
abstract class ConstraintLayoutBaseScope

Known direct subclasses

Scope used by the inline DSL of ConstraintLayout.


Scope used by the ConstraintSet DSL.

Common scope for ConstraintLayoutScope and ConstraintSetScope, the content being shared between the inline DSL API and the ConstraintSet-based API.


Nested types

Represents a horizontal anchor corresponding to the FirstBaseline of a layout that other layouts can link to in their Modifier.constrainAs or constrain blocks.

Represents a horizontal anchor (e.g. top/bottom of a layout, guideline) that layouts can link to in their Modifier.constrainAs or constrain blocks.

Represents a vertical anchor (e.g. start/end of a layout, guideline) that layouts can link to in their Modifier.constrainAs or constrain blocks.

Public constructors

Public functions

applyTo(state: State)

Specifies the constraints associated to the layout identified with ref.


Specifies additional constraints associated to the horizontal chain identified with ref.


Specifies additional constraints associated to the vertical chain identified with ref.

    vararg refs: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
    constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit

Convenient way to apply the same constraints to multiple ConstrainedLayoutReferences.

createAbsoluteLeftBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp)

Creates and returns a left barrier, containing the specified elements.

createAbsoluteRightBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp)

Creates and returns a right barrier, containing the specified elements.

createBottomBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp)

Creates and returns a bottom barrier, containing the specified elements.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    spacing: Dp,
    weights: FloatArray

Creates a Grid based helper that lays out its elements in a single Column.

createEndBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp)

Creates and returns an end barrier, containing the specified elements.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference?,
    flowVertically: Boolean,
    verticalGap: Dp,
    horizontalGap: Dp,
    maxElement: Int,
    padding: Dp,
    wrapMode: Wrap,
    verticalAlign: VerticalAlign,
    horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign,
    horizontalFlowBias: Float,
    verticalFlowBias: Float,
    verticalStyle: FlowStyle,
    horizontalStyle: FlowStyle

Flow helpers allows a long sequence of Composable widgets to wrap onto multiple rows or columns.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference?,
    flowVertically: Boolean,
    verticalGap: Dp,
    horizontalGap: Dp,
    maxElement: Int,
    paddingHorizontal: Dp,
    paddingVertical: Dp,
    wrapMode: Wrap,
    verticalAlign: VerticalAlign,
    horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign,
    horizontalFlowBias: Float,
    verticalFlowBias: Float,
    verticalStyle: FlowStyle,
    horizontalStyle: FlowStyle

Flow helpers allows a long sequence of Composable widgets to wrap onto multiple rows or columns.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference?,
    flowVertically: Boolean,
    verticalGap: Dp,
    horizontalGap: Dp,
    maxElement: Int,
    paddingLeft: Dp,
    paddingTop: Dp,
    paddingRight: Dp,
    paddingBottom: Dp,
    wrapMode: Wrap,
    verticalAlign: VerticalAlign,
    horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign,
    horizontalFlowBias: Float,
    verticalFlowBias: Float,
    verticalStyle: FlowStyle,
    horizontalStyle: FlowStyle

Flow helpers allows a long sequence of Composable widgets to wrap onto multiple rows or columns.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    rows: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    columns: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    isHorizontalArrangement: Boolean,
    verticalSpacing: Dp,
    horizontalSpacing: Dp,
    rowWeights: FloatArray,
    columnWeights: FloatArray,
    skips: Array<Skip>,
    spans: Array<Span>,
    flags: GridFlag

Helper that creates a fixed Grid layout.


Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the left of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the left of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the right of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the right of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a height percentage from the bottom of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the bottom of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the end of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the end of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the start of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the start of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a height fraction from the top of the ConstraintLayout.


Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the top of the ConstraintLayout.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    chainStyle: ChainStyle

Creates a horizontal chain including the referenced layouts.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    spacing: Dp,
    weights: FloatArray

Creates a Grid based helper that lays out its elements in a single Row.

createStartBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp)

Creates and returns a start barrier, containing the specified elements.

createTopBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp)

Creates and returns a top barrier, containing the specified elements.

    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    chainStyle: ChainStyle

Creates a vertical chain including the referenced layouts.

