
class MacrobenchmarkRule : TestRule

JUnit rule for benchmarking large app operations like startup, scrolling, or animations.

See the Macrobenchmark Guide for more information on macrobenchmarks.

import androidx.benchmark.macro.StartupMode
import androidx.benchmark.macro.StartupTimingMetric
import androidx.benchmark.macro.junit4.MacrobenchmarkRule
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4

class StartupMacrobenchmark {
    @get:Rule val benchmarkRule = MacrobenchmarkRule()

    fun startup() =
            packageName = "",
            metrics = listOf(StartupTimingMetric()),
            iterations = 5,
            startupMode = StartupMode.COLD,
            setupBlock = { pressHome() }
        ) { // this = MacrobenchmarkScope
            val intent = Intent()


Public constructors

Public functions

open Statement
apply(base: Statement, description: Description)
    packageName: String,
    metrics: List<Metric>,
    compilationMode: CompilationMode,
    startupMode: StartupMode?,
    iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit,
    measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit

Measure behavior of the specified packageName given a set of metrics.

    packageName: String,
    metrics: List<Metric>,
    iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    experimentalConfig: ExperimentalConfig,
    compilationMode: CompilationMode,
    startupMode: StartupMode?,
    setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit,
    measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit

Measure behavior of the specified packageName given a set of metrics, with a custom PerfettoConfig.

    packageName: String,
    metrics: List<Metric>,
    iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    perfettoConfig: PerfettoConfig,
    compilationMode: CompilationMode,
    startupMode: StartupMode?,
    setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit,
    measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in favour of a variant that accepts experimental config

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0
open fun apply(base: Statement, description: Description): Statement


fun measureRepeated(
    packageName: String,
    metrics: List<Metric>,
    compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT,
    startupMode: StartupMode? = null,
    iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {},
    measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit
): Unit

Measure behavior of the specified packageName given a set of metrics.

This performs a macrobenchmark with the below control flow:

repeat(iterations) {
captureTraceAndMetrics {
packageName: String

ApplicationId / Application manifest package name of the app for which profiles are generated.

metrics: List<Metric>

List of metrics to measure.

compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT

Mode of compilation used before capturing measurement, such as CompilationMode.Partial, defaults to CompilationMode.DEFAULT.

startupMode: StartupMode? = null

Optional mode to force app launches performed with MacrobenchmarkScope.startActivityAndWait (and similar variants) to be of the assigned type. For example, COLD launches kill the process before the measureBlock, to ensure startups will go through full process creation. Generally, leave as null for non-startup benchmarks.

iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int

Number of times the measureBlock will be run during measurement. Note that total iteration count may not match, due to warmup iterations needed for the compilationMode.

setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {}

The block performing app actions each iteration, prior to the measureBlock. For example, navigating to a UI where scrolling will be measured.

measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit

The block performing app actions to benchmark each iteration.


fun measureRepeated(
    packageName: String,
    metrics: List<Metric>,
    iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    experimentalConfig: ExperimentalConfig,
    compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT,
    startupMode: StartupMode? = null,
    setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {},
    measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit
): Unit

Measure behavior of the specified packageName given a set of metrics, with a custom PerfettoConfig.

This performs a macrobenchmark with the below control flow:

repeat(iterations) {
captureTraceAndMetrics {

Note that a custom PerfettoConfigs may result in built-in Metrics not working.

You can see the PerfettoConfig used by a trace (as a text proto) by opening the trace in, and selecting Info and Stats view on the left panel. You can also generate a custom text proto config by selecting Record new trace on the same panel, selecting recording options, and then clicking Recording command to access the generated text proto.

packageName: String

ApplicationId / Application manifest package name of the app for which profiles are generated.

metrics: List<Metric>

List of metrics to measure.

iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int

Number of times the measureBlock will be run during measurement. Note that total iteration count may not match, due to warmup iterations needed for the compilationMode.

experimentalConfig: ExperimentalConfig

Configuration for experimental features.

compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT

Mode of compilation used before capturing measurement, such as CompilationMode.Partial, defaults to CompilationMode.DEFAULT.

startupMode: StartupMode? = null

Optional mode to force app launches performed with MacrobenchmarkScope.startActivityAndWait (and similar variants) to be of the assigned type. For example, COLD launches kill the process before the measureBlock, to ensure startups will go through full process creation. Generally, leave as null for non-startup benchmarks.

setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {}

The block performing app actions each iteration, prior to the measureBlock. For example, navigating to a UI where scrolling will be measured.

measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit

The block performing app actions to benchmark each iteration.


fun measureRepeated(
    packageName: String,
    metrics: List<Metric>,
    iterations: @IntRange(from = 1) Int,
    perfettoConfig: PerfettoConfig,
    compilationMode: CompilationMode = CompilationMode.DEFAULT,
    startupMode: StartupMode? = null,
    setupBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {},
    measureBlock: MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit
): Unit
perfettoConfig: PerfettoConfig

Configuration for Perfetto trace capture during each iteration. Note that insufficient or invalid configs may result in built-in Metrics not working.