
@RequiresApi(value = 34)
abstract class CredentialProviderService : CredentialProviderService

A CredentialProviderService is a service used to save and retrieve credentials for a given user, upon the request of a client app that typically uses these credentials for sign-in flows.

The credential retrieval and creation/saving is mediated by the Android System that aggregates credentials from multiple credential provider services, and presents them to the user in the form of a selector UI for credential selections/account selections/ confirmations etc.

A CredentialProviderService is only bound to the Android System for the span of a androidx.credentials.CredentialManager get/create API call. The service is bound only if :

  1. The service requires the android.Manifest.permission.BIND_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_SERVICE permission.

  2. The user has enabled this service as a credential provider from the settings.

Basic Usage

The basic Credential Manager flow is as such:

  • Client app calls one of the APIs exposed in androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.

  • Android system propagates the developer's request to providers that have been enabled by the user, and can support the androidx.credentials.Credential type specified in the request. We call this the query phase of provider communication. Developer may specify a different set of request parameters to be sent to the provider during this phase.

  • In this query phase, providers, in most cases, will respond with a list of CredentialEntry, and an optional list of Action entries (for the get flow), and a list of CreateEntry (for the create flow). No actual credentials will be returned in this phase.

  • Provider responses are aggregated and presented to the user in the form of a selector UI.

  • User selects an entry on the selector.

  • Android System invokes the PendingIntent associated with this entry, that belongs to the corresponding provider. We call this the final phase of provider communication. The PendingIntent contains the complete request originally created by the developer.

  • Provider finishes the Activity invoked by the PendingIntent by setting the result as the activity is finished.

  • Android System sends back the result to the client app.

The flow described above minimizes the amount of time a service is bound to the system. Calls to the service are considered stateless. If a service wishes to maintain state between the calls, it must do its own state management. Note: The service's process might be killed by the Android System when unbound, for cases such as low memory on the device.

Service Registration

In order for Credential Manager to propagate requests to a given provider service, the provider must:


Public constructors

Public functions

final Unit
abstract Unit

Called by the Android System in response to a client app calling androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.createCredential, to create/save a credential with a credential provider installed on the device.

final Unit
abstract Unit

Called by the Android System in response to a client app calling androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.getCredential, to get a credential sourced from a credential provider installed on the device.

final Unit
abstract Unit

Called by the Android System in response to a client app calling androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.clearCredentialState.

Inherited functions

open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Int,
    p2: String,
    p3: Executor,
    p4: ServiceConnection
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: ServiceConnection,
    p2: Context.BindServiceFlags
open Boolean
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Context.BindServiceFlags,
    p2: Executor,
    p3: ServiceConnection
open Boolean
bindService(p0: Intent, p1: Int, p2: Executor, p3: ServiceConnection)
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: ServiceConnection,
    p2: Context.BindServiceFlags,
    p3: UserHandle
open Boolean
open Int
open Int
open IntArray
open Int
open Int
open IntArray
open Int
checkContentUriPermissionFull(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Int
checkPermission(p0: String, p1: Int, p2: Int)
open Int
open Int
checkUriPermission(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Int
checkUriPermission(p0: Uri?, p1: String?, p2: String?, p3: Int, p4: Int, p5: Int)
open IntArray
checkUriPermissions(p0: MutableList<Uri>, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
createWindowContext(p0: Display, p1: Int, p2: Bundle?)
open Array<String>
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
enforcePermission(p0: String, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: String?)
open Unit
enforceUriPermission(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: String)
open Unit
    p0: Uri?,
    p1: String?,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Int,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?
open Array<String>
open Context
open ApplicationInfo
open AssetManager
open AttributionSource
open String?
open Context
open File
open ClassLoader
open File
open ContentResolver
open File
open File
open Int
open File
getDir(p0: String, p1: Int)
open Display?
open File?
open Array<File>
open File?
open Array<File>
open Array<File>
open File
open File
open Executor
open Looper
open File
open File
open Array<File>
open String
open String
open PackageManager
open String
open String
open ContextParams?
open Resources
open SharedPreferences
open Any
open String?
open Resources.Theme
open Drawable

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
grantUriPermission(p0: String, p1: Uri, p2: Int)
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open FileInputStream
open FileOutputStream
open SQLiteDatabase
open SQLiteDatabase
    p0: String,
    p1: Int,
    p2: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory,
    p3: DatabaseErrorHandler?
open Drawable

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Intent?
open Intent?
open Intent?
    p0: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p1: IntentFilter,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Handler?
open Intent?
    p0: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p1: IntentFilter,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
revokeUriPermission(p0: String, p1: Uri, p2: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
sendBroadcast(p0: Intent, p1: String?, p2: Bundle?)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int,
    p5: String?,
    p6: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: Bundle?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: String?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Int,
    p2: String?,
    p3: String?,
    p4: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p5: Handler?,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?,
    p8: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: UserHandle,
    p2: String?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p2: Handler?,
    p3: Int,
    p4: String?,
    p5: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: UserHandle,
    p2: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int,
    p5: String?,
    p6: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open ComponentName?
open Boolean
open Unit
startIntentSender(p0: IntentSender, p1: Intent?, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int)
open Unit
    p0: IntentSender,
    p1: Intent?,
    p2: Int,
    p3: Int,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Bundle?
open ComponentName?
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
final IBinder
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated.

open Unit
open Unit
onStart(p0: Intent, p1: Int)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int
onStartCommand(p0: Intent, p1: Int, p2: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
onTimeout(p0: Int, p1: Int)
open Unit
open Boolean
startForeground(p0: Int, p1: Notification, p2: Int)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java


Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0

Public functions


Added in 1.2.0
final fun onBeginCreateCredential(
    request: BeginCreateCredentialRequest,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<BeginCreateCredentialResponseCreateCredentialException>
): Unit


Added in 1.2.0
abstract fun onBeginCreateCredentialRequest(
    request: BeginCreateCredentialRequest,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<BeginCreateCredentialResponseCreateCredentialException>
): Unit

Called by the Android System in response to a client app calling androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.createCredential, to create/save a credential with a credential provider installed on the device.