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)
open Int
open Unit
    startMargin: Dp,
    topMargin: Dp,
    endMargin: Dp,
    bottomMargin: Dp,
    startGoneMargin: Dp,
    topGoneMargin: Dp,
    endGoneMargin: Dp,
    bottomGoneMargin: Dp,
    weight: Float

Sets the parameters that are used by chains to customize the resulting layout.

    startMargin: Dp,
    endMargin: Dp,
    startGoneMargin: Dp,
    endGoneMargin: Dp,
    weight: Float

Sets the parameters that are used by horizontal chains to customize the resulting layout.

    topMargin: Dp,
    bottomMargin: Dp,
    topGoneMargin: Dp,
    bottomGoneMargin: Dp,
    weight: Float

Sets the parameters that are used by vertical chains to customize the resulting layout.

Protected properties

MutableList<(State) -> Unit>

This property is deprecated. Tasks is unused, it breaks the immutability promise.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.1

Public functions


Added in 1.1.1
fun applyTo(state: State): Unit


Added in 1.1.1
fun constrain(ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference, constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit): ConstrainScope

Specifies the constraints associated to the layout identified with ref.


Added in 1.1.1
fun constrain(ref: HorizontalChainReference, constrainBlock: HorizontalChainScope.() -> Unit): HorizontalChainScope

Specifies additional constraints associated to the horizontal chain identified with ref.


Added in 1.1.1
fun constrain(ref: VerticalChainReference, constrainBlock: VerticalChainScope.() -> Unit): VerticalChainScope

Specifies additional constraints associated to the vertical chain identified with ref.


fun constrain(
    vararg refs: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
    constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit
): Unit

Convenient way to apply the same constraints to multiple ConstrainedLayoutReferences.


fun createAbsoluteLeftBarrier(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    margin: Dp = 0.dp
): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates and returns a left barrier, containing the specified elements.


fun createAbsoluteRightBarrier(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    margin: Dp = 0.dp
): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates and returns a right barrier, containing the specified elements.


fun createBottomBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp = 0.dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor

Creates and returns a bottom barrier, containing the specified elements.


fun createColumn(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    spacing: Dp = 0.dp,
    weights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf()
): ConstrainedLayoutReference

Creates a Grid based helper that lays out its elements in a single Column.


import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintLayout
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintSet
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Dimension

    constraintSet =
        ConstraintSet {
            val (a, b, c, d, e) = createRefsFor(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
            val column =
                    spacing = 10.dp,
                    weights = floatArrayOf(3f, 3f, 2f, 2f, 1f),
            constrain(column) {
                width = Dimension.matchParent
                height = Dimension.matchParent

            constrain(a, b, c, d, e) { height = Dimension.fillToConstraints }
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
    repeat(5) {
        Text(text = "item$it", modifier = Modifier.layoutId(it).background(Color.LightGray))
vararg elements: LayoutReference

LayoutReferences to be laid out by the Grid-based Column helper

spacing: Dp = 0.dp

Defines the vertical spacing between each item in the Column.

weights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf()

Defines the weight for each element in the Column. Note that the number of weights provided are expected to match the number of elements given.


When non empty weights don't match the number of elements.

See also


fun createEndBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp = 0.dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates and returns an end barrier, containing the specified elements.


fun createFlow(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference?,
    flowVertically: Boolean = false,
    verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
    horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
    maxElement: Int = 0,
    padding: Dp = 0.dp,
    wrapMode: Wrap = Wrap.None,
    verticalAlign: VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center,
    horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
    horizontalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f,
    verticalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f,
    verticalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed,
    horizontalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed
): ConstrainedLayoutReference

Flow helpers allows a long sequence of Composable widgets to wrap onto multiple rows or columns.

vararg elements: LayoutReference?

LayoutReferences to be laid out by the Flow helper

flowVertically: Boolean = false

if set to true arranges the Composables from top to bottom. Normally they are arranged from left to right.

verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp

defines the gap between views in the y axis

horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp

defines the gap between views in the x axis

maxElement: Int = 0

defines the maximum element on a row before it if the

padding: Dp = 0.dp

sets padding around the content

wrapMode: Wrap = Wrap.None

sets the way reach maxElements is handled Wrap.None (default) -- no wrap behavior, Wrap.Chain - create additional chains

verticalAlign: VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center

set the way elements are aligned vertically. Center is default

horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center

set the way elements are aligned horizontally. Center is default

horizontalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f

set the way elements are aligned vertically Center is default

verticalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f

sets the top bottom bias of the vertical chain

verticalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed

sets the style of a vertical chain (Spread,Packed, or SpreadInside)

horizontalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed

set the style of the horizontal chain (Spread, Packed, or SpreadInside)


fun createFlow(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference?,
    flowVertically: Boolean = false,
    verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
    horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
    maxElement: Int = 0,
    paddingHorizontal: Dp = 0.dp,
    paddingVertical: Dp = 0.dp,
    wrapMode: Wrap = Wrap.None,
    verticalAlign: VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center,
    horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
    horizontalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f,
    verticalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f,
    verticalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed,
    horizontalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed
): ConstrainedLayoutReference

Flow helpers allows a long sequence of Composable widgets to wrap onto multiple rows or columns.

vararg elements: LayoutReference?

LayoutReferences to be laid out by the Flow helper

flowVertically: Boolean = false

if set to true aranges the Composables from top to bottom. Normally they are arranged from left to right.

verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp

defines the gap between views in the y axis

horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp

defines the gap between views in the x axis

maxElement: Int = 0

defines the maximum element on a row before it if the

paddingHorizontal: Dp = 0.dp

sets paddingLeft and paddingRight of the content

paddingVertical: Dp = 0.dp

sets paddingTop and paddingBottom of the content

wrapMode: Wrap = Wrap.None

sets the way reach maxElements is handled Wrap.None (default) -- no wrap behavior, Wrap.Chain - create additional chains

verticalAlign: VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center

set the way elements are aligned vertically. Center is default

horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center

set the way elements are aligned horizontally. Center is default

horizontalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f

set the way elements are aligned vertically Center is default

verticalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f

sets the top bottom bias of the vertical chain

verticalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed

sets the style of a vertical chain (Spread,Packed, or SpreadInside)

horizontalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed

set the style of the horizontal chain (Spread, Packed, or SpreadInside)


fun createFlow(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference?,
    flowVertically: Boolean = false,
    verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
    horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp,
    maxElement: Int = 0,
    paddingLeft: Dp = 0.dp,
    paddingTop: Dp = 0.dp,
    paddingRight: Dp = 0.dp,
    paddingBottom: Dp = 0.dp,
    wrapMode: Wrap = Wrap.None,
    verticalAlign: VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center,
    horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
    horizontalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f,
    verticalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f,
    verticalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed,
    horizontalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed
): ConstrainedLayoutReference

Flow helpers allows a long sequence of Composable widgets to wrap onto multiple rows or columns.

vararg elements: LayoutReference?

LayoutReferences to be laid out by the Flow helper

flowVertically: Boolean = false

if set to true aranges the Composables from top to bottom. Normally they are arranged from left to right.

verticalGap: Dp = 0.dp

defines the gap between views in the y axis

horizontalGap: Dp = 0.dp

defines the gap between views in the x axis

maxElement: Int = 0

defines the maximum element on a row before it if the

paddingLeft: Dp = 0.dp

sets paddingLeft of the content

paddingTop: Dp = 0.dp

sets paddingTop of the content

paddingRight: Dp = 0.dp

sets paddingRight of the content

paddingBottom: Dp = 0.dp

sets paddingBottom of the content

wrapMode: Wrap = Wrap.None

sets the way reach maxElements is handled Wrap.None (default) -- no wrap behavior, Wrap.Chain - create additional chains

verticalAlign: VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center

set the way elements are aligned vertically. Center is default

horizontalAlign: HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center

set the way elements are aligned horizontally. Center is default

horizontalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f

set the way elements are aligned vertically Center is default

verticalFlowBias: Float = 0.0f

sets the top bottom bias of the vertical chain

verticalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed

sets the style of a vertical chain (Spread,Packed, or SpreadInside)

horizontalStyle: FlowStyle = FlowStyle.Packed

set the style of the horizontal chain (Spread, Packed, or SpreadInside)


fun createGrid(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    rows: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    columns: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    isHorizontalArrangement: Boolean = true,
    verticalSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
    horizontalSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
    rowWeights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf(),
    columnWeights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf(),
    skips: Array<Skip> = arrayOf(),
    spans: Array<Span> = arrayOf(),
    flags: GridFlag = GridFlag.None
): ConstrainedLayoutReference

Helper that creates a fixed Grid layout.

A grid is defined by a set number of rows and columns. By default the given elements are arranged horizontally first (left to right, then top to bottom).

Either rowWeights or columnWeights may be provided to modify their size in the grid relative to each other.

You may provide Spans to define size of each cell within the grid.

To avoid placing Layouts in specific cells (or an area within the grid), you may provide skips. Note that if the provided Spans and Skips overlap, the Skips will take priority, ignoring the overlapping Span definition.

Here's an example showing how to build a calculator layout using a couple of Spans:

import androidx.compose.material.Button
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintLayout
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintSet
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Dimension
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Span
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.atMost

// For most of the keys we can just use the displayed text as the ID.
val ids =
        // Text box will span all 4 columns and the first 2 of rows
        // The '0' will span two columns, note that it's on the 24th position in the grid
    constraintSet =
        ConstraintSet {
            val idRefs = Array(ids.size) { createRefFor(ids[it]) }

            val g1 =
                    elements = idRefs,
                    rows = 7,
                    columns = 4,
                    verticalSpacing = 10.dp,
                    horizontalSpacing = 10.dp,
                    spans =
                            // textBox
                            Span(position = 0, rows = 2, columns = 4),
                            // '0' key
                            Span(position = 24, rows = 1, columns = 2)

            constrain(g1) {
                width = Dimension.matchParent
                height = Dimension.matchParent

            constrain(*idRefs) {
                // Make all the layouts fill up their space, you may still use coercing methods
                // such as `atMost(Dp)` or `atMostWrapContent()` to further limit their size.
                width = Dimension.fillToConstraints
                height = Dimension.fillToConstraints
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
    ids.forEach { id ->
        when (id) {
            "textBox" -> {
                    modifier =
                            // As usual, IDs should only be assigned on top-level children
                    contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomEnd
                ) {
                    Text(text = "100", fontSize = 80.sp)
            else -> {
                Button(onClick = {}, Modifier.layoutId(id)) {
                    Text(text = id, fontSize = 30.sp)

Here's another example using Skips to easily lay out the typical Keyboard navigation pad:

import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintLayout
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintSet
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Dimension
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Skip
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.atMost

val keys =
    arrayOf("Insert", "Home", "Page Up", "Delete", "End", "Page Down", "↑", "←", "↓", "→")
    constraintSet =
        ConstraintSet {
            val keyRefs = Array(keys.size) { createRefFor(keys[it]) }

            val g1 =
                    elements = keyRefs,
                    rows = 5,
                    columns = 3,
                    verticalSpacing = 8.dp,
                    horizontalSpacing = 8.dp,
                    skips =
                            // These positions follow the expected Grid cells indexing
                            // Arranged horizontally by default:
                            //   - 0 is top-left
                            //   - 14 is bottom-right (5 rows x 3 columns - 1)
                            Skip(position = 6, rows = 1, columns = 3),
                            Skip(position = 9, rows = 1, columns = 1),
                            Skip(position = 11, rows = 1, columns = 1)
            constrain(g1) {
                width = Dimension.matchParent
                height = Dimension.matchParent

            constrain(*keyRefs) {
                width = Dimension.fillToConstraints.atMost(100.dp)
                height = Dimension.fillToConstraints.atMost(100.dp)
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
    keys.forEachIndexed { index, key ->
            modifier = Modifier.layoutId(key).background(Color.LightGray),
            contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
        ) {
                text = key,
                textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
                // Make fontSize bigger for the arrow keys
                fontSize = if (index >= 6) 24.sp else TextUnit.Unspecified
vararg elements: LayoutReference

LayoutReferences to be laid out by the Grid helper. By default, they are positioned in the given order based on the arrangement. Horizontal arrangement by default.

