
interface OutcomeReceiverCompat<T, E : Throwable?>

Callback interface intended for use when an asynchronous operation may result in a failure. This interface may be used in cases where an asynchronous API may complete either with a value or with a Throwable that indicates an error.


The type of the result that's being sent.

<E : Throwable?>

The type of the Throwable that contains more information about the error. This interface serves the same purpose as android.os.OutcomeReceiver, but can be used on API versions before 31. TODO(b/380060342): To be removed once we release androidx.core.os.OutcomeReceiverCompat.


Public functions

onError(error: E)

Called when the asynchronous operation fails.

onResult(result: T!)

Called when the asynchronous operation succeeds and delivers a result value.

Public functions


Added in 1.13.0-rc01
fun onError(error: E): Unit

Called when the asynchronous operation fails. The mode of failure is indicated by the Throwable passed as an argument to this method.

error: E

A subclass of Throwable with more details about the error that occurred.


Added in 1.13.0-rc01
fun onResult(result: T!): Unit

Called when the asynchronous operation succeeds and delivers a result value.

result: T!

The value delivered by the asynchronous operation.