Note: As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about the user-facing changes in this Help Center article.

Additionally, starting in early 2025 (specific date to be announced during Q4 2024), all new watch faces published on Google Play must use the Watch Face Format.

class EditorRequest

The request sent by WatchFaceEditorContract.createIntent.


Public companion functions


Returns an EditorRequest saved to a Intent by WatchFaceEditorContract.createIntent if there is one or null otherwise.

Public constructors

    watchFaceComponentName: ComponentName,
    editorPackageName: String,
    initialUserStyle: UserStyleData?

Constructs an EditorRequest without a WatchFaceId.

@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    watchFaceComponentName: ComponentName,
    editorPackageName: String,
    initialUserStyle: UserStyleData?,
    watchFaceId: WatchFaceId,
    headlessDeviceConfig: DeviceConfig?,
    previewScreenshotParams: PreviewScreenshotParams?

Public properties


The package name of the watch face editor APK.


If non-null then this is the DeviceConfig to use when creating a headless instance to back the EditorSession.


The initial UserStyle stored as a UserStyleData or null.


If non-null then EditorSession upon closing will render a screenshot with PreviewScreenshotParams using the existing interactive or headless instance which will be sent in EditorState to any registered clients.


The ComponentName of the watch face being edited.

@RequiresApi(value = 30)

Unique ID for the instance of the watch face being edited, only defined for Android R and beyond, it's null on Android P and earlier.

Public companion functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun createFromIntent(intent: Intent): EditorRequest

Returns an EditorRequest saved to a Intent by WatchFaceEditorContract.createIntent if there is one or null otherwise. Intended for use by the watch face editor activity.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
    watchFaceComponentName: ComponentName,
    editorPackageName: String,
    initialUserStyle: UserStyleData?

Constructs an EditorRequest without a WatchFaceId. This is for use pre-android R.

watchFaceComponentName: ComponentName

The ComponentName of the watch face being edited.

editorPackageName: String

The package name of the watch face editor APK.

initialUserStyle: UserStyleData?

The initial UserStyle stored as a UserStyleData or null. Only required for a headless EditorSession. EditorSession.


Added in 1.0.0
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    watchFaceComponentName: ComponentName,
    editorPackageName: String,
    initialUserStyle: UserStyleData?,
    watchFaceId: WatchFaceId,
    headlessDeviceConfig: DeviceConfig?,
    previewScreenshotParams: PreviewScreenshotParams?
watchFaceComponentName: ComponentName

The ComponentName of the watch face being edited.

editorPackageName: String

The package name of the watch face editor APK.

initialUserStyle: UserStyleData?

The initial UserStyle stored as a UserStyleData or null. Only required for a headless EditorSession.

watchFaceId: WatchFaceId

Unique ID for the instance of the watch face being edited, only defined for Android R and beyond, it's null on Android P and earlier. Note each distinct ComponentName can have multiple instances.

headlessDeviceConfig: DeviceConfig?

If non-null then this is the DeviceConfig to use when creating a headless instance to back the EditorSession. If null then the current interactive instance will be used. If there isn't one then the EditorSession won't launch until it's been created. Note supportsWatchFaceHeadlessEditing can be used to determine if this feature is supported. If it's not supported this parameter will be ignored.

previewScreenshotParams: PreviewScreenshotParams?

If non-null then EditorSession upon closing will render a screenshot with PreviewScreenshotParams using the existing interactive or headless instance which will be sent in EditorState to any registered clients.

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0
val editorPackageNameString

The package name of the watch face editor APK.


Added in 1.0.0
val headlessDeviceConfigDeviceConfig?

If non-null then this is the DeviceConfig to use when creating a headless instance to back the EditorSession. If null then the current interactive instance will be used. If there isn't one then the EditorSession won't launch until it's been created. Note supportsWatchFaceHeadlessEditing can be used to determine if this feature is supported. If it's not supported this parameter will be ignored.


Added in 1.0.0
val initialUserStyleUserStyleData?

The initial UserStyle stored as a UserStyleData or null. Only required for a headless EditorSession.


Added in 1.0.0
val previewScreenshotParamsPreviewScreenshotParams?

If non-null then EditorSession upon closing will render a screenshot with PreviewScreenshotParams using the existing interactive or headless instance which will be sent in EditorState to any registered clients.


Added in 1.0.0
val watchFaceComponentNameComponentName

The ComponentName of the watch face being edited.


Added in 1.0.0
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
val watchFaceIdWatchFaceId

Unique ID for the instance of the watch face being edited, only defined for Android R and beyond, it's null on Android P and earlier. Note each distinct ComponentName can have multiple instances.