Credential provider services must extend this method in order to handle a BeginCreateCredentialRequest request. Once processed, the service must call one of the callback methods to notify the result of the request.

This API call is referred to as the query phase of the original create request from the client app. In this phase, provider must process the request parameters in the BeginCreateCredentialRequest and return a list of CreateEntry whereby every entry represents an account/group where the user will be storing the credential. Each CreateEntry must contain a PendingIntent that will lead the user to an activity in the credential provider's app that will complete the actual credential creation.

When user selects one of the CreateEntry, the associated PendingIntent will be invoked and the provider will receive the complete request as part of the extras in the resulting activity. Provider must retrieve the request through PendingIntentHandler.retrieveProviderCreateCredentialRequest. Once the activity is complete, and the credential is created, provider must set back the response through PendingIntentHandler.setCreateCredentialResponse.

request: BeginCreateCredentialRequest

the BeginCreateCredentialRequest to handle See BeginCreateCredentialResponse for the response to be returned

cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal

signal for observing cancellation requests. The system will use this to notify you that the result is no longer needed and you should stop handling it in order to save your resources

callback: OutcomeReceiver<BeginCreateCredentialResponseCreateCredentialException>

the callback object to be used to notify the response or error


Added in 1.2.0
final fun onBeginGetCredential(
    request: BeginGetCredentialRequest,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<BeginGetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException>
): Unit


Added in 1.2.0
abstract fun onBeginGetCredentialRequest(
    request: BeginGetCredentialRequest,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<BeginGetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException>
): Unit

Called by the Android System in response to a client app calling androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.getCredential, to get a credential sourced from a credential provider installed on the device.

Credential provider services must extend this method in order to handle a BeginGetCredentialRequest request. Once processed, the service must call one of the callback methods to notify the result of the request.

This API call is referred to as the query phase of the original get request from the client app. In this phase, provider must go over all the android.service.credentials.BeginGetCredentialOption, and add corresponding a CredentialEntry to the BeginGetCredentialResponse. Each CredentialEntry should contain meta-data to be shown on the selector UI. In addition, each CredentialEntry must contain a PendingIntent. Optionally, providers can also add Action entries for any non-credential related actions that they want to offer to the users e.g. opening app, managing credentials etc.

When user selects one of the CredentialEntry, final phase of the original client's get-request flow starts. The Android System attached the complete androidx.credentials.provider.ProviderGetCredentialRequest to an intent extra of the activity that is started by the pending intent. The request must be retrieved through PendingIntentHandler.retrieveProviderGetCredentialRequest. This final request will only contain a single androidx.credentials.CredentialOption that contains the parameters of the credential the user has requested. The provider service must retrieve this credential and return through PendingIntentHandler.setGetCredentialResponse.

Handling locked provider apps If the provider app is locked, and the provider cannot provide any meta-data based CredentialEntry, provider must set an AuthenticationAction on the BeginGetCredentialResponse. The PendingIntent set on this entry must lead the user to an >unlock activity. Once unlocked, the provider must retrieve all credentials, and set the list of CredentialEntry and the list of optional Action as a result of the >unlock activity through PendingIntentHandler.setBeginGetCredentialResponse.

request: BeginGetCredentialRequest

the ProviderGetCredentialRequest to handle See BeginGetCredentialResponse for the response to be returned

cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal

signal for observing cancellation requests. The system will use this to notify you that the result is no longer needed and you should stop handling it in order to save your resources

callback: OutcomeReceiver<BeginGetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException>

the callback object to be used to notify the response or error

See also

for how an entry representing a credential must be built


for how a non-credential related action should be built


for how an entry that navigates the user to an unlock flow can be built


Added in 1.2.0
final fun onClearCredentialState(
    request: ClearCredentialStateRequest,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<VoidClearCredentialStateException>
): Unit


Added in 1.2.0
abstract fun onClearCredentialStateRequest(
    request: ProviderClearCredentialStateRequest,
    cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal,
    callback: OutcomeReceiver<Void?, ClearCredentialException>
): Unit

Called by the Android System in response to a client app calling androidx.credentials.CredentialManager.clearCredentialState. A client app typically calls this API on instances like sign-out when the intention is that the providers clear any state that they may have maintained for the given user.

You should invoked this api after your user signs out of your app to notify all credential providers that any stored credential session for the given app should be cleared.

An example scenario of a state that is maintained and is expected to be cleared on this call, is when an active credential session is being stored to limit sign-in options in the result of subsequent get-request calls. When a user explicitly signs out of the app, the next time, the client app may want their users to see all options and hence will call this API first to make sure credential providers can clear the state maintained previously.

request: ProviderClearCredentialStateRequest

the request for the credential provider to handle

cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal

signal for observing cancellation requests. The system will use this to notify you that the result is no longer needed and you should stop handling it in order to save your resources

callback: OutcomeReceiver<Void?, ClearCredentialException>

the callback object to be used to notify the response or error