
open class NavGraphBuilder : NavDestinationBuilder

Known direct subclasses

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph


Public constructors

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int

This function is deprecated. Use routes to build your NavGraph instead

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    startDestination: String,
    route: String?

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

Public functions


Add the destination to the NavGraphBuilder

open NavGraph

Build the NavDestination by calling Navigator.createDestination.

<D : NavDestination> destination(navDestination: NavDestinationBuilder<D>)

Build and add a new destination to the NavGraphBuilder

operator Unit

Adds this destination to the NavGraphBuilder

Extension functions

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to build your ActivityDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.activity(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your DialogFragmentDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
<F : DialogFragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your DialogFragmentDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
<F : DialogFragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your FragmentDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
<F : Fragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your FragmentDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
<F : Fragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Add the content as bottom sheet content to the NavGraphBuilder

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.bottomSheet(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    noinline content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Add the content as bottom sheet content to the NavGraphBuilder

    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Utility function for building Wear Compose navigation graphs.

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.composable(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)?,
    noinline content: @Composable AnimatedContentScope.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder

    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)?,
    content: @Composable AnimatedContentScope.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    dialogProperties: DialogProperties,
    noinline content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder that will be hosted within a androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog.

    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    dialogProperties: DialogProperties,
    content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder that will be hosted within a androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog.

inline Unit
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to build your nested NavGraph instead

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline Unit
    startDestination: String,
    route: String,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)?,
    noinline builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)?,
    noinline builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

    startDestination: String,
    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument>,
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink>,
    enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)?,
    popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)?,
    sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)?,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

Inherited functions

From androidx.navigation.NavDestinationBuilder
action(actionId: Int, actionBuilder: NavActionBuilder.() -> Unit)

This function is deprecated. Building NavDestinations using IDs with the Kotlin DSL has been deprecated in favor of using routes.

argument(name: String, argumentBuilder: NavArgumentBuilder.() -> Unit)

Add a NavArgument to this destination.

argument(name: String, argument: NavArgument)

Add a NavArgument to this destination.

inline Unit
<T : Any> deepLink(basePath: String)

Add a deep link to this destination.

deepLink(navDeepLink: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit)

Add a deep link to this destination.

deepLink(navDeepLink: NavDeepLink)

Add a deep link to this destination.

deepLink(uriPattern: String)

Add a deep link to this destination.

inline Unit
<T : Any> deepLink(basePath: String, noinline navDeepLink: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit)

Add a deep link to this destination.

open NavGraph

Instantiate a new instance of D that will be passed to build.

Inherited properties

From androidx.navigation.NavDestinationBuilder

The destination's unique ID.


The descriptive label of the destination


The navigator the destination that will be used in instantiateDestination to create the destination.


The destination's unique route.

Public constructors

Added in 1.0.0
    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

provider: NavigatorProvider

navigator used to create the destination

id: @IdRes Int

the graph's unique id

startDestination: @IdRes Int

the starting destination for this NavGraph


the newly created NavGraph

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    startDestination: String,
    route: String?

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

provider: NavigatorProvider

navigator used to create the destination

startDestination: String

the starting destination's route for this NavGraph

route: String?

the graph's unique route


the newly created NavGraph

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

provider: NavigatorProvider

navigator used to create the destination

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route as an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>?

the graph's unique route as a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.


the newly created NavGraph

    provider: NavigatorProvider,
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

DSL for constructing a new NavGraph

provider: NavigatorProvider

navigator used to create the destination

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route as a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>?

the graph's unique route as a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.


the newly created NavGraph

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun addDestination(destination: NavDestination): Unit

Add the destination to the NavGraphBuilder


open fun build(): NavGraph

Build the NavDestination by calling Navigator.createDestination.


fun <D : NavDestination> destination(navDestination: NavDestinationBuilder<D>): Unit

Build and add a new destination to the NavGraphBuilder

operator fun NavDestination.unaryPlus(): Unit

Adds this destination to the NavGraphBuilder

Public properties

Extension functions

inline fun NavGraphBuilder.activity(id: @IdRes Int, builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.activity(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : DialogFragment> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(id: @IdRes Int): Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

the destination's unique id

inline fun <F : DialogFragment> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(route: String): Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

the destination's unique route

inline fun <F : DialogFragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()
): Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

inline fun <F : DialogFragment> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    id: @IdRes Int,
    builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

the destination's unique id

builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : DialogFragment> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    route: String,
    builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

the destination's unique route

builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : DialogFragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: DialogFragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : Fragment> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(id: @IdRes Int): Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

the destination's unique id

inline fun <F : Fragment> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(route: String): Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

the destination's unique route

inline fun <F : Fragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()
): Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

inline fun <F : Fragment> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(id: @IdRes Int, builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

id: @IdRes Int

the destination's unique id

builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : Fragment> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(route: String, builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

route: String

the destination's unique route

builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

inline fun <F : Fragment, T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.fragment(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new FragmentNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: FragmentNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

fun NavGraphBuilder.bottomSheet(
    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Add the content as bottom sheet content to the NavGraphBuilder

route: String

route for the destination

arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList()

list of arguments to associate with destination

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

the sheet content at the given destination

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.bottomSheet(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    noinline content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Add the content as bottom sheet content to the NavGraphBuilder

<T : Any>

route from a KClass for the destination

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList()

list of arguments to associate with destination

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

noinline content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

the sheet content at the given destination

fun NavGraphBuilder.composable(
    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Utility function for building Wear Compose navigation graphs.

Adds the content composable to the NavGraphBuilder as a WearNavigator.Destination.

route: String

route for the destination

arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList()

list of arguments to associate with destination

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

composable for the destination

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.composable(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null,
    noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null,
    noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition,
    noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition,
    noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null,
    noinline content: @Composable AnimatedContentScope.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder

<T : Any>

route from a KClass for the destination

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null

callback to determine the destination's enter transition

noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null

callback to determine the destination's exit transition

noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition

callback to determine the destination's popEnter transition

noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition

callback to determine the destination's popExit transition

noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null

callback to determine the destination's sizeTransform.

noinline content: @Composable AnimatedContentScope.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

composable for the destination

fun NavGraphBuilder.composable(
    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null,
    exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null,
    popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition,
    popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition,
    sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null,
    content: @Composable AnimatedContentScope.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder

route: String

route for the destination

arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList()

list of arguments to associate with destination

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null

callback to determine the destination's enter transition

exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null

callback to determine the destination's exit transition

popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition

callback to determine the destination's popEnter transition

popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition

callback to determine the destination's popExit transition

sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null

callback to determine the destination's sizeTransform.

content: @Composable AnimatedContentScope.(NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

composable for the destination

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    dialogProperties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(),
    noinline content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder that will be hosted within a androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog. This is suitable only when this dialog represents a separate screen in your app that needs its own lifecycle and saved state, independent of any other destination in your navigation graph. For use cases such as AlertDialog, you should use those APIs directly in the composable destination that wants to show that dialog.

<T : Any>

route from a KClass for the destination

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

dialogProperties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties()

properties that should be passed to androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog.

noinline content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

composable content for the destination that will be hosted within the Dialog

fun NavGraphBuilder.dialog(
    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    dialogProperties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(),
    content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit
): Unit

Add the Composable to the NavGraphBuilder that will be hosted within a androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog. This is suitable only when this dialog represents a separate screen in your app that needs its own lifecycle and saved state, independent of any other destination in your navigation graph. For use cases such as AlertDialog, you should use those APIs directly in the composable destination that wants to show that dialog.

route: String

route for the destination

arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList()

list of arguments to associate with destination

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

dialogProperties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties()

properties that should be passed to androidx.compose.ui.window.Dialog.

content: @Composable (NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit

composable content for the destination that will be hosted within the Dialog

inline fun NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

id: @IdRes Int

the destination's unique id

startDestination: @IdRes Int

the starting destination for this NavGraph

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

<T : Any>

the graph's unique route from a KClass

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

<T : Any>

the graph's unique route from a KClass

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route from a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: String,
    route: String,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

startDestination: String

the starting destination's route for this NavGraph

route: String

the destination's unique route

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null,
    noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null,
    noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition,
    noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition,
    noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null,
    noinline builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

import androidx.compose.animation.EnterTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.ExitTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.SizeTransform
import androidx.compose.animation.core.keyframes
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.navigation.compose.NavHost
import androidx.navigation.compose.composable
import androidx.navigation.compose.rememberNavController

val navController = rememberNavController()
Box {
    NavHost(navController, startDestination = Collapsed) {
            enterTransition = { EnterTransition.None },
            exitTransition = { ExitTransition.None },
            sizeTransform = {
                SizeTransform { initialSize, targetSize ->
                    keyframes {
                        durationMillis = 500
                            (initialSize.height + targetSize.height) / 2
                        ) at 150
        ) {
            CollapsedScreen { navController.navigate(Expanded) }
            enterTransition = { EnterTransition.None },
            exitTransition = { ExitTransition.None },
            sizeTransform = {
                SizeTransform { initialSize, targetSize ->
                    keyframes {
                        durationMillis = 500
                        IntSize(targetSize.width, initialSize.height + 400) at 150
        ) {
            ExpandedScreen { navController.popBackStack() }
<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null

callback to define enter transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null

callback to define exit transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition

callback to define pop enter transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition

callback to define pop exit transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null

callback to define the size transform for destinations in this NavGraph

noinline builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null,
    noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null,
    noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition,
    noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition,
    noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null,
    noinline builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

import androidx.compose.animation.EnterTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.ExitTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.SizeTransform
import androidx.compose.animation.core.keyframes
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.navigation.compose.NavHost
import androidx.navigation.compose.composable
import androidx.navigation.compose.rememberNavController

val navController = rememberNavController()
Box {
    NavHost(navController, startDestination = Collapsed) {
            enterTransition = { EnterTransition.None },
            exitTransition = { ExitTransition.None },
            sizeTransform = {
                SizeTransform { initialSize, targetSize ->
                    keyframes {
                        durationMillis = 500
                            (initialSize.height + targetSize.height) / 2
                        ) at 150
        ) {
            CollapsedScreen { navController.navigate(Expanded) }
            enterTransition = { EnterTransition.None },
            exitTransition = { ExitTransition.None },
            sizeTransform = {
                SizeTransform { initialSize, targetSize ->
                    keyframes {
                        durationMillis = 500
                        IntSize(targetSize.width, initialSize.height + 400) at 150
        ) {
            ExpandedScreen { navController.popBackStack() }
<T : Any>

the destination's unique route from a KClass

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route from KClass for this NavGraph

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

noinline enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null

callback to define enter transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null

callback to define exit transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition

callback to define pop enter transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition

callback to define pop exit transitions for destination in this NavGraph

noinline sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null

callback to define the size transform for destinations in this NavGraph

noinline builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

fun NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: String,
    route: String,
    arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(),
    deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(),
    enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null,
    exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null,
    popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition,
    popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition,
    sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

import androidx.compose.animation.EnterTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.ExitTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.SizeTransform
import androidx.compose.animation.core.keyframes
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.navigation.compose.NavHost
import androidx.navigation.compose.composable
import androidx.navigation.compose.rememberNavController

val navController = rememberNavController()
Box {
    NavHost(navController, startDestination = Collapsed) {
            enterTransition = { EnterTransition.None },
            exitTransition = { ExitTransition.None },
            sizeTransform = {
                SizeTransform { initialSize, targetSize ->
                    keyframes {
                        durationMillis = 500
                            (initialSize.height + targetSize.height) / 2
                        ) at 150
        ) {
            CollapsedScreen { navController.navigate(Expanded) }
            enterTransition = { EnterTransition.None },
            exitTransition = { ExitTransition.None },
            sizeTransform = {
                SizeTransform { initialSize, targetSize ->
                    keyframes {
                        durationMillis = 500
                        IntSize(targetSize.width, initialSize.height + 400) at 150
        ) {
            ExpandedScreen { navController.popBackStack() }
startDestination: String

the starting destination's route for this NavGraph

route: String

the destination's unique route

arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList()

list of arguments to associate with destination

deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList()

list of deep links to associate with the destinations

enterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = null

callback to define enter transitions for destination in this NavGraph

exitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = null

callback to define exit transitions for destination in this NavGraph

popEnterTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> EnterTransition?)? = enterTransition

callback to define pop enter transitions for destination in this NavGraph

popExitTransition: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> ExitTransition?)? = exitTransition

callback to define pop exit transitions for destination in this NavGraph

sizeTransform: (AnimatedContentTransitionScope<NavBackStackEntry>.() -> SizeTransform?)? = null

callback to define the size transform for destinations in this NavGraph

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph