
FiniteAnimationSpec is the interface that all non-infinite AnimationSpecs implement, including: TweenSpec, SpringSpec, KeyframesSpec, RepeatableSpec, SnapSpec, etc.


FloatAnimationSpec interface is similar to VectorizedAnimationSpec, except it deals exclusively with floats.


InfiniteRepeatableSpec repeats the provided animation infinite amount of times.


DurationBasedAnimationSpec that interpolates 2-dimensional values using arcs of quarter of an Ellipse.


This describes AnimationSpecs that are based on a fixed duration, such as KeyframesSpec, TweenSpec, and SnapSpec.


FloatSpringSpec animation uses a spring animation to animate a Float value.


FloatTweenSpec animates a Float value from any start value to any end value using a provided easing function.


KeyframesSpec creates a VectorizedKeyframesSpec animation.


KeyframesWithSplineSpec creates a keyframe based DurationBasedAnimationSpec using the Monotone cubic Hermite spline to interpolate between the values in config.


RepeatableSpec takes another DurationBasedAnimationSpec and plays it iterations times.


SnapSpec describes a jump-cut type of animation.


Creates a SpringSpec that uses the given spring constants (i.e. dampingRatio and stiffness.


Creates a TweenSpec configured with the given duration, delay, and easing curve.

AnimationSpec stores the specification of an animation, including 1) the data type to be animated, and 2) the animation configuration (i.e. VectorizedAnimationSpec) that will be used once the data (of type T) has been converted to AnimationVector.

Any type T can be animated by the system as long as a TwoWayConverter is supplied to convert the data type T from and to an AnimationVector. There are a number of converters available out of the box. For example, to animate androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset the system uses IntOffset.VectorConverter to convert the object to AnimationVector2D, so that both x and y dimensions are animated independently with separate velocity tracking. This enables multidimensional objects to be animated in a true multi-dimensional way. It is particularly useful for smoothly handling animation interruptions (such as when the target changes during the animation).


Public functions

<V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>)

Creates a VectorizedAnimationSpec with the given TwoWayConverter.


Public functions


fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>): VectorizedAnimationSpec<V>

Creates a VectorizedAnimationSpec with the given TwoWayConverter.

The underlying animation system operates on AnimationVectors. T will be converted to AnimationVector to animate. VectorizedAnimationSpec describes how the converted AnimationVector should be animated. E.g. The animation could simply interpolate between the start and end values (i.e.TweenSpec), or apply spring physics to produce the motion (i.e. SpringSpec), etc)

converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>

converts the type T from and to AnimationVector type