rows: @IntRange(from = 1) Int

Sets the number of rows in the Grid

columns: @IntRange(from = 1) Int

Sets the number of columns in the Grid

isHorizontalArrangement: Boolean = true

Whether to place the given elements horizontally, filling the cells from left to right and top to bottom. Otherwise, the elements are placed vertically, filling each cell from top to bottom and left to right. true by default.

verticalSpacing: Dp = 0.dp

Defines the gap between each row.

horizontalSpacing: Dp = 0.dp

Defines the gap between each column.

rowWeights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf()

Defines the weight for each row. The weight specifies how much space each row takes relative to each other. Should be either an empty array (all rows are the same size), or have a value corresponding for each row.

columnWeights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf()

Defines the weight for each column. The weight specifies how much space each column takes relative to each other. Should be either an empty array (all columns are the same size), or have a value corresponding for each column.

skips: Array<Skip> = arrayOf()

A Skip defines an area within the Grid where Layouts may not be placed. So, as the elements are being placed, they will skip any cell covered by the given skips.

spans: Array<Span> = arrayOf()

A Span defines how much area should each cell occupy when placing an item on it. Keep in mind that when laying out, the Grid won't place any overlapping items over the spanned area. In that sense, a Span works similarly to a Skip, except that an item will be placed at the original spanned cell position. Also note, skips take priority over spans, meaning that defining a Span that overlaps a Skip is a no-op.

flags: GridFlag = GridFlag.None

A GridFlag definition that may change certain behaviors of the Grid helper. GridFlag.None by default.


When non empty weights don't match the number of columns or rows respectively.


Added in 1.1.1
fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteLeft(fraction: Float): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the left of the ConstraintLayout. A fraction of 0f will correspond to the left of the ConstraintLayout, while 1f will correspond to the right.


fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteLeft(offset: Dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the left of the ConstraintLayout.


Added in 1.1.1
fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteRight(fraction: Float): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the right of the ConstraintLayout. A fraction of 0f will correspond to the right of the ConstraintLayout, while 1f will correspond to the left.


fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteRight(offset: Dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the right of the ConstraintLayout.


Added in 1.1.1
fun createGuidelineFromBottom(fraction: Float): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a height percentage from the bottom of the ConstraintLayout. A fraction of 0f will correspond to the bottom of the ConstraintLayout, while 1f will correspond to the top.


fun createGuidelineFromBottom(offset: Dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the bottom of the ConstraintLayout.


Added in 1.1.1
fun createGuidelineFromEnd(fraction: Float): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the end of the ConstraintLayout. A fraction of 0f will correspond to the end of the ConstraintLayout, while 1f will correspond to the start.


fun createGuidelineFromEnd(offset: Dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the end of the ConstraintLayout.


Added in 1.1.1
fun createGuidelineFromStart(fraction: Float): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the start of the ConstraintLayout. A fraction of 0f will correspond to the start of the ConstraintLayout, while 1f will correspond to the end.


fun createGuidelineFromStart(offset: Dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the start of the ConstraintLayout.


Added in 1.1.1
fun createGuidelineFromTop(fraction: Float): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a height fraction from the top of the ConstraintLayout. A fraction of 0f will correspond to the top of the ConstraintLayout, while 1f will correspond to the bottom.


fun createGuidelineFromTop(offset: Dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor

Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the top of the ConstraintLayout.


fun createHorizontalChain(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    chainStyle: ChainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread
): HorizontalChainReference

Creates a horizontal chain including the referenced layouts.

Use constrain with the resulting HorizontalChainReference to modify the start/left and end/right constraints of this chain.


fun createRow(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    spacing: Dp = 0.dp,
    weights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf()
): ConstrainedLayoutReference

Creates a Grid based helper that lays out its elements in a single Row.


import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintLayout
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintSet
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.Dimension

    constraintSet =
        ConstraintSet {
            val (a, b, c, d, e) = createRefsFor(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
            val row =
                    spacing = 10.dp,
                    weights = floatArrayOf(3f, 3f, 2f, 2f, 1f),
            constrain(row) {
                width = Dimension.matchParent
                height = Dimension.matchParent

            constrain(a, b, c, d, e) { width = Dimension.fillToConstraints }
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
    repeat(5) {
        Text(text = "item$it", modifier = Modifier.layoutId(it).background(Color.LightGray))
vararg elements: LayoutReference

LayoutReferences to be laid out by the Grid-based Row helper.

spacing: Dp = 0.dp

Defines the horizontal spacing between each item in the Row.

weights: FloatArray = floatArrayOf()

Defines the weight for each element in the Row. Note that the number of weights provided are expected to match the number of elements given.


