
interface SandboxedUiAdapter


An abstract class that implements SandboxedUiAdapter while abstracting away methods that do not need to be implemented by a UI provider.


A SandboxedUiAdapter that helps delegate calls to other uiAdapters.

An Adapter that provides content from a SandboxedSdk to be displayed as part of a host app's UI.


Nested types

A single session with the provider of remote content.

The client of a single session that will receive callback events from an active session.

Public functions

addObserverFactory(sessionObserverFactory: SessionObserverFactory)

Adds a SessionObserverFactory with a SandboxedUiAdapter for tracking UI presentation state across UI sessions.

    context: Context,
    windowInputToken: IBinder,
    initialWidth: Int,
    initialHeight: Int,
    isZOrderOnTop: Boolean,
    clientExecutor: Executor,
    client: SandboxedUiAdapter.SessionClient

Open a new session for displaying content with an initial size of initialWidthxinitialHeight pixels.


Removes a SessionObserverFactory from a SandboxedUiAdapter, if it has been previously added with addObserverFactory.

Extension functions


Provides a Bundle containing a Binder which represents a SandboxedUiAdapter.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha12
fun addObserverFactory(sessionObserverFactory: SessionObserverFactory): Unit

Adds a SessionObserverFactory with a SandboxedUiAdapter for tracking UI presentation state across UI sessions. This has no effect on already open sessions.

For each SandboxedUiAdapter.Session that is created for the adapter after registration is complete, SessionObserverFactory.create will be invoked to allow a new SessionObserver instance to be attached to the UI session. This SessionObserver will receive UI updates for the lifetime of the session. There may be one or more UI sessions created for a SandboxedUiAdapter, and a separate SessionObserverFactory.create call will be made for each one.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha12
fun openSession(
    context: Context,
    windowInputToken: IBinder,
    initialWidth: Int,
    initialHeight: Int,
    isZOrderOnTop: Boolean,
    clientExecutor: Executor,
    client: SandboxedUiAdapter.SessionClient
): Unit

Open a new session for displaying content with an initial size of initialWidthxinitialHeight pixels. client will receive all incoming communication from the provider of content. All incoming calls to client will be made through the provided clientExecutor. isZOrderOnTop tracks if the content surface will be placed on top of its window


Added in 1.0.0-alpha12
fun removeObserverFactory(sessionObserverFactory: SessionObserverFactory): Unit

Removes a SessionObserverFactory from a SandboxedUiAdapter, if it has been previously added with addObserverFactory.

If the SessionObserverFactory was not previously added, no action is performed. Any existing SessionObserver instances that have been created by the SessionObserverFactory will continue to receive updates until their corresponding SandboxedUiAdapter.Session has been closed. For any subsequent sessions created for the SandboxedUiAdapter, no call to SessionObserverFactory.create will be made.

Extension functions

fun SandboxedUiAdapter.toCoreLibInfo(context: Context): Bundle

Provides a Bundle containing a Binder which represents a SandboxedUiAdapter. The Bundle is shuttled to the host app in order for the SandboxedUiAdapter to be used to retrieve content.