


Represents a layout element that can be asserted on.


Provides the main entry point into testing by exposing methods to find a layout element.


Wrapper for element matcher lambdas that allows to build string explaining to the developer what conditions are being tested.


Context data for performing assertation on a layout, including:

Top-level functions summary


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's metadata tag contains the given value.

hasAllCorners(radiusDp: Float)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has all its four corners with the given radius.

hasBottomLeftCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its bottom left corner with the given radii.

hasBottomRightCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its bottom right corners with the given radii.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has a child matching the given matcher.

    action: ActionBuilders.Action,
    id: String?,
    minClickableWidth: @Dimension(unit = 0) Float,
    minClickableHeight: @Dimension(unit = 0) Float

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the specific Clickable attached.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element is drawn with the given color.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's content description matches the given pattern.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's content description contains the given value.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has a descendant matches the given matcher.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given height value.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given height value.

hasImage(protolayoutResId: String)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element displays an image with the given protolayout resource id.

hasTag(value: String)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's metadata tag equals to the given value.

hasText(value: String, subString: Boolean, ignoreCase: Boolean)
hasTopLeftCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its top left corner with the given radii.

hasTopRightCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float)

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its top right corner with the given radii.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given width value.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given width value.


Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element is clickable.

Top-level functions

fun containsTag(value: String): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's metadata tag contains the given value.

fun hasAllCorners(radiusDp: Float): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has all its four corners with the given radius.

fun hasBottomLeftCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its bottom left corner with the given radii.

fun hasBottomRightCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its bottom right corners with the given radii.

fun hasChild(matcher: LayoutElementMatcher): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has a child matching the given matcher.

fun hasClickable(
    action: ActionBuilders.Action = loadAction(),
    id: String? = null,
    minClickableWidth: @Dimension(unit = 0) Float = Float.NaN,
    minClickableHeight: @Dimension(unit = 0) Float = Float.NaN
): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the specific Clickable attached.

fun hasColor(argb: @ColorInt Int): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element is drawn with the given color.

fun hasContentDescription(pattern: Regex): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's content description matches the given pattern.

pattern: Regex

String pattern to match with content description.

fun hasContentDescription(value: String): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's content description contains the given value.

value: String

Value to match with content description.

fun hasDescendant(matcher: LayoutElementMatcher): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has a descendant matches the given matcher.

fun hasHeight(height: DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimension): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given height value.

fun hasHeight(height: DimensionBuilders.ProportionalDimensionProp): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given height value.

fun hasImage(protolayoutResId: String): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element displays an image with the given protolayout resource id.

protolayoutResId: String

The resource id of the image, which should be a protolayout resource id instead of android resource id.

fun hasTag(value: String): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element's metadata tag equals to the given value.

fun hasText(value: String, subString: Boolean = false, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): LayoutElementMatcher
fun hasTopLeftCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its top left corner with the given radii.

fun hasTopRightCorner(xRadiusDp: Float, yRadiusDp: Float): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has its top right corner with the given radii.

fun hasWidth(width: DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimension): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given width value.

fun hasWidth(width: DimensionBuilders.ProportionalDimensionProp): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element has the given width value.

fun isClickable(): LayoutElementMatcher

Returns a LayoutElementMatcher which checks whether the element is clickable.