
interface OnChildLaidOutListener

Interface for receiving notification when a child of this ViewGroup has been laid out.


Public functions

onChildLaidOut(parent: ViewGroup, view: View, position: Int, id: Long)

Callback method to be invoked when a child of this ViewGroup has been added to the view hierarchy and has been laid out.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0-beta01
fun onChildLaidOut(parent: ViewGroup, view: View, position: Int, id: Long): Unit

Callback method to be invoked when a child of this ViewGroup has been added to the view hierarchy and has been laid out.

parent: ViewGroup

The ViewGroup where the layout happened.

view: View

The view within the ViewGroup that was laid out.

position: Int

The position of the view in the adapter.

id: Long

The id of the child.