
Note: As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about the user-facing changes in this Help Center article.

Additionally, starting in early 2025 (specific date to be announced during Q4 2024), all new watch faces published on Google Play must use the Watch Face Format.

class ComplicationSlotState

A snapshot of the state of a watch face ComplicationSlot.


Public constructors

    bounds: Rect,
    boundsType: Int,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    defaultDataSourceType: ComplicationType,
    isEnabled: Boolean,
    isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean,
    currentType: ComplicationType,
    fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean,
    complicationConfigExtras: Bundle

This function is deprecated. defaultDataSourceType is depreciated

    bounds: Rect,
    boundsType: Int,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    isEnabled: Boolean,
    isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean,
    currentType: ComplicationType,
    fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean,
    complicationConfigExtras: Bundle,
    nameResourceId: Int?,
    screenReaderNameResourceId: Int?
    bounds: Rect,
    boundsType: Int,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    isEnabled: Boolean,
    isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean,
    currentType: ComplicationType,
    fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean,
    complicationConfigExtras: Bundle,
    nameResourceId: Int?,
    screenReaderNameResourceId: Int?,
    edgeComplicationBoundingArc: BoundingArc?

Public functions

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Describes the geometry of an edge complication if specified, or null otherwise.

open Int
open String

Public properties


Screen space bounds of the ComplicationSlot in pixels.


The type of the complication's bounds.


Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.


The ComplicationType of the complication's current ComplicationData.


The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy for this complication slot.


This property is deprecated. Use defaultDataSourcePolicy.systemDataSourceFallbackDefaultType instead


Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e the user can't configure it).


Whether or not the complication is currently enabled (i.e. it should be drawn.


Whether or not the complication was initially enabled before considering any ComplicationSlotsOption whose ComplicationSlotOverlays may enable or disable complicationSlots.


The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot visually in an editor.


The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot in a screen reader.


The ComplicationTypes supported by this complication.

Public constructors


    bounds: Rect,
    boundsType: Int,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    defaultDataSourceType: ComplicationType,
    isEnabled: Boolean,
    isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean,
    currentType: ComplicationType,
    fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean,
    complicationConfigExtras: Bundle
bounds: Rect

Screen space bounds of the ComplicationSlot in pixels.

boundsType: Int

The type of the complication's bounds.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The ComplicationTypes supported by this complication.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy for this complication slot.

defaultDataSourceType: ComplicationType

The default ComplicationType for this complication.

isEnabled: Boolean

Whether or not the complication is currently enabled (i.e. it should be drawn).

isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean

Whether or not the complication was initially enabled before considering any ComplicationSlotsOption whose ComplicationSlotOverlays may enable or disable complicationSlots.

currentType: ComplicationType

The ComplicationType of the complication's current ComplicationData.

fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean

Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e the user can't configure it).

complicationConfigExtras: Bundle

Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.


    bounds: Rect,
    boundsType: Int,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    isEnabled: Boolean,
    isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean,
    currentType: ComplicationType,
    fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean,
    complicationConfigExtras: Bundle,
    nameResourceId: Int?,
    screenReaderNameResourceId: Int?
bounds: Rect

Screen space bounds of the ComplicationSlot in pixels.

boundsType: Int

The type of the complication's bounds.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The ComplicationTypes supported by this complication.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy for this complication slot.

isEnabled: Boolean

Whether or not the complication is currently enabled (i.e. it should be drawn).

isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean

Whether or not the complication was initially enabled before considering any ComplicationSlotsOption whose ComplicationSlotOverlays may enable or disable complicationSlots.

currentType: ComplicationType

The ComplicationType of the complication's current ComplicationData.

fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean

Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e the user can't configure it).

complicationConfigExtras: Bundle

Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.

nameResourceId: Int?

The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to visually identify the complication slot in an editor.

screenReaderNameResourceId: Int?

The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot in a screen reader.


    bounds: Rect,
    boundsType: Int,
    supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>,
    defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy,
    isEnabled: Boolean,
    isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean,
    currentType: ComplicationType,
    fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean,
    complicationConfigExtras: Bundle,
    nameResourceId: Int?,
    screenReaderNameResourceId: Int?,
    edgeComplicationBoundingArc: BoundingArc?
bounds: Rect

Screen space bounds of the ComplicationSlot in pixels.

boundsType: Int

The type of the complication's bounds.

supportedTypes: List<ComplicationType>

The ComplicationTypes supported by this complication.

defaultDataSourcePolicy: DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy for this complication slot.

isEnabled: Boolean

Whether or not the complication is currently enabled (i.e. it should be drawn).

isInitiallyEnabled: Boolean

Whether or not the complication was initially enabled before considering any ComplicationSlotsOption whose ComplicationSlotOverlays may enable or disable complicationSlots.

currentType: ComplicationType

The ComplicationType of the complication's current ComplicationData.

fixedComplicationDataSource: Boolean

Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e the user can't configure it).

complicationConfigExtras: Bundle

Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.

nameResourceId: Int?

The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to visually identify the complication slot in an editor.

screenReaderNameResourceId: Int?

The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot in a screen reader.

edgeComplicationBoundingArc: BoundingArc?

The BoundingArc describing the geometry of an edge complication if specified, or null otherwise.

Public functions


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean


Added in 1.2.0
fun getBoundingArc(): BoundingArc?

Describes the geometry of an edge complication if specified, or null otherwise.


open fun hashCode(): Int


open fun toString(): String

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0
val boundsRect

Screen space bounds of the ComplicationSlot in pixels.


Added in 1.0.0
val boundsTypeInt

The type of the complication's bounds.


Added in 1.0.0
val complicationConfigExtrasBundle

Extras to be merged into the Intent sent when invoking the complication data source chooser activity.


Added in 1.0.0
val currentTypeComplicationType

The ComplicationType of the complication's current ComplicationData.


Added in 1.0.0
val defaultDataSourcePolicyDefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy

The DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicy for this complication slot.


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
val defaultDataSourceTypeComplicationType

The default ComplicationType for this complication.


Added in 1.0.0
val fixedComplicationDataSourceBoolean

Whether or not the complication data source is fixed (i.e the user can't configure it).


Added in 1.0.0
val isEnabledBoolean

Whether or not the complication is currently enabled (i.e. it should be drawn.


Added in 1.0.0
val isInitiallyEnabledBoolean

Whether or not the complication was initially enabled before considering any ComplicationSlotsOption whose ComplicationSlotOverlays may enable or disable complicationSlots.


Added in 1.1.0
val nameResourceIdInt?

The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot visually in an editor. This is supposed to be short and without the word complication in it.


Added in 1.1.0
val screenReaderNameResourceIdInt?

The ID of a string resource (or null if absent) to identify the complication slot in a screen reader. This is supposed to be a complete sentence.


Added in 1.0.0
val supportedTypesList<ComplicationType>

The ComplicationTypes supported by this complication.