

An immutable implementation of StrokeInputBatch.


Use an InProgressStroke to efficiently build a stroke over multiple rendering frames with incremental inputs.


A mutable implementation of StrokeInputBatch.


An immutable object comprised of a StrokeInputBatch that represents a user-drawn (or sometimes synthetic) path, a Brush that contains information on how that path should be converted into a geometric shape and rendered on screen, and a PartitionedMesh which is the geometric shape calculated from the combination of the StrokeInputBatch and the Brush.


A single input specifying position, time since the start of the stream, and optionally pressure, tiltRadians, and orientationRadians.


A read-only view of an object that stores multiple StrokeInput values together in a more memory-efficient manner than just List<StrokeInput>.


Extension functions summary


Creates a PartitionedMesh of the shape enclosed by the given StrokeInputBatch input points.

Extension functions


fun StrokeInputBatch.createClosedShape(): PartitionedMesh

Creates a PartitionedMesh of the shape enclosed by the given StrokeInputBatch input points. A typical use case is selecting a region of the scene and performing hit testing with the resulting PartitionedMesh.

For a given stroke this algorithm aims to:

  1. Identify and create any connections that the user may have intended to make but did not fully connect.

  2. Trim any extra end points that the user did not intend to be part of the selected area.

Example usage:

fun onStrokeFinished(stroke: Stroke) {
val selectionRegion = stroke.inputs.createClosedShape()
for (stroke in myScene.strokes) {
if (stroke.shape.intersects(selectionRegion)) {
myScene.setSelected(stroke, true)

The StrokeInputBatch to create a closed shape from.


The PartitionedMesh of the closed shape. If there are fewer than 3 input points, or if there are fewer than 3 points remaining after removing points with the same (x,y) coordinates as the previous point, this function will return a PartitionedMesh that is point-like (1 point remaining) or segment-like (2 points remaining). The resulting mesh will have an area of 0 but can still be used for hit testing via intersection.