
  • Common/All
  • Android/JVM

The receiver scope of the key input injection lambda from performKeyInput.


The receiver scope of the mouse input injection lambda from performMouseInput.


The receiver scope of the multi-modal input injection lambda from performMultiModalInput.


The receiver scope of rotary input injection lambda from performRotaryScrollInput.


The receiver scope of the touch input injection lambda from performTouchInput.

The receiver scope of all input injection lambdas offered in ui-test, such as performTouchInput and performMouseInput.

This scope offers several properties that allow you to get coordinates within the node you're interacting on, like the topLeft corner, its center, or some percentage of the size (percentOffset).

All positional properties are expressed in pixels. InjectionScope implements Density so you can convert between px and dp as you wish. The density used is taken from the SemanticsNode from the SemanticsNodeInteraction on which the input injection method is called.


Public functions

advanceEventTime(durationMillis: Long)

Adds the given durationMillis to the current event time, delaying the next event by that time.

open Offset

Creates an Offset relative to the size of the node we're interacting with.


Public properties

open Float

The y-coordinate for the bottom of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The center of the bottom edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The bottom left corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The bottom right corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The center of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The center of the left edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The center of the right edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Float

The x-coordinate for the center of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Float

The y-coordinate for the center of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Long

The default time between two successive events.

open Int

The height of the node in px.

open Float

The x-coordinate for the left edge of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Float

The x-coordinate for the right edge of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Float

The y-coordinate for the bottom of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The center of the top edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The top left corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

open Offset

The top right corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


The ViewConfiguration in use by the SemanticsNode from the SemanticsNodeInteraction on which the input injection method is called.


The size of the visible part of the node we're interacting with in px, i.e. its clipped bounds.

open Int

The width of the node in px.


Inherited functions

open Int

Convert Dp to Int by rounding

open Int

Convert Sp to Int by rounding

open Dp

Convert an Int pixel value to Dp.

open Dp

Convert a Float pixel value to a Dp

open DpSize

Convert a Size to a DpSize.

open Float

Convert Dp to pixels.

open Float

Convert Sp to pixels.

open Rect

Convert a DpRect to a Rect.

open Size

Convert a DpSize to a Size.

open TextUnit

Convert an Int pixel value to Sp.

open TextUnit

Convert a Float pixel value to a Sp

open Dp

Convert Sp to Dp.

open TextUnit

Convert Dp to Sp.


Inherited properties


The logical density of the display.


Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts.


Public functions


fun advanceEventTime(durationMillis: Long = eventPeriodMillis): Unit

Adds the given durationMillis to the current event time, delaying the next event by that time.


open fun percentOffset(x: Float = 0.0f, y: Float = 0.0f): Offset

Creates an Offset relative to the size of the node we're interacting with. x and y are fractions of the width and height, between -1 and 1.

Note that percentOffset(1f, 1f) != bottomRight, see right and bottom.

For example: percentOffset(.5f, .5f) is the same as the center; centerLeft + percentOffset(.1f, 0f) is a point 10% inward from the middle of the left edge; and bottomRight - percentOffset(.2f, .1f) is a point 20% to the left and 10% to the top of the bottom right corner.

Public properties


open val bottomFloat

The y-coordinate for the bottom of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that, unless height == 0, bottom != height. In particular, bottom == height - 1f, because pixels are 0-based. If height == 0, bottom == 0 too.


open val bottomCenterOffset

The center of the bottom edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that bottomCenter.y != height, see bottom.


open val bottomLeftOffset

The bottom left corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that bottomLeft.y != height, see bottom.


open val bottomRightOffset

The bottom right corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that bottomRight.x != width and bottomRight.y != height, see right and bottom.


open val centerOffset

The center of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val centerLeftOffset

The center of the left edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val centerRightOffset

The center of the right edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that centerRight.x != width, see right.


open val centerXFloat

The x-coordinate for the center of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val centerYFloat

The y-coordinate for the center of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val eventPeriodMillisLong

The default time between two successive events.


open val heightInt

The height of the node in px. Shorthand for visibleSize.height.


open val leftFloat

The x-coordinate for the left edge of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val rightFloat

The x-coordinate for the right edge of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that, unless width == 0, right != width. In particular, right == width - 1f, because pixels are 0-based. If width == 0, right == 0 too.


open val topFloat

The y-coordinate for the bottom of the node we're interacting with in px, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val topCenterOffset

The center of the top edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val topLeftOffset

The top left corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.


open val topRightOffset

The top right corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.

Note that topRight.x != width, see right.


val viewConfigurationViewConfiguration

The ViewConfiguration in use by the SemanticsNode from the SemanticsNodeInteraction on which the input injection method is called.


val visibleSizeIntSize

The size of the visible part of the node we're interacting with in px, i.e. its clipped bounds.


open val widthInt

The width of the node in px. Shorthand for visibleSize.width.