class Cue

Contains information about a specific cue, including textual content and formatting data.


Nested types

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = )
@IntDef(value = )
annotation Cue.AnchorType

The type of anchor, which may be unset.

A builder for Cue objects.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = )
@IntDef(value = )
annotation Cue.LineType

The type of line, which may be unset.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = )
@IntDef(value = )
annotation Cue.TextSizeType

The type of default text size for this cue, which may be unset.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = )
@IntDef(value = )
annotation Cue.VerticalType

The type of vertical layout for this cue, which may be unset (i.e. horizontal).


const Int

Anchors the right (for horizontal positions) or bottom (for vertical positions) edge of the cue box.

const Int

Anchors the middle of the cue box.

const Int

Anchors the left (for horizontal positions) or top (for vertical positions) edge of the cue box.

const Float
DIMEN_UNSET = -3.4028235E38f

An unset position, width or size.

const Cue!

This property is deprecated.

There's no general need for a cue with an empty text string.

const Int

Value for lineType when line is a fractional position.

const Int

Value for lineType when line is a line number.

const Int

Text size is measured in number of pixels.

const Int

Text size is measured as a fraction of the viewport size minus the view padding.

const Int

Text size is measured as a fraction of the viewport size, ignoring the view padding

const Int
TYPE_UNSET = -2147483648

An unset anchor, line, text size or vertical type value.

const Int

Vertical left-to-right (e.g. for Mongolian).

const Int

Vertical right-to-left (e.g. for Japanese).

Public functions


Returns a new Cue.Builder initialized with the same values as this Cue.

equals(obj: Any?)
java-static Cue!

Restores a cue from a Bundle.


Returns a Bundle that may contain Binder references, meaning it cannot be safely serialized to bytes.


This function is deprecated.

Use toSerializableBundle or toBinderBasedBundle instead.


Returns a Bundle that can be serialized to bytes.

Public properties


The cue image, or null if this is a text cue.


The bitmap height as a fraction of the of the viewport size, or DIMEN_UNSET if the bitmap should be displayed at its natural height given the bitmap dimensions and the specified size.


The position of the cue box within the viewport in the direction orthogonal to the writing direction (determined by verticalType), or DIMEN_UNSET.


The cue box anchor positioned by line when lineType is LINE_TYPE_FRACTION.


The type of the line value.


The alignment of multiple lines of text relative to the longest line, or null if the alignment is undefined.


The fractional position of the positionAnchor of the cue box within the viewport in the direction orthogonal to line, or DIMEN_UNSET.


The cue box anchor positioned by position.


The shear angle in degrees to be applied to this Cue, expressed in graphics coordinates.


The size of the cue box in the writing direction specified as a fraction of the viewport size in that direction, or DIMEN_UNSET.


The cue text, or null if this is an image cue.


The alignment of the cue text within the cue box, or null if the alignment is undefined.


The default text size for this cue's text, or DIMEN_UNSET if this cue has no default text size.


The default text size type for this cue's text, or TYPE_UNSET if this cue has no default text size.


The vertical formatting of this Cue, or TYPE_UNSET if the cue has no vertical setting (and so should be horizontal).


The fill color of the window.


Specifies whether or not the windowColor property is set.



const val ANCHOR_TYPE_END = 2: Int

Anchors the right (for horizontal positions) or bottom (for vertical positions) edge of the cue box.


const val ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE = 1: Int

Anchors the middle of the cue box.


const val ANCHOR_TYPE_START = 0: Int

Anchors the left (for horizontal positions) or top (for vertical positions) edge of the cue box.


const val DIMEN_UNSET = -3.4028235E38f: Float

An unset position, width or size.


const val EMPTYCue!


const val LINE_TYPE_FRACTION = 0: Int

Value for lineType when line is a fractional position.


const val LINE_TYPE_NUMBER = 1: Int

Value for lineType when line is a line number.


const val TEXT_SIZE_TYPE_ABSOLUTE = 2: Int

Text size is measured in number of pixels.



Text size is measured as a fraction of the viewport size minus the view padding.



Text size is measured as a fraction of the viewport size, ignoring the view padding


const val TYPE_UNSET = -2147483648: Int

An unset anchor, line, text size or vertical type value.


const val VERTICAL_TYPE_LR = 2: Int

Vertical left-to-right (e.g. for Mongolian).


const val VERTICAL_TYPE_RL = 1: Int

Vertical right-to-left (e.g. for Japanese).

Public functions


fun buildUpon(): Cue.Builder!