When non empty weights don't match the number of elements.

See also


fun createStartBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp = 0.dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor

Creates and returns a start barrier, containing the specified elements.


fun createTopBarrier(vararg elements: LayoutReference, margin: Dp = 0.dp): ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor

Creates and returns a top barrier, containing the specified elements.


fun createVerticalChain(
    vararg elements: LayoutReference,
    chainStyle: ChainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread
): VerticalChainReference

Creates a vertical chain including the referenced layouts.

Use constrain with the resulting VerticalChainReference to modify the top and bottom constraints of this chain.


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean


open fun hashCode(): Int


Added in 1.1.1
open fun reset(): Unit
fun LayoutReference.withChainParams(
    startMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    topMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    endMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    bottomMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    startGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    topGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    endGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    bottomGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    weight: Float = Float.NaN
): LayoutReference

Sets the parameters that are used by chains to customize the resulting layout.

Use margins to customize the space between widgets in the chain.

Use weight to distribute available space to each widget when their dimensions are not fixed.

Similarly named parameters available from ConstrainScope.linkTo are ignored in Chains.

Since margins are only for widgets within the chain: Top, Start and End, Bottom margins are ignored when the widget is the first or the last element in the chain, respectively.

startMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the start of this widget to the previous widget

topMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the top of this widget to the previous widget

endMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the end of this widget to the next widget

bottomMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the bottom of this widget to the next widget

startGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the start of this widget when the previous widget has Visibility.Gone

topGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the top of this widget when the previous widget has Visibility.Gone

endGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the end of this widget when the next widget has Visibility.Gone

bottomGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the bottom of this widget when the next widget has Visibility.Gone

weight: Float = Float.NaN

Defines the proportion of space (relative to the total weight) occupied by this layout when the corresponding dimension is not a fixed value.


The same LayoutReference instance with the applied values

fun LayoutReference.withHorizontalChainParams(
    startMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    endMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    startGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    endGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    weight: Float = Float.NaN
): LayoutReference

Sets the parameters that are used by horizontal chains to customize the resulting layout.

Use margins to customize the space between widgets in the chain.

Use weight to distribute available space to each widget when their horizontal dimension is not fixed.

Similarly named parameters available from ConstrainScope.linkTo are ignored in Chains.

Since margins are only for widgets within the chain: Start and End margins are ignored when the widget is the first or the last element in the chain, respectively.

startMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the start of this widget to the previous widget

endMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the end of this widget to the next widget

startGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the start of this widget when the previous widget has Visibility.Gone

endGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the end of this widget when the next widget has Visibility.Gone

weight: Float = Float.NaN

Defines the proportion of space (relative to the total weight) occupied by this layout when the width is not a fixed dimension.


The same LayoutReference instance with the applied values

fun LayoutReference.withVerticalChainParams(
    topMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    bottomMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    topGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    bottomGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
    weight: Float = Float.NaN
): LayoutReference

Sets the parameters that are used by vertical chains to customize the resulting layout.

Use margins to customize the space between widgets in the chain.

Use weight to distribute available space to each widget when their vertical dimension is not fixed.

Similarly named parameters available from ConstrainScope.linkTo are ignored in Chains.

Since margins are only for widgets within the chain: Top and Bottom margins are ignored when the widget is the first or the last element in the chain, respectively.

topMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the top of this widget to the previous widget

bottomMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the bottom of this widget to the next widget

topGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the top of this widget when the previous widget has Visibility.Gone

bottomGoneMargin: Dp = 0.dp

Added space from the bottom of this widget when the next widget has Visibility.Gone

weight: Float = Float.NaN

Defines the proportion of space (relative to the total weight) occupied by this layout when the height is not a fixed dimension.


The same LayoutReference instance with the applied values

Protected properties


Added in 1.1.1
Deprecated in 1.1.1
protected val tasksMutableList<(State) -> Unit>