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors? = this.graphicProgressIndicatorColors

the color used for the progress indicator set as graphic of the card. If null, uses the default color defined in circularProgressIndicator and segmentedCircularProgressIndicator, which is filledProgressIndicatorColors.

graphicIconColor: LayoutColor? = this.graphicIconColor

the color used for the icon to be put at the center of the progress indicator to compose the graphic. If null, uses the default icon color, which is ColorScheme.primary.

Public properties


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val backgroundColorLayoutColor

LayoutColor which is used to as the background color for the card.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val contentColorLayoutColor

the content color for the card.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val graphicIconColorLayoutColor?

the color used for the icon to be put at the center of the progress indicator to compose the graphic. If null, uses the default icon color, which is ColorScheme.primary.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val graphicProgressIndicatorColorsProgressIndicatorColors?

the color used for the progress indicator set as graphic of the card. If null, uses the default color defined in circularProgressIndicator and segmentedCircularProgressIndicator, which is filledProgressIndicatorColors.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val labelColorLayoutColor

the color used for label for the card.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val secondaryIconColorLayoutColor

the color used for icon in the data card type.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val secondaryTextColorLayoutColor

the color used for secondary label for the data card type.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val timeColorLayoutColor

the color used for time for the card.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val titleColorLayoutColor

the color used for title for the card.