class KeyedFrequencyCap

A frequency cap for a specific ad counter key.

Frequency caps define the maximum rate an event can occur within a given time interval. If the frequency cap is exceeded, the associated ad will be filtered out of ad selection.


Public constructors

KeyedFrequencyCap(adCounterKey: Int, maxCount: Int, interval: Duration)

Public functions

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Checks whether two KeyedFrequencyCap objects contain the same information.

open Int

Returns the hash of the KeyedFrequencyCap object's data.

open String

Overrides the toString method.

Public properties


The ad counter key that the frequency cap is applied to


The interval, as a Duration over which the frequency cap is calculated


The maximum count of event occurrences allowed within a given time interval

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
KeyedFrequencyCap(adCounterKey: Int, maxCount: Int, interval: Duration)
adCounterKey: Int

The ad counter key that the frequency cap is applied to

maxCount: Int

The maximum count of event occurrences allowed within a given time interval

interval: Duration

The interval, as a Duration over which the frequency cap is calculated

Public functions


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks whether two KeyedFrequencyCap objects contain the same information.


open fun hashCode(): Int

Returns the hash of the KeyedFrequencyCap object's data.


open fun toString(): String

Overrides the toString method.

Public properties


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
val adCounterKeyInt

The ad counter key that the frequency cap is applied to


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
val intervalDuration

The interval, as a Duration over which the frequency cap is calculated


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
val maxCountInt

The maximum count of event occurrences allowed within a given time interval