Returns a new Cue.Builder initialized with the same values as this Cue.


fun equals(obj: Any?): Boolean


java-static fun fromBundle(bundle: Bundle!): Cue!

Restores a cue from a Bundle.


fun hashCode(): Int


fun toBinderBasedBundle(): Bundle!

Returns a Bundle that may contain Binder references, meaning it cannot be safely serialized to bytes.

The Bundle returned from this method can be safely sent between processes and parsed by older versions of the media3 library.

Use toSerializableBundle to get a Bundle that can be safely serialized.


fun toBundle(): Bundle!


fun toSerializableBundle(): Bundle!

Returns a Bundle that can be serialized to bytes.

Prefer the more efficient toBinderBasedBundle if the result doesn't need to be serialized.

The Bundle returned from this method must not be passed to other processes that might be using a different version of the media3 library.

Public properties


val bitmapBitmap?

The cue image, or null if this is a text cue.


val bitmapHeightFloat

The bitmap height as a fraction of the of the viewport size, or DIMEN_UNSET if the bitmap should be displayed at its natural height given the bitmap dimensions and the specified size.


val lineFloat

The position of the cue box within the viewport in the direction orthogonal to the writing direction (determined by verticalType), or DIMEN_UNSET. When set, the interpretation of the value depends on the value of lineType.

The measurement direction depends on verticalType:

  • For TYPE_UNSET (i.e. horizontal), this is the vertical position relative to the top of the viewport.
  • For VERTICAL_TYPE_LR this is the horizontal position relative to the left of the viewport.
  • For VERTICAL_TYPE_RL this is the horizontal position relative to the right of the viewport.


val lineAnchorInt

The cue box anchor positioned by line when lineType is LINE_TYPE_FRACTION.

One of:

For the normal case of horizontal text, ANCHOR_TYPE_START, ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE and ANCHOR_TYPE_END correspond to the top, middle and bottom of the cue box respectively.


val lineTypeInt

The type of the line value.

  • LINE_TYPE_FRACTION indicates that line is a fractional position within the viewport (measured to the part of the cue box determined by lineAnchor).
  • LINE_TYPE_NUMBER indicates that line is a viewport line number. The viewport is divided into lines (each equal in size to the first line of the cue box). The cue box is positioned to align with the viewport lines as follows:
    • lineAnchor) is ignored.
    • When line is greater than or equal to 0 the first line in the cue box is aligned with a viewport line, with 0 meaning the first line of the viewport.
    • When line is negative the last line in the cue box is aligned with a viewport line, with -1 meaning the last line of the viewport.
    • For horizontal text the start and end of the viewport are the top and bottom respectively.


val multiRowAlignmentLayout.Alignment?

The alignment of multiple lines of text relative to the longest line, or null if the alignment is undefined.


val positionFloat

The fractional position of the positionAnchor of the cue box within the viewport in the direction orthogonal to line, or DIMEN_UNSET.

The measurement direction depends on verticalType.

  • For TYPE_UNSET (i.e. horizontal), this is the horizontal position relative to the left of the viewport. Note that positioning is relative to the left of the viewport even in the case of right-to-left text.
  • For VERTICAL_TYPE_LR and VERTICAL_TYPE_RL (i.e. vertical), this is the vertical position relative to the top of the viewport.


val positionAnchorInt

The cue box anchor positioned by position. One of ANCHOR_TYPE_START, ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE, ANCHOR_TYPE_END and TYPE_UNSET.

For the normal case of horizontal text, ANCHOR_TYPE_START, ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE and ANCHOR_TYPE_END correspond to the left, middle and right of the cue box respectively.


val shearDegreesFloat

The shear angle in degrees to be applied to this Cue, expressed in graphics coordinates. This results in a skew transform for the block along the inline progression axis.


val sizeFloat

The size of the cue box in the writing direction specified as a fraction of the viewport size in that direction, or DIMEN_UNSET.


val textCharSequence?

The cue text, or null if this is an image cue. Note the CharSequence may be decorated with styling spans.


val textAlignmentLayout.Alignment?

The alignment of the cue text within the cue box, or null if the alignment is undefined.


val textSizeFloat

The default text size for this cue's text, or DIMEN_UNSET if this cue has no default text size.


val textSizeTypeInt

The default text size type for this cue's text, or TYPE_UNSET if this cue has no default text size.


val verticalTypeInt

The vertical formatting of this Cue, or TYPE_UNSET if the cue has no vertical setting (and so should be horizontal).


val windowColorInt

The fill color of the window.


val windowColorSetBoolean

Specifies whether or not the windowColor property is set.