
interface GlShaderProgram

Known direct subclasses

A base implementation of GlShaderProgram.


GlShaderProgram that renders to a SurfaceView provided by .


A GlShaderProgram that passes a frame from the input to the output listener without copying.


A GlShaderProgram for performing separable convolutions.


Changes the frame timestamps using the TimestampMap.

Processes frames from one OpenGL 2D texture to another.

The GlShaderProgram consumes input frames it accepts via queueInputFrame and surrenders each texture back to the caller via its listener once the texture's contents have been processed.

The GlShaderProgram produces output frames asynchronously and notifies its owner when they are available via its listener. The GlShaderProgram instance's owner must surrender the texture back to the GlShaderProgram via releaseOutputFrame when it has finished processing it.

GlShaderProgram implementations can choose to produce output frames before receiving input frames or process several input frames before producing an output frame. However, GlShaderProgram implementations cannot assume that they will receive more than one input frame at a time, so they must process each input frame they accept even if they cannot produce output yet.

The methods in this interface must be called on the thread that owns the parent OpenGL context. If the implementation uses another OpenGL context, e.g., on another thread, it must configure it to share data with the context of thread the interface methods are called on.


Nested types

Listener for video frame processing errors.

Listener for input-related video frame processing events.

Listener for output-related video frame processing events.

Public functions


Flushes the GlShaderProgram.

    glObjectsProvider: GlObjectsProvider!,
    inputTexture: GlTextureInfo!,
    presentationTimeUs: Long

Processes an input frame if possible.


Releases all resources.


Notifies the GlShaderProgram that the frame on the given output texture is no longer used and can be overwritten.

    executor: Executor!,
    errorListener: GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener!

Sets the ErrorListener.


Sets the InputListener.


Sets the OutputListener.


Notifies the GlShaderProgram that no further input frames belonging to the current input stream will be queued.

Public functions


fun flush(): Unit

Flushes the GlShaderProgram.

The GlShaderProgram should reclaim the ownership of its allocated textures, notify its InputListener about the flush event, and report its availability if necessary.

The implementation must not output frames until after this method returns.


fun queueInputFrame(
    glObjectsProvider: GlObjectsProvider!,
    inputTexture: GlTextureInfo!,
    presentationTimeUs: Long
): Unit

Processes an input frame if possible.

The GlShaderProgram owns the accepted frame until it calls onInputFrameProcessed. The caller should not overwrite or release the texture before the GlShaderProgram has finished processing it.

This method must only be called when the GlShaderProgram can accept an input frame.

glObjectsProvider: GlObjectsProvider!

The GlObjectsProvider for using EGL and GLES.

inputTexture: GlTextureInfo!

A GlTextureInfo describing the texture containing the input frame.

presentationTimeUs: Long

The presentation timestamp of the input frame, in microseconds.


fun release(): Unit

Releases all resources.


If an error occurs while releasing resources.


fun releaseOutputFrame(outputTexture: GlTextureInfo!): Unit

Notifies the GlShaderProgram that the frame on the given output texture is no longer used and can be overwritten.


fun setErrorListener(
    executor: Executor!,
    errorListener: GlShaderProgram.ErrorListener!
): Unit

Sets the ErrorListener.

The ErrorListener is invoked on the provided Executor.


fun setInputListener(inputListener: GlShaderProgram.InputListener!): Unit

Sets the InputListener.

The InputListener should be invoked on the thread that owns the parent OpenGL context. For example, DefaultVideoFrameProcessor invokes the InputListener methods on its internal thread.


fun setOutputListener(outputListener: GlShaderProgram.OutputListener!): Unit

Sets the OutputListener.

The OutputListener should be invoked on the thread that owns the parent OpenGL context. For example, DefaultVideoFrameProcessor invokes the OutputListener methods on its internal thread.


fun signalEndOfCurrentInputStream(): Unit

Notifies the GlShaderProgram that no further input frames belonging to the current input stream will be queued.

Input frames that are queued after this method is called belong to a different input stream.