class MediaSession

A session that allows a media app to expose its player functionality, information of the playlist and the media item currently being played to other processes including the Android framework and other apps. The common use cases are as follows:

  • Receiving and dispatching media key events (for instance Bluetooth/wired headset and remote control devices).
  • Publish media playback information and player commands to SystemUI (media notification) and Android Auto/Wear OS.
  • Separating UI process and playback process.

A session should be created when an app wants to publish media playback information or handle media key events. In general, an app only needs one session for all playback, though multiple sessions can be created to provide finer grain controls of media. See Supporting Multiple Sessions for details.

If an app wants to support playback when in the background, using a is the preferred approach. See MediaSessionService for details.

Topics covered here:

  1. Session Lifecycle
  2. Threading Model
  3. Media Key Events Mapping
  4. Supporting Multiple Sessions
  5. Backward Compatibility with Legacy Session APIs
  6. Backward Compatibility with Legacy Controller APIs

Session Lifecycle

A session can be created by Builder. The owner of the session may pass its session token to other processes to allow them to create a MediaController to interact with the session.

When a session receives playback commands, the session calls corresponding methods directly on the underlying player set by Builder or setPlayer.

When an app is finished performing playback it must call release to clean up the session and notify any controllers. The app is responsible for releasing the underlying player after releasing the session.

Threading Model

The instances are thread safe, but must be used on a thread with a looper.

Callback methods will be called on the application thread associated with the application looper of the underlying player. When a new player is set by setPlayer, the player must use the same application looper as the previous one.

The session listens to player events via Player.Listener and expects the callback methods to be called on the application thread. If the player violates the threading contract, an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

Media Key Events Mapping

When the session receives media key events they are mapped to a method call on the underlying player. The following table shows the mapping between the event key code and the Player method which is called.

Key code and corresponding Player API
Key code Player API
  • For a single tap,
  • In case the media key events are coming from another package ID than the package ID of the media app (events coming for instance from Bluetooth), a double tap generating two key events within a brief amount of time, is converted to seekToNext

Supporting Multiple Sessions

Generally, multiple sessions aren't necessary for most media apps. One exception is if your app can play multiple media content at the same time, but only for the playback of video-only media or remote playback, since the audio focus policy recommends not playing multiple audio content at the same time. Also, keep in mind that multiple media sessions would make Android Auto and Bluetooth devices with display to show your app multiple times, because they list up media sessions, not media apps.

Backward Compatibility with Legacy Session APIs

An active android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat is internally created with the session for backwards compatibility. It's used to handle incoming connections and commands from android.support.v4.media.session.MediaControllerCompat instances, and helps to utilize existing APIs that are built with legacy media session APIs.

Backward Compatibility with Legacy Controller APIs

In addition to MediaController, the session also supports connections from the legacy controller APIs - android.media.session.MediaController and android.support.v4.media.session.MediaControllerCompat. However, ControllerInfo may not be precise for legacy controllers. See ControllerInfo for the details.

Neither an unknown package name nor an unknown UID mean that you should disallow a connection or commands per se. For SDK levels where such issues happen, session tokens can only be obtained by trusted controllers (e.g. Bluetooth, Auto, ...). This means only trusted controllers can connect and an app can accept such controllers in the same way as with legacy sessions.


Nested types

A builder for MediaSession.

A callback to handle incoming commands from MediaController.

A result for onConnect to denote the set of available commands and the media button preferences for a controller.

A builder for ConnectionResult instances to accept a connection.

Information of a MediaController or a MediaBrowser.

Representation of a list of media items and where to start playing.

Public functions


Broadcasts a custom command to all connected controllers.


Returns the BitmapLoader.


Returns the list of connected controllers.


Returns the ControllerInfo for the controller that sent the current request for a Player method.


Returns the custom layout of the session.


Returns the session ID.


Returns the media button preferences of the session.


Returns the ControllerInfo of the media notification controller.


Returns the platform android.media.session.MediaSession.Token of the created internally by this session.


Returns the underlying Player.


Returns the PendingIntent to launch the session activity or null if not set.


Returns the session extras.


Returns whether a play button is shown if playback is suppressed.


Returns the SessionToken for creating MediaController instances.


Returns whether the given ControllerInfo belongs to an Android Auto companion app controller.


Returns whether the given ControllerInfo belongs to an Automotive OS controller.


Returns whether the given media controller info belongs to the media notification controller.


Releases the session and disconnects all connected controllers.

    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    command: SessionCommand!,
    args: Bundle!

Sends a custom command to a specific controller.


Sends a non-fatal error to all connected controllers.

    controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    sessionError: SessionError!

Sends a non-fatal error to the given controller.

    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    sessionCommands: SessionCommands!,
    playerCommands: Player.Commands!

Sets the new available commands for the controller.


Sets the custom layout for all controllers.


Sets the custom layout for the given controller.

    mediaButtonPreferences: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!

Sets the media button preferences for all controllers.


Sets the media button preferences for the given controller.

setPlayer(player: Player!)

Sets the underlying Player for this session to dispatch incoming events to.

setSessionActivity(activityPendingIntent: PendingIntent?)

Updates the session activity that was set when building the session.

    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    activityPendingIntent: PendingIntent?

Sends the session activity to the connected controller.

setSessionExtras(sessionExtras: Bundle!)

Sets the session extras and sends them to connected controllers.

    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    sessionExtras: Bundle!

Sends the session extras to the connected controller.

Public functions


fun broadcastCustomCommand(command: SessionCommand!, args: Bundle!): Unit

Broadcasts a custom command to all connected controllers.

This call immediately returns and doesn't wait for a result from the controller.

A command is not accepted if it is not a custom command.

command: SessionCommand!

A custom command.

args: Bundle!

A Bundle for additional arguments. May be empty.


fun getBitmapLoader(): BitmapLoader!

Returns the BitmapLoader.


fun getConnectedControllers(): (Mutable)List<MediaSession.ControllerInfo!>!

Returns the list of connected controllers.


fun getControllerForCurrentRequest(): MediaSession.ControllerInfo?

Returns the ControllerInfo for the controller that sent the current request for a Player method.

This method will return a non-null value while Player methods triggered by a controller are executed.

Note: If you want to prevent a controller from calling a method, specify the available commands in onConnect or set them via setAvailableCommands.

This method must be called on the application thread of the underlying player.


The ControllerInfo of the controller that sent the current request, or null if not applicable.


fun getCustomLayout(): ImmutableList<CommandButton!>!

Returns the custom layout of the session.

This method will be deprecated, prefer to use getMediaButtonPreferences instead. Note that the media button preferences use slots to define the allowed button placement.

For informational purpose only. Mutations on the Bundle of either a or a SessionCommand do not have effect. To change the custom layout use setCustomLayout or setCustomLayout.


fun getId(): String!

Returns the session ID.


fun getMediaButtonPreferences(): ImmutableList<CommandButton!>!

Returns the media button preferences of the session.

For informational purpose only. Mutations on the Bundle of either a or a SessionCommand do not have effect. To change the media button preferences use setMediaButtonPreferences.


fun getMediaNotificationControllerInfo(): MediaSession.ControllerInfo?

Returns the ControllerInfo of the media notification controller.

Use this controller info to set available commands and media button preferences that are consistently applied to the media notification on all API levels.

Available session commands of the media notification controller are used to enable or disable buttons of the media button preferences before they are passed to the notification provider. Disabled command buttons are not converted to notification actions when using . This affects the media notification displayed by System UI below API 33.

The available session commands of the media notification controller are used to maintain custom actions of the platform session (see PlaybackStateCompat.getCustomActions()). Command buttons of the media button preferences are disabled or enabled according to the available session commands. Disabled command buttons are not converted to custom actions of the platform session. This affects the media notification displayed by System UI starting with API 33.

The available player commands are intersected with the actual available commands of the underlying player to determine the playback actions of the platform session (see PlaybackStateCompat.getActions()).


fun getPlatformToken(): MediaSession.Token!

Returns the platform android.media.session.MediaSession.Token of the created internally by this session.


fun getPlayer(): Player!

Returns the underlying Player.


fun getSessionActivity(): PendingIntent?

Returns the PendingIntent to launch the session activity or null if not set.


The PendingIntent to launch an activity belonging to the session.


fun getSessionExtras(): Bundle!

Returns the session extras.

For informational purpose only. Mutations on the Bundle do not have immediate effect. To change the session extras use setSessionExtras or setSessionExtras.


fun getShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(): Boolean

Returns whether a play button is shown if playback is suppressed.


fun getToken(): SessionToken!

Returns the SessionToken for creating MediaController instances.


fun isAutoCompanionController(controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!): Boolean

Returns whether the given ControllerInfo belongs to an Android Auto companion app controller.

Note: This is not a security validation.

controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller info of the connected controller.


True if the controller into belongs to a connected Auto companion client app.


fun isAutomotiveController(controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!): Boolean

Returns whether the given ControllerInfo belongs to an Automotive OS controller.

Note: This is not a security validation.

controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller info of the connected controller.


True if the controller into belongs to a connected Automotive OS controller.


fun isMediaNotificationController(
    controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!
): Boolean

Returns whether the given media controller info belongs to the media notification controller.

See getMediaNotificationControllerInfo.

controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller info.


Whether the controller info belongs to the media notification controller.


fun release(): Unit

Releases the session and disconnects all connected controllers.

The session must not be used after calling this method.

Releasing the session removes the session's listeners from the player but does not stop or release the player. An app can further use the player after the session is released and needs to make sure to eventually release the player.


fun sendCustomCommand(
    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    command: SessionCommand!,
    args: Bundle!
): ListenableFuture<SessionResult!>!

Sends a custom command to a specific controller.

The result from onCustomCommand will be returned.

A command is not accepted if it is not a custom command.

Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a legacy controller.

controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller to send the custom command to.

command: SessionCommand!

A custom command.

args: Bundle!

A Bundle for additional arguments. May be empty.


A ListenableFuture of SessionResult from the controller.


fun sendError(sessionError: SessionError!): Unit

Sends a non-fatal error to all connected controllers.

See sendError for sending an error to a specific controller only.

sessionError: SessionError!

The session error.


fun sendError(
    controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    sessionError: SessionError!
): Unit

Sends a non-fatal error to the given controller.

This will call onError of the given connected controller.

When an error is sent to getMediaNotificationControllerInfo or a legacy controller, the error of the playback state of the platform session is updated accordingly.

controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller to send the error to.

sessionError: SessionError!

The session error.


thrown if an error is attempted to be sent to a legacy controller.


fun setAvailableCommands(
    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    sessionCommands: SessionCommands!,
    playerCommands: Player.Commands!
): Unit

Sets the new available commands for the controller.

This is a synchronous call. Changes in the available commands take effect immediately regardless of the controller notified about the change through onAvailableCommandsChanged and onAvailableSessionCommandsChanged.

Note that playerCommands will be intersected with the available commands of the underlying Player and the controller will only be able to call the commonly available commands.

controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller to change allowed commands.

sessionCommands: SessionCommands!

The new available session commands.

playerCommands: Player.Commands!

The new available player commands.


fun setCustomLayout(layout: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!): Unit

Sets the custom layout for all controllers.

This method will be deprecated, prefer to use setMediaButtonPreferences. Note that the media button preferences use slots to define the allowed button placement.

Calling this method broadcasts the custom layout to all connected Media3 controllers, including the media notification controller.

On the controller side, the enabled flag is set to false if the available commands of a controller do not allow to use a button.

onCustomLayoutChanged is only called if the new custom layout is different to the custom layout the controller already has available. Note that extras are ignored when comparing command buttons.

Controllers that connect after calling this method will have the new custom layout available with the initial connection result. A custom layout specific to a controller can be set when the controller connects by using an .

layout: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!

The ordered list of command buttons.


fun setCustomLayout(
    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    layout: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!
): ListenableFuture<SessionResult!>!

Sets the custom layout for the given controller.

This method will be deprecated, prefer to use setMediaButtonPreferences. Note that the media button preferences use slots to define the allowed button placement.

Make sure to have the session commands of all command buttons of the custom layout available for controllers. Include the custom session commands a controller should be able to send in the available commands of the connection result that your app returns when the controller connects. The isEnabled flag is set according to the available commands of the controller and overrides a value that may have been set by the app.

On the controller side, onCustomLayoutChanged is only called if the new custom layout is different to the custom layout the controller already has available. Note that this comparison uses equals and therefore ignores extras.

On the controller side, the enabled flag is set to false if the available commands of the controller do not allow to use a button.

Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a legacy controller.

controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller for which to set the custom layout.

layout: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!

The ordered list of command buttons.


fun setMediaButtonPreferences(
    mediaButtonPreferences: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!
): Unit

Sets the media button preferences for all controllers.

Calling this method broadcasts the media button preferences to all connected Media3 controllers, including the media notification controller.

On the controller side, the enabled flag is set to false if the available commands of a controller do not allow to use a button.

onMediaButtonPreferencesChanged is only called if the new media button preferences are different to the media button preferences the controller already has available. Note that extras are ignored when comparing command buttons.

Controllers that connect after calling this method will have the new media button preferences available with the initial connection result. Media button preferences specific to a controller can be set when the controller connects by using an ConnectionResult.AcceptedResultBuilder.

mediaButtonPreferences: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!

The ordered list of command buttons.


fun setMediaButtonPreferences(
    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    mediaButtonPreferences: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!
): ListenableFuture<SessionResult!>!

Sets the media button preferences for the given controller.

Make sure to have the session commands of all command buttons of the media button preferences available for controllers. Include the custom session commands a controller should be able to send in the available commands of the connection result that your app returns when the controller connects. The isEnabled flag is set according to the available commands of the controller and overrides a value that may have been set by the app.

On the controller side, onMediaButtonPreferencesChanged is only called if the new media button preferences are different to the media button preferences the controller already has available. Note that this comparison uses equals and therefore ignores extras.

On the controller side, the enabled flag is set to false if the available commands of the controller do not allow to use a button.

Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a legacy controller.

controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller for which to set the media button preferences.

mediaButtonPreferences: (Mutable)List<CommandButton!>!

The ordered list of command buttons.


fun setPlayer(player: Player!): Unit

Sets the underlying Player for this session to dispatch incoming events to.

player: Player!

A player that handles actual media playback in your app.


if the new player's application looper differs from the current player's looper, or canAdvertiseSession returns false.


if the new player's application looper differs from the current looper.


fun setSessionActivity(activityPendingIntent: PendingIntent?): Unit

Updates the session activity that was set when building the session.

Note: When a controller is connected to the session that has a version smaller than 1.6.0, then setting the session activity to null has no effect on the controller side.

activityPendingIntent: PendingIntent?

The pending intent to start the session activity or null.


if the PendingIntent passed into this method is not an activity.


fun setSessionActivity(
    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    activityPendingIntent: PendingIntent?
): Unit

Sends the session activity to the connected controller.

This call immediately returns and doesn't wait for a result from the controller.

Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a legacy controller. To set the session activity of the platform session use the media notification controller as the target controller.

controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller to send the session activity to.

activityPendingIntent: PendingIntent?

The pending intent to start the session activity.


if the PendingIntent passed into this method is not an activity.


fun setSessionExtras(sessionExtras: Bundle!): Unit

Sets the session extras and sends them to connected controllers.

The initial extras can be set when building the session.

This call immediately returns and doesn't wait for a result from the controller.

sessionExtras: Bundle!

The session extras.


fun setSessionExtras(
    controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!,
    sessionExtras: Bundle!
): Unit

Sends the session extras to the connected controller.

The initial extras for a specific controller can be set in onConnect when building the connection result.

This call immediately returns and doesn't wait for a result from the controller.

Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a legacy controller.

controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo!

The controller to send the extras to.

sessionExtras: Bundle!

The session extras.