
interface WebViewStartUpResult

Result object associated with onSuccess.


Public functions


Code locations where WebView is started up suboptimally.


The maximum time taken by a task among all the tasks associated with WebView startup in the UI thread.


The total time WebView startup took on the UI thread.

Public functions


Added in 1.13.0-rc01
fun getBlockingStartUpLocations(): (Mutable)List<BlockingStartUpLocation!>?

Code locations where WebView is started up suboptimally.

This is as a debug tool to enable apps to catch code locations where WebView is suboptimally started up even when startUpWebView is used.

The list will be chronologically ordered based on the time of creation of the stacktrace.

The return value will be null if the underlying WebView version doesn't support this method.


Added in 1.13.0-rc01
fun getMaxTimePerTaskInUiThreadMillis(): Long?

The maximum time taken by a task among all the tasks associated with WebView startup in the UI thread.

The return value will be null if the underlying WebView version doesn't support this method.


Added in 1.13.0-rc01
fun getTotalTimeInUiThreadMillis(): Long?

The total time WebView startup took on the UI thread.

The return value will be null if the underlying WebView version doesn't support this method.