


A marker interface for NavDestination subclasses that float above the view of other destinations (i.e. androidx.navigation.fragment.DialogFragmentNavigator.Destination).


An interface marking generated Args classes.


OnDestinationChangedListener receives a callback when the currentDestination or its arguments change.


An interface that describes a navigation operation: action's id and arguments


A host is a single context or container for navigation via a NavController.


Interface indicating that this class should be passed to its respective Navigator to enable Navigator specific behavior.



An implementation of NavDirections without any arguments.


ActivityNavigator implements cross-activity navigation.


NavDestination for activity navigation


Extras that can be passed to ActivityNavigator to customize what ActivityOptionsCompat and flags are passed through to the call to ActivityCompat.startActivity.


Builder for constructing new Extras instances.


DSL for constructing a new ActivityNavigator.Destination


DSL for setting custom Animation or Animator resources on a NavOptionsBuilder


A NavType for Collection such as arrays, lists, maps.


Construct a named NavArgument by using the navArgument method.


Navigation actions provide a level of indirection between your navigation code and the underlying destinations.


DSL for building a NavAction.


An implementation of Lazy used by and


NavArgument denotes an argument that is supported by a NavDestination.


A builder for constructing NavArgument instances.


DSL for constructing a new NavArgument


Representation of an entry in the back stack of a androidx.navigation.NavController.


NavController manages app navigation within a NavHost.


NavDeepLink encapsulates the parsing and matching of a navigation deep link.


A builder for constructing NavDeepLink instances.


Class used to construct deep links to a particular destination in a NavGraph.


DSL for constructing a new NavDeepLink


A request for a deep link in a NavDestination.


A builder for constructing NavDeepLinkRequest instances.


NavDestination represents one node within an overall navigation graph.


DSL for constructing a new NavDestination


NavGraph is a collection of NavDestination nodes fetchable by ID.


DSL for constructing a new NavGraph


A Navigator built specifically for NavGraph elements.


Subclass of NavController that offers additional APIs for use by a NavHost to connect the NavController to external dependencies.


Class which translates a navigation XML file into a NavGraph


NavOptions stores special options for navigate actions


Builder for constructing new instances of NavOptions.


DSL for constructing a new NavOptions


NavType denotes the type that can be used in a NavArgument.


EnumType is used for NavArguments holding enum values.


ParcelableArrayType is used for NavArguments which hold arrays of Parcelables.


ParcelableType is used for passing Parcelables in NavArguments.


SerializableArrayType is used for NavArguments that hold arrays of Serializables.


SerializableType is used for Serializable NavArguments.


Navigator defines a mechanism for navigating within an app.


A NavigationProvider stores a set of Navigators that are valid ways to navigate to a destination.


The NavigatorState encapsulates the state shared between the Navigator and the NavController.


DSL for customizing NavOptionsBuilder.popUpTo operations.



Entry point for navigation operations.



This optional annotation allows tooling to offer auto-complete for the android:name attribute.


This annotation should be added to each Navigator subclass to denote the default name used to register the Navigator with a NavigatorProvider.

Top-level functions summary

    activityOptions: ActivityOptionsCompat?,
    flags: Int

Create a new ActivityNavigator.Extras instance with a specific ActivityOptionsCompat instance and/or any Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_ flags.

navArgument(name: String, builder: NavArgumentBuilder.() -> Unit)

Construct a new NavArgument

navDeepLink(deepLinkBuilder: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit)

Construct a new NavDeepLink

inline NavDeepLink
<T : Any> navDeepLink(
    basePath: String,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    noinline deepLinkBuilder: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavDeepLink

navOptions(optionsBuilder: NavOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit)

Construct a new NavOptions

Extension functions summary

inline Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to build your ActivityDestination instead

inline Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.activity(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

operator Boolean

Returns true if a destination with id is found in this navigation graph.

inline operator Boolean
<T : Any> NavGraph.contains(route: KClass<T>)

Returns true if a destination with route is found in this navigation graph.

operator Boolean

Returns true if a destination with route is found in this navigation graph.

operator Boolean
<T : Any> NavGraph.contains(route: T)

Returns true if a destination with route is found in this navigation graph.

inline NavGraph
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your NavGraph instead

inline NavGraph
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to create your NavGraph instead

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: String,
    route: String?,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: String,
    route: String?,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph


Find a NavController associated with a View.


Find a NavController given the id of a View and its containing Activity.

inline operator T

Retrieves a registered Navigator using the name provided by the Navigator.Name annotation.

inline operator NavDestination

Returns the destination with id.

inline operator T

Retrieves a registered Navigator by name.

inline operator NavDestination
<T : Any> NavGraph.get(route: KClass<T>)

Returns the destination with route from KClass.

inline operator NavDestination

Returns the destination with route.

inline operator NavDestination
<T : Any> NavGraph.get(route: T)

Returns the destination with route from an Object.

inline operator Unit

Removes node from this navigation graph.

inline NavArgsLazy<Args>

Returns a Lazy delegate to access the Activity's extras as an Args instance.

inline Lazy<VM>
<VM : ViewModel> Fragment.navGraphViewModels(
    navGraphId: @IdRes Int,
    noinline extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)?,
    noinline factoryProducer: (() -> ViewModelProvider.Factory)?

Returns a property delegate to access a ViewModel scoped to a navigation graph present on the NavController back stack:

inline Lazy<VM>
<VM : ViewModel> Fragment.navGraphViewModels(
    navGraphRoute: String,
    noinline extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)?,
    noinline factoryProducer: (() -> ViewModelProvider.Factory)?

Returns a property delegate to access a ViewModel scoped to a navigation graph present on the NavController back stack:

inline NavGraph
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to build your NavGraph instead

inline Unit
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use routes to build your nested NavGraph instead

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline Unit
<T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: String,
    route: String?,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline Unit
    startDestination: String,
    route: String,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline NavGraph
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>?,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

Construct a new NavGraph

inline operator Unit

Register a navigator using the name provided by the Navigator.Name annotation.

inline operator Unit

Adds a destination to this NavGraph.

inline operator Unit

Add all destinations from another collection to this one.

inline operator Navigator<NavDestination>?
    name: String,
    navigator: Navigator<NavDestination>

Register a Navigator by name.

inline T

Returns route as an object of type T

inline T
<T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.toRoute(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>>

Returns route as an object of type T

Top-level functions


fun ActivityNavigatorExtras(
    activityOptions: ActivityOptionsCompat? = null,
    flags: Int = 0
): ActivityNavigator.Extras

Create a new ActivityNavigator.Extras instance with a specific ActivityOptionsCompat instance and/or any Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_ flags.

activityOptions: ActivityOptionsCompat? = null

Optional ActivityOptionsCompat to pass through to

flags: Int = 0

Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_ flags to add to the Intent.

fun navArgument(name: String, builder: NavArgumentBuilder.() -> Unit): NamedNavArgument

Construct a new NavArgument

fun navDeepLink(deepLinkBuilder: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit): NavDeepLink

Construct a new NavDeepLink

deepLinkBuilder: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the deeplink

inline fun <T : Any> navDeepLink(
    basePath: String,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    noinline deepLinkBuilder: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit = {}
): NavDeepLink

Construct a new NavDeepLink

Extracts deeplink arguments from T and appends it to the basePath. The base path & generated arguments form the final uri pattern for the deeplink.

See docs on the safe args version of NavDeepLink.Builder.setUriPattern for the final uriPattern's generation logic.

<T : Any>

The deepLink KClass to extract arguments from

basePath: String

The base uri path to append arguments onto

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

noinline deepLinkBuilder: NavDeepLinkDslBuilder.() -> Unit = {}

the builder used to construct the deeplink

fun navOptions(optionsBuilder: NavOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit): NavOptions

Construct a new NavOptions

Extension functions

inline fun NavGraphBuilder.activity(id: @IdRes Int, builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.activity(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a new ActivityNavigator.Destination

<T : Any>

destination's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: ActivityNavigatorDestinationBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the fragment destination

operator fun NavGraph.contains(id: @IdRes Int): Boolean

Returns true if a destination with id is found in this navigation graph.

inline operator fun <T : Any> NavGraph.contains(route: KClass<T>): Boolean

Returns true if a destination with route is found in this navigation graph.

operator fun NavGraph.contains(route: String): Boolean

Returns true if a destination with route is found in this navigation graph.

operator fun <T : Any> NavGraph.contains(route: T): Boolean

Returns true if a destination with route is found in this navigation graph.

inline fun NavController.createGraph(
    id: @IdRes Int = 0,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

id: @IdRes Int = 0

the graph's unique id

startDestination: @IdRes Int

the route for the start destination

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph

inline fun NavHost.createGraph(
    id: @IdRes Int = 0,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

inline fun NavController.createGraph(
    startDestination: String,
    route: String? = null,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: String

the route for the start destination

route: String? = null

the route for the graph

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph

inline fun NavHost.createGraph(
    startDestination: String,
    route: String? = null,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

inline fun NavController.createGraph(
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>? = null,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added as a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>? = null

the graph's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph

inline fun NavHost.createGraph(
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>? = null,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added as a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>? = null

the graph's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph

inline fun NavController.createGraph(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>? = null,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route from a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added as a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>? = null

the graph's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph

inline fun NavHost.createGraph(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>? = null,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route from a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added as a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>? = null

the graph's unique route from a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


fun View.findNavController(): NavController

Find a NavController associated with a View.

Calling this on a View not within a NavHost will result in an IllegalStateException


fun Activity.findNavController(viewId: @IdRes Int): NavController

Find a NavController given the id of a View and its containing Activity.

Calling this on a View that is not a NavHost or within a NavHost will result in an IllegalStateException

inline operator fun <T : Navigator<NavDestination>> NavigatorProvider.get(clazz: KClass<T>): T

Retrieves a registered Navigator using the name provided by the Navigator.Name annotation.


if the Navigator has not been added

inline operator fun NavGraph.get(id: @IdRes Int): NavDestination

Returns the destination with id.


if no destination is found with that id.

inline operator fun <T : Navigator<NavDestination>> NavigatorProvider.get(name: String): T

Retrieves a registered Navigator by name.


if the Navigator has not been added

inline operator fun <T : Any> NavGraph.get(route: KClass<T>): NavDestination

Returns the destination with route from KClass.


if no destination is found with that route.

inline operator fun NavGraph.get(route: String): NavDestination

Returns the destination with route.


if no destination is found with that route.

inline operator fun <T : Any> NavGraph.get(route: T): NavDestination

Returns the destination with route from an Object.


if no destination is found with that route.

inline operator fun NavGraph.minusAssign(node: NavDestination): Unit

Removes node from this navigation graph.

inline fun <Args : NavArgs> Activity.navArgs(): NavArgsLazy<Args>

Returns a Lazy delegate to access the Activity's extras as an Args instance.

It is strongly recommended that this method only be used when the Activity is started by androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate with the corresponding androidx.navigation.NavDirections object, which ensures that the required arguments are present.

class MyActivity : Activity() {
val args: MyActivityArgs by navArgs()

This property can be accessed only after the Activity is attached to the Application, and access prior to that will result in IllegalStateException.

inline fun <VM : ViewModel> Fragment.navGraphViewModels(
    navGraphId: @IdRes Int,
    noinline extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)? = null,
    noinline factoryProducer: (() -> ViewModelProvider.Factory)? = null
): Lazy<VM>

Returns a property delegate to access a ViewModel scoped to a navigation graph present on the NavController back stack:

class MyFragment : Fragment() {
val viewmodel: MainViewModel by navGraphViewModels(

Custom ViewModelProvider.Factory can be defined via factoryProducer parameter, factory returned by it will be used to create ViewModel:

class MyFragment : Fragment() {
val viewmodel: MainViewModel by navGraphViewModels( { myFactory }

This property can be accessed only after this NavGraph is on the NavController back stack, and an attempt access prior to that will result in an IllegalArgumentException.

navGraphId: @IdRes Int

ID of a NavGraph that exists on the NavController back stack

noinline extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)? = null

lambda that will be called during initialization to return CreationExtras. If none is provided, this will use the extras from the NavBackStackEntry referenced by the navGraphId.

noinline factoryProducer: (() -> ViewModelProvider.Factory)? = null

lambda that will be called during initialization to return ViewModelProvider.Factory. If none is provided, this will use the factory from the NavBackStackEntry referenced by the navGraphId.

inline fun <VM : ViewModel> Fragment.navGraphViewModels(
    navGraphRoute: String,
    noinline extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)? = null,
    noinline factoryProducer: (() -> ViewModelProvider.Factory)? = null
): Lazy<VM>

Returns a property delegate to access a ViewModel scoped to a navigation graph present on the NavController back stack:

class MyFragment : Fragment() {
val viewModel: MainViewModel by navGraphViewModels("main")

Custom ViewModelProvider.Factory can be defined via factoryProducer parameter, factory returned by it will be used to create ViewModel:

class MyFragment : Fragment() {
val viewModel: MainViewModel by navGraphViewModels("main") { myFactory }

This property can be accessed only after this NavGraph is on the NavController back stack, and an attempt access prior to that will result in an IllegalArgumentException.

navGraphRoute: String

NavDestination.route of a NavGraph that exists on the NavController back stack. If a NavDestination with the given route does not exist on the back stack, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

noinline extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)? = null

lambda that will be called during initialization to return CreationExtras. If none is provided, this will use the extras from the NavBackStackEntry referenced by the navGraphRoute.

noinline factoryProducer: (() -> ViewModelProvider.Factory)? = null

lambda that will be called during initialization to return ViewModelProvider.Factory. If none is provided, this will use the factory from the NavBackStackEntry referenced by the navGraphRoute.

inline fun NavigatorProvider.navigation(
    id: @IdRes Int = 0,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

id: @IdRes Int = 0

the destination's unique id

startDestination: @IdRes Int

the starting destination for this NavGraph

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed NavGraph

inline fun NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    id: @IdRes Int,
    startDestination: @IdRes Int,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

id: @IdRes Int

the destination's unique id

startDestination: @IdRes Int

the starting destination for this NavGraph

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

<T : Any>

the graph's unique route from a KClass

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun <T : Any> NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

<T : Any>

the graph's unique route from a KClass

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route from a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun NavigatorProvider.navigation(
    startDestination: String,
    route: String? = null,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: String

the starting destination's route for this NavGraph

route: String? = null

the destination's unique route

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed NavGraph

inline fun NavGraphBuilder.navigation(
    startDestination: String,
    route: String,
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): Unit

Construct a nested NavGraph

startDestination: String

the starting destination's route for this NavGraph

route: String

the destination's unique route

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed nested NavGraph

inline fun NavigatorProvider.navigation(
    startDestination: Any,
    route: KClass<*>? = null,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: Any

the starting destination's route from an Object for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>? = null

the graph's unique route as a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed NavGraph

inline fun NavigatorProvider.navigation(
    startDestination: KClass<*>,
    route: KClass<*>? = null,
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap(),
    builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph

Construct a new NavGraph

startDestination: KClass<*>

the starting destination's route from a KClass for this NavGraph. The respective NavDestination must be added with route from a KClass in order to match.

route: KClass<*>? = null

the graph's unique route as a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in the route. May be empty if route does not use custom NavTypes.

builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit

the builder used to construct the graph


the newly constructed NavGraph

inline operator fun NavigatorProvider.plusAssign(navigator: Navigator<NavDestination>): Unit

Register a navigator using the name provided by the Navigator.Name annotation.

inline operator fun NavGraph.plusAssign(node: NavDestination): Unit

Adds a destination to this NavGraph. The destination must have an id set.

The destination must not have a parent set. If the destination is already part of a NavGraph, call NavGraph.remove before calling this method.

node: NavDestination

destination to add

inline operator fun NavGraph.plusAssign(other: NavGraph): Unit

Add all destinations from another collection to this one. As each destination has at most one parent, the destinations will be removed from the given NavGraph.

other: NavGraph

collection of destinations to add. All destinations will be removed from the parameter graph after being added to this graph.

inline operator fun NavigatorProvider.set(
    name: String,
    navigator: Navigator<NavDestination>
): Navigator<NavDestination>?

Register a Navigator by name. If a navigator by this name is already registered, this new navigator will replace it.


the previously added Navigator for the given name, if any

inline fun <T : Any?> NavBackStackEntry.toRoute(): T

Returns route as an object of type T

Extrapolates arguments from NavBackStackEntry.arguments and recreates object T

<T : Any?>

the entry's NavDestination.route as a KClass


A new instance of this entry's NavDestination.route as an object of type T

inline fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.toRoute(
    typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()
): T

Returns route as an object of type T

Extrapolates arguments from SavedStateHandle and recreates object T

<T : Any>

the entry's NavDestination.route as a KClass

typeMap: Map<KTypeNavType<*>> = emptyMap()

A mapping of KType to custom NavType<*> in T. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.


A new instance of this entry's NavDestination.route as an object of type T