
value class TitleContentPlacementInDataCard

Defines the placement of the title and content slots in iconDataCard, relative to other optional slots in that type of card.


Public companion properties


Slots for title and content in iconDataCard will be placed last, with icon or secondaryLabel above it, sif present.


Slots for title and content in iconDataCard will be placed first, and followed by icon or secondaryLabel if present.

Public companion properties


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val BottomTitleContentPlacementInDataCard

Slots for title and content in iconDataCard will be placed last, with icon or secondaryLabel above it, sif present.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha09
val TopTitleContentPlacementInDataCard

Slots for title and content in iconDataCard will be placed first, and followed by icon or secondaryLabel